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《易传》作者有意表明了对《易经》的研究与评价的立场 ,《易传》文本包含有关美学—文学思想的内容。在前人研究的基础上 ,本文拾遗补阙 ,论述《易传》之“美”有美在自然、自然美高于艺术美、美乃自然而然、无所为而为等方面的内容以及阴柔之为美及其含蓄的特征 ;又 ,关于“修辞立其诚”的意义及其影响 ,关于“衰世之意”、“忧患”著书的意义及其对司马迁“发愤著书”说的影响等等。论述结合了与古今中外美学—文学理论的比较 ,加强证明了《易传》实为《文心雕龙》之先导 ,是我国最早作专书批评的文章—文学理论著作。  相似文献   
创造性思维对于中医基础研究非常重要.在中医基础研究中过分依赖高新技术,或者不敢直面问题、遇到困难退缩将阻碍创造性思维.中医基础研究的创造性思维需要研究者在传统知识、现代知识、高新技术与仪器等方面作好充分的准备.为使研究保持正确的方向,在研究中要处理好"已知"与"未知"的关系并以"和"的态度对待学术争论.  相似文献   
上海博物馆藏战国楚竹书所载的“中氏”即今传本《诗·仲氏》。孔子时代的《仲氏》一诗 ,在流传的过程中 ,因错简而被误入它诗 ,它的原貌至少包括了《燕燕》诗的末章和《何人斯》的第七章。经复原后的《仲氏》一诗 ,体现了儒家孝悌精神。上博简《诗论》载孔子以“君子”评《仲氏》一诗 ,其主导思想即在于对“孝弟”原则的肯定。《仲氏》一诗透露的内容与共伯兄弟的情况十分吻合 ,且其简被编入《邶风》 ,此皆可以推测此诗为共伯余之作。《诗·仲氏》对于了解“共和行政”这一重大历史事件提供了相当可贵的资料  相似文献   
王安石《易象论解》与《序卦传》   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<易象论解>是王安石模仿<序卦传>形式所作的另类"新<序卦传>".在<易象论解>中,王安石独辟徯径,发掘<周易>的<大象>传文的内在逻辑联系,按六十四卦的编排顺序,诠释六十四卦卦时相因及相反的关系.不仅从新的角度论证了六十四卦编排顺序的合理性,并且完成了自己政治主张和政治理想的基本表述,在形式和内容上都具有鲜明的时代特色.由此弥补了<序卦传>过于简单的缺陷,丰富了<易传>系统的内容.  相似文献   
James B. Miller 《Zygon》1998,33(1):147-153
James Gilbert has provided fascinating and valuable historical sketches of the interactions of science and religion in American culture in this century, especially those taking place between 1945 and 1962. Yet, taken together, it is unclear what conclusion is to be drawn from these interactions. Ambiguity about the variety of forms of the science-and-religion relationship and about the referent of the term religion make the task of apprehending a coherent pattern among these sketches very difficult.  相似文献   
An experimental analysis of social traps   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Social traps, such as the overgrazing of pasturelands, overpopulation, and the extinction of species, are situations where individuals in a group respond for their own advantage in a manner damaging to the group. A laboratory analog was devised to simulate conditions that produce social traps. The traps were constructed by superimposing schedules of reinforcement. Single responses were followed by multiple consequences which were opposite in valence, with the negative consequence delayed. Subjects in groups of three could respond individually for points that applied toward class credit. Each ten presses of a button added one point to the subject's total and subtracted one point from a common pool. The pool was replenished with points at fixed rates. If subjects responded for points faster than the replenishment rates, the pool would empty and the experiment would terminate before subjects could accumulate maximum credit. In addition, the maximum pool size and the ability to communicate were varied. Main effects were found for both, which indicated the least effective resource management occurred when the pool was small and no communication allowed. An analysis of cumulative records showed differing response patterns across conditions.  相似文献   
In studies reporting stimulus-reinforcer interactions in traditional conditioning paradigms, when a tone-light compound was associated with food the light gained stimulus control, but when the compound was paired with shock avoidance the tone gained control. However, the physical nature of the reinforcerrelated events (food vs. shock) presented in the presence of the tone-light compound was always confounded with the conditioned hedonic value of the compound's presence relative to its absence. When the compound was paired with shock, its presence was negative relative to its absence (which was shock-free). In contrast, when the compound was paired with food, its presence was positive relative to its absence (which was food-free). The present experiment dealt with this confounding effect by conditioning a tone-light compound to be positive or negative, relative to its absence, solely with food reinforcement. One group of rats received food for responding in the presence of the tone-light compound and no food in its absence. The other group also responded in the presence of the compound, but received food only in its absence. These rats were trained on a chained schedule in which responding in the presence of the tone-light compound produced a terminal link signaled by the absence of the compound; responding ceased in the terminal link because it delayed food delivery. In a test session to assess stimulus control by the elements of the compound, tone and light were presented separately under extinction conditions. Rats that had been exposed to a positive correlation between food and the compound emitted almost double the responses in the presence of the light as in the presence of the tone. In comparison, rats that had been exposed to a negative correlation emitted only two thirds as many responses in the presence of the light as in the presence of the tone. Because this selective association was produced using only food, it appears that the contingencies under which a reinforcer is presented, rather than (or as well as) its physical properties, can generate the selective associations previously attributed to “stimulus-reinforcer interactions.” This could mean that regardless of the class of reinforcer that ultimately maintains responding (appetitive or aversive), the contingency-generated hedonic value of the compound stimulus may influence the dominant modality of stimulus control.  相似文献   
This essay addresses the key role of analytical psychology amid our changing world: to work towards an expansion of Humanity's worldview. In current times of utmost transformation, it becomes imperative that we embrace a total cosmovision, one that includes the 360 degrees of existence: not only the 180 diurnal degrees of ascent, light and order, yet also the descendent sphere, incorporating what is unconscious, nocturnal and mysterious. Integrating this lower realm in our psychic life, however, contrasts our Western worldview, in which these two domains are seemingly opposed and mutually excluding. Mythopoetic language, and the mythologems that manifest in different myths, provide the means of delving into the profound paradoxes at the core of the total cosmovision. Myths such as Añañuca (Chile), Osiris (Egypt), Dionysus (Greece) and Innana (Sumer), highlight the descending path, providing a symbolic narrative of an archetypical transformation or spin, a key moment of “turning on its own axis” that merges the realms of Life and Death, ascent and descent, birth and decay. To live this paradoxical and generative path of transformation, individuals must seek their personal myth not outside but within themselves, where springs the Suprasense.  相似文献   
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