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This paper attempts to explore the nature and consequences of early trauma on the mental development of a 9-year-old boy I have called Luke. The traumatic event occurred within the context of a more chronic and ongoing trauma, which was due to the lack of receptive and containing parental figures. The combination of these two kinds of traumatic experiences had a destructive impact on the making of Luke's internal world and greatly disrupted the development of his capacity for thought. I will specifically refer to the theory of trauma and to Bion's theory of thinking in order to illustrate the crucial link between trauma and mental work and the complex challenge it brings. I will describe how, during the course of 2 years of intensive treatment, Luke gradually became able to restore his capacity for mental functioning, which made it possible for him to begin to think about and make sense of his extreme emotional experiences.

Dans cet article, l'auteur cherche à explorer la nature et les conséquences, pour le développement psychique d'un garçon de neuf ans qu'il appelle Luke, d'un traumatisme précoce. L'événement traumatique s'est produit dans le contexte d'une situation traumatique plus chronique et plus globale en raison de l'absence de figures parentales réceptives et contenantes. L'association de ces deux types de vécu traumatique, avec leur impact destructeur sur la construction du monde interne de Luke, a créé des perturbations majeures du développement de sa capacité à penser. L'auteur se réfère tout particulièrement à la théorie du traumatisme ainsi qu'à la théorie de l'activité de pensée de W. R. Bion afin d'illustrer le lien fondamental qui existe entre traumatisme et travail psychique, ainsi que le défi complexe que ce travail doit confronter. L'auteur montre qu'au cours de deux années de traitement intensif Luke a progressivement retrouvé ses capacités de fonctionnement psychique, de sorte qu'il a pu commencer à réfléchir à ses vécus émotionnels insoutenables et réussir à y comprendre quelque chose.

Mots-clés: Traumatisme, “pare-excitation”, fonctionnement psychique, théorie de l'activité de pensée, fonction alpha, attaques contre l'activité de liaison

Riassunto: In questo articolo si cerca di esplorare la natura e le conseguenze del trauma precoce sullo sviluppo mentale di un bambino di nove anni che chiamerò Luca. L'evento traumatico accadde all'interno di un contesto di trauma pi[ugrave] cronico e duraturo dovuto all'assenza di figure parentali recettive e contenitive. La combinazione di questi due tipi di esperienze traumatiche ebbe un impatto distruttivo sul mondo interno di Luca e interferì enormemente con lo sviluppo della sua capacità di pensare. Farò principalmente riferimento alla teoria del trauma e alla teoria del pensiero di Bion per illustrare il legame particolare tra trauma e lavoro mentale e la complessa sfida che ne consegue. Descriverò come durante il lavoro intensivo di due anni, Luca divenne gradualmente capace di recuperare la sua capacità di funzionamento mentale che gli permise di incominciare a pensare e dare un senso alle sue esperienze emotive estreme.

Parole chiave: trauma, scudo protettivo, funzionamento mentale, teoria del pensiero, funzione alfa, attacco al legame

Der Artikel versucht, die Eigenschaften und Konsequenzen von frühem Trauma auf die psychische Entwicklung eines 9-jährigen Jungens, den ich Luke nenne, zu betrachten Das traumatische Ereignis passierte im Umfeld eines mehr chronischen und fortdauernden Traumas, wegen Mangel an rezeptiven und haltenden elterlichen Figuren. Die Kombination dieser zwei Arten von Trauma hatte eine destruktive Auswirkung auf das Entstehen von Lukes innerer Welt und störte erheblich die Entwicklung seiner Denkfähigkeit. Ich werden mich speziell auf Traumatheorie und auf Bion's Theorie des Denkens beziehen, um die entscheidende Verbindung zwischen Trauma und mentaler Arbeit und der komplexen Herausforderung, die das mit sich bringt, zu illustrieren. Ich werde beschreiben, wie Luke allmählich im Laufe einer zwei-jährigen intensiven Behandlung in der Lage war, seine Fähigkeit für mentales Funktionieren wiederherzustellen, was es ihm ermöglichte anzufangen, über seine extremen emotionalen Erfahrungen nachzudenken und Sinn herzustellen

Keywords: Trauma, Schutzschild, mentales Funktionieren, Theorie des Denkens, Alphafunktion, Angriffe auf Verbindungen  相似文献   
This article examines development in the deacon's ministry in the Porvoo Communion. Some of the initiatives which have contributed in significant ways to the common understanding of diaconal ministry in its member churches, since the signing of the Porvoo Declaration in 1996, are presented and analysed. The main focus is on methods used and on the way material has been interpreted by the churches or their representatives. The article also considers developments on two levels: first, on methods applied specifically by the individual Porvoo member churches, when presenting and interpreting the ministry of deacons; secondly, on the presupposed understanding behind the interpretations of deacons’ ministry in the Porvoo churches as a whole. The author's interest also encompasses the way in which the churches interpret significant differences and variety in the ministry of deacons within the Porvoo Communion, and what they regard as characteristic in current developments.  相似文献   
Cognitive theories of psychopathology propose that specific negative cognitive schema held by individuals can increase their likelihood of experiencing depressive episodes. While it has been argued that such dysfunctional attitudes are state measures that occur primarily during periods of depression, a range of research has supported the view that holding dysfunctional attitudes is ongoing, persisting prior to and following depressive episodes. To date, the need for a parsimonious measure of dysfunctional attitudes has not been well addressed. Using data provided by 4545 participants in a free on‐line cognitive behavioural therapy program, MoodGYM, we have developed the Warpy Thoughts Scale (WTS), a 20‐item instrument measuring dysfunctional attitudes. This scale provides 3 first order factors (Relationships, Achievements and Entitlements) and a higher order factor, Warpy Thoughts, from which a Warpy Thoughts score can be obtained. Confirmatory factor analyses on this model indicated that it provides robust results for men and women and for individuals in a wide range of ages. WTS scores were moderately correlated with levels of depressive and anxiety symptoms (0.39 and 0.40, respectively) and explained up to one‐fifth of the variance of these mental health measures. Further validation of the WTS against other measures of dysfunctional thoughts is required.  相似文献   
积极青少年发展观(Positive Youth Development Perspective,PYD)自20世纪90年代出现以来迅速推动了发展心理学知识的创新与应用,其中发展资源框架(The Developmental Assets Framework)是研究者进行深入探讨与应用研究的一个重要模型.发展资源是指一系列能够有效促进所有青少年获得健康发展结果的相关经验、关系、技能和价值观,本文在这一概念的基础上介绍了发展资源模型的结构、构建与发展基础以及基于该模型的重要假设及实证研究,并在综述研究的基础上探讨了资源模型的未来研究方向.  相似文献   
This article provides information about the fact that today any commemoration of the Reformation can only be celebrated in ecumenical communion. In contrast to earlier Reformation jubilees, the commemoration of the Reformation in 2017 is taking place, for the first time, in an ecumenical era. The year 2017 refers back to the year 1517, that is, to a time when the break with the Catholic Church had not yet happened. Martin Luther himself did not intend the division of the Church, nor did he visualise the founding of a new church, but the renewal of all Christendom. This failed in his time. Therefore one should regard the ecumenical search for the restoration of unity as the – indeed very belated – success of the Reformation. The commemoration of ??a reformation is an ecumenical opportunity, if it is committed to living the triad of gratitude for the reformation’s positive aims, of repentance for the sins of division and subsequent confessional wars, and of hope for a greater unity between Lutherans and Catholics.  相似文献   
通过自编的外部情绪理解问卷,考察了听障儿童表情识别、情绪情景识别和提示物理解等外部情绪理解三个成分的发展状况。结果表明:(1)听力障碍儿童在外部情绪整体理解、表情识别、情绪情景识别和提示物理解四方面的得分都显著低于普通儿童;(2)不同年级听力障碍儿童的外部情绪理解、表情识别、情绪情景识别和提示物理解四方面得分存在显著差异,不同性别听力障碍儿童外部情绪理解差异不显著;年级和性别的交互作用显著;(3)父母听力状况不同的听障儿童,其外部情绪理解水平差异显著。DD儿童的外部情绪整体理解、表情识别和情绪情景识别得分显著高于DH儿童。  相似文献   
关于道德唤起与道德行为关系的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过一个关于测验作弊的实验研究,揭示了道德唤起与道德行为之间存在的一定关系,即不同的道德唤起水平会对道德行为产生一定的影响。通过实验后的个别访谈,我们分析了道德认知、道德情感与道德唤起之间的关系。最后,我们提出了本实验研究的不足之处和可能存在的后续研究。  相似文献   
在从两汉到唐宋时期的易学发展中,尤其是在河图洛书方面,关朗是一个比较重要的学者.但由于资料的匮乏,人们对其人其书缺乏了解和认识.该文从原始资料出发,先对其人的有无进行考证,再对其易著<关氏易传>作一辨正,并试图解决<洞极真经>的著作权问题,最后考述了关朗易学的传承脉络.在事实考证的基础上,确立了关朗在易学发展史上的地位,同时对文中子的研究亦有至为重要的作用.  相似文献   
用<说卦传>的八卦方位说或汉易卦气说去解说<周易>坤卦卦辞,都会遇到岁时和方位逆行的问题,这是违背八卦方位与卦气原理的.这表明有学者据帛书<易之义>中"岁之义"的说法推断<周易>本经中有卦气思想的看法是行不通的.细考帛书原文,其"岁之义,始于东北,成于西南"一句其实本非解说坤辞"西南得朋,东北丧朋"的,而是解说初六爻辞的.而就爻辞"履霜坚冰至"一语本身而言,我们无法从中看出什么方位问题,传本<易传>亦无此类解读,故帛书有关"岁之义"的说法只能视为帛书制作时代的观念.  相似文献   
叙事心理治疗的后现代视角   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
叙事心理治疗,作为一种本体存在一伦理实践的总体取向,隐含着某些基本的后现代主义视角,尤其是语言观的根本转变。现代主义的观点把语言看作是对现实的表征,而后现代主义关注语言的本体论地位,关注我们如何使用叙事和文本来建构和解构我们的生活世界,强调话语实践的自我反思性。该文探讨了后现代语境中心理治疗的几个关键问题,并讨论了叙事观在心理治疗的临床实践中的应用含义。  相似文献   
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