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为探讨地方政府政策执行偏差严重程度对公众地方政府责任判断的影响机制。采用问卷法对728名社会公众进行调查,结果显示:(1)公众地方政府有意性判断和公众地方政府可控归因中介了政策执行偏差严重程度与公众地方政府责任判断之间的关系。(2)政策执行偏差严重程度还通过公众地方政府有意性判断→公众地方政府可控归因的中介链作用于公众地方政府道德责任判断。并对研究的实践启示进行了讨论。  相似文献   
The notion of attacks on linking, as described by Bion, may depict a patient's drive to communicate the internalization of a destructive relationship between a primary object and an infant. This may be enacted between patient and analyst in the here and now of the analysis, whereby fragmentation and numbing of thinking may point to a primitive catastrophe relived in the psychoanalytic setting. The patient's material may seem incoherent, but incoherence might be the communication the patient is unconsciously trying to convey. Thus, the notion of attacks on linking depicts a paradoxical, caesural experience in which the attack on linking is itself a link.  相似文献   
回顾了该研究的思路,指出进行这样的研究,关键是建立一个有代表性的监测系统,针对同一监测人群,开展综合监测,发展规范的现场工作程序,确保获得高质量数据。建立标准的、动态的人口库、出生、死亡和危险因素个案库,是完成这项研究的前提,世界卫生组织专家称这是中国人在流行病学监测中的天才创新。  相似文献   
《陆军军医学校防疫研究报告》是日本陆军军医学校(东京)的内部刊物,《陆军军医学校防疫研究报告》第2部·第1册是第2部第1号~第100号,主编为731部队长石井四郎,收录了1939年7月~1941年底日军细菌战方面的研究成果,包括陆军军医学校、731部队、东京帝国大学等机构成员撰写的专题研究报告共计96篇,缺失4篇。日军在1939年~1945年在华多次发动细菌战,从报告发布时间看,全部发表于日本全面侵华战争之后和细菌战开始之前;从报告内容看,有关血清、细菌培养、滤水器使用、疫苗研究等主要内容可以反映出细菌战研究为开展细菌战所做的准备。  相似文献   
以大学生为被试,考察简式元认知问卷(BQM)在中国文化背景下的心理计量学特性。采用探索性和验证性因素分析方法对BQM的结构效度进行交叉检验,结果支持了元记忆和元注意的双因子结构;问卷及其因子的内部一致性和重测信度良好;项目分析的结果显示,问卷的条目具有良好的分数分布、区分度和内部一致性;BQM分数与负性情绪、执行功能和睡眠质量的关联性也为效标关联效度提供了支持性证据。上述结果表明BQM中文版具有良好的心理计量学特性,可作为青年群体元认知水平的测量工具。  相似文献   
记忆的顿悟优势效应指, 与加工非顿悟问题相比, 加工顿悟问题能够产生更优的记忆保持量。该效应在顿悟的两种操作性定义以及不同实验材料中稳定出现。基于顿悟阶段观, 研究者提出两种理论解释记忆的顿悟优势效应的认知机制:认知的生成效应和表征转化理论认为, 顿悟加工过程中的认知努力、适当迁移加工以及顿悟的表征转换加工促进记忆的保持效果; 情绪的“啊哈”体验理论认为, 加工顿悟问题后的情绪对后续的信息提取具有促进作用。未来的研究可从优化顿悟的指标、巩固记忆的顿悟优势效应、评估其持续性以及更加系统探讨记忆的顿悟优势效应的认知机制等四个方面展开。  相似文献   
This article explores aspects of the clinical development of a male 17 year-old patient who had four weekly sessions of psychoanalysis during an acute psychotic crisis. In the context of arrested adolescent development, a psychotic crisis can present an opportunity to set the process of maturation in motion again. Adolescent psychosis is examined in the light of Bion's theories of catastrophic change - in which the container/contained relationship becomes explosive and overwhelming - as well as of Ferrari's and Matte Blanco's hypotheses on the mind-body relationship. The authors emphasize the role of denial of the body and its changes in the genesis of adolescent psychotic conflict, and show how the analytic relationship can offer crucial reverie conditions for promoting recognition of the body, bodily sensations and affects, as a prerequisite for the activation of an autonomous mental system. This clinical approach entails recognizing the urgent need to make room for the elaboration of intrasubjective relationships and for mind-body dialogue, transference interpretations being postponed. Clinical material and fragments of analytic dialogue illustrate the authors' hypotheses and demonstrate the patient's development towards recognition of his body and an incipient capacity to think associated with the perception of the limits set by time and reality.  相似文献   
The present study compares the effects of providing choice between activities or between materials for completion of activities on the on-task behavior of 4 boys with autism spectrum disorders. Results showed that the participants displayed higher levels of on-task behavior during the choice conditions than in the no-choice condition. However, the type of choice opportunity did not seem to have a differential effect.  相似文献   
孙中山的伦理思想是在近代中国人民反帝反封建的斗争中形成的,其形成标志着中国近代民族资产阶级伦理思想的成熟。他的基于“民生史观”的道德起源和本质论;张扬“自由、平等、博爱”的道德观;“为主义而奋斗”的人生观;包含着许多合理积极宝贵内容,值得认真地继承与弘扬。  相似文献   
Previously, an inverted U relationship between force and force variability was demonstrated in both static and dynamic responses. Recent research suggests that the inverted U function may be due to a lack of control of the temporal aspects of the response. To investigate this hypothesis, we examined the relationship between force and force variability in rapid movements under controlled temporal conditions. Subjects (N = 4) made rapid reversal responses with a horizontal lever (using elbow flexion and extension) such that the time to reversal (160 ms) and the distance to reversal (45°) were held constant in each of six load conditions (either 0, .260, .520, .780,1.040, or 1.560 kg added to the lever). When time to reversal and time to peak acceleration were held constant, a curvilinear relationship between force and force variability resulted, suggesting that the inverted U function is related to control of the temporal aspects of the response.  相似文献   
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