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根据竹书《周易·颐》卦可知,《颐》卦义旨不在于养贤,而在于兴农以自养。“颐”的本义并非口辅车或养,而是一种农具。《颐》卦反映了周人以农德自重的传统和以农兴国的治国方略。  相似文献   
郭彧 《周易研究》2006,(1):27-33
本文在笔者以前考证的基础上,又以读书所得新证据对北宋两刘牧的问题进行了不同角度的考证。并以考证结果为根据,对诸多已成“事实”进行了商榷,指出:三衢刘牧无任何易学著作存世;朱震等有关“河洛”图书的传承代次,全是瞎说,不可再引以为据;“河洛”图书内容出于彭城刘牧著一卷本《易数钩隐图》之后,很可能是其弟子窜人;范谔昌的“象学”并不讲“河洛”图书,以此溯及陈抟之“象学”亦非“河洛”内容;范氏晚于彭城刘牧,并非其师等。最后指出:彭城刘牧讲太极大道,理应在“宋明理学”的研究领域中占有一席之地。  相似文献   
数字观念的源起很早,《易》占可能是已知最早的源头,自先秦经两汉至宋明,数字观念问题意识有较大转变.先秦思想家以数字观念解释万物的生成,建构其宇宙观.汉代数字观念继续朝向神秘化、复杂化的方向发展,以卦气观念为核心的思想影响所及,几无处不在.为回应玄学和佛学的冲击,宋明儒者注重以数字观念建构形上学,既运用数字描述形质世界的秩序和意义,又处处强调数字所表述的形上本体的普遍性和超越性.而且,宋儒的数字形上学和汉儒的数字观念有若干传承的关系.  相似文献   
杨简作为心学解《易》派的代表,其易学思想是心学与易学相融合的产物。是一种心学视域下的易学.在杨简的心学体系中,心具有本体特征,它虚明灵妙,且存在于人自身;功夫论上既要讲求恢复本心,又不可强索而得.杨简以此心学视野去观照易学,将整个易学体系纳入其心学视域之中,并且注重阐发一些与心相关的易学观念,从而使其易学思想呈现出高度一元论的特征.当与经典结论不相兼容时,他又敢于怀疑经典,以保证其易学的圆融一致性.  相似文献   
权变管理理论与《易经》哲学思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着全球经济一体化的日益深入,组织所面临的内外环境更加复杂.权变管理理论对组织的决策、计划、领导等方面的作用越来越受到人们的重视,本文将结合《易经》哲学的一些观点从变化观、系统观、过程观等方面对权变管理理论进行探讨.  相似文献   
王宗传作为南宋以心解《易》的开启者之一,继承义理派传统,提出理乃所以为象者、数生于理、理寓于数、《易》乃假蓍龟之神发明人心之神等观念。体现了他重义理而不废象数的易学观。其易学观体现了当时儒者传承华夏文明正统的学术旨归。  相似文献   
Discrete‐trial teaching is an effective teaching procedure that must be implemented with high integrity to produce optimal learning. Behavioral Skills Training (BST) has proven effective for staff training; however, BST is time and labor intensive. Computer‐based instruction (CBI) programs may provide a more efficient and cost‐effective alternative to live training if the CBI program is as effective as BST in producing accurate implementation. The current study compared CBI to BST to train novice undergraduate students to conduct discrete‐trial teaching. Participants were randomly assigned to one of the two conditions and assessed prior to and after the completion of training. Results indicated that although both BST and CBI were effective at training participants to implement discrete‐trial teaching, BST was slightly but significantly more effective whereas CBI quickly created a return on the investment of product development.  相似文献   
Cyclists have a rather high risk of being injured in traffic accidents compared to motor vehicle occupants. Contributing factors leading to these crashes still need to be properly understood.Two online surveys were conducted concerning reasons, motives and likelihood for two common violations: riding on the wrong path (N = 198) and cycling without light in the dark (N = 755). Motivations for the infringements were examined by multiple linear regression models, including variables derived from the theory of planned behavior (Ajzen, 1991) and deterrence factors as predictors of the intention to infringe.Results show that reported motives for the violations differ. For cycling on the wrong cycling path, 55% of variance could be explained. The most influential motive was a positive attitude towards the infringement. Twenty-nine percent of variance could be explained by the model for cycling without light in the dark. Subjective norms and assumed deterrence factors were found to have very little influence on intended violations in both surveys. Participants’ rule-knowledge was found to be generally low. Participants reported perceived regulative discrimination and technical hurdles to hinder rule-compliant behavior. Overall, the findings suggest that a more comprehensive, educational approach is required to manage cyclists’ behavior.  相似文献   
Few youths engage in the recommended amount of physical activity (PA). Many educators have concerns about increasing PA in schools, including taking time from academics, though studies show that school-based PA can be beneficial to academics. This study extends previous research on the relationship between school-based PA and time on task (TOT) by engaging students in teacher-led PA breaks in the classroom and observing students' on-task behavior for a longer period than previous studies. A third-grade class of 23 students from a rural New England public school was observed as part of a single-subject withdrawal design study. The class, therefore, served as its own control. Student on-task behavior was observed for 45 min following both inactive and active conditions using systematic direct observation procedures. The intervention consisted of 10 min of whole-body movement: 1–2 min of warm-ups, 6–8 min of moderate PA, and 1–2 min of cool-downs. Multiple measures of effect indicate that simple, 10-min, breaks for PA can improve TOT rates among elementary students. This study supports the use of brief breaks for PA to improve student TOT while also indicating that the effects persist for at least 45 min. This is valuable to educators who wish to increase TOT with a simple classroom intervention and for those who wish to help students meet the recommended amount of daily PA.  相似文献   
郭象《庄子注》认为,万物在"玄冥"之中独化而来,万物既不是由它之前的无产生出来,也不是由另一个有产生出来,万物的产生不依赖于任何它者,它是自身在产生的那一刹那,自身与自身冥合的结果.这一思想对理解宇宙生成论以及宇宙有限与无限的统一问题具有重要价值.  相似文献   
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