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本文在对当前国内外主要心理统计学教材进行比较的基础上,指出与上个世纪八十年代的心理统计学教材内容相比较,在内容上的新探索主要体现在(1)由“假设检验”的内容中发展出“统计检验力”和“效果大小”的统计指标和估计方法;(2)引进一般线性模型来统合方差分析和回归分析这两种统计方法;(3)适度增加一些“多元统计分析”的内容等三个方面.本文对前两个方面的新内容作了简要评述,并对教材内容的编排方面提出了新的思路.  相似文献   
研究目的是探索中国背景下国有企业、民营企业、外资企业、政府机关四类组织中员工建言行为的差异,及员工个人权力感和权力动机的中介作用。采用问卷法对员工和管理者进行配对取样调查,通过对回收的324份有效问卷进行数据分析。结果表明,员工建言行为在四种组织类型中存在显著性差异,而员工个人权力感和权力动机在其中起到中介作用。此外,研究还发现,权力距离倾向在组织类型和个人权力感之间起到调节作用。最后,研究梳理了组织类型与建言行为的关系模型,并对未来研究做了展望。  相似文献   
Affective organizational commitment reflects the extent to which organizational members are loyal and willing to work toward organizational objectives (Meyer & Allen, 1997). In particular, affective organizational commitment holds very important implications at all organizational levels (e.g., turnover rates, performance, and citizenship behavior). Whereas previous research has evinced the positive influence of transformational and charismatic leadership styles on affective commitment toward the organization (Bass & Avolio, 1994), little is known with regard to the nature of this relationship. In line with the interpersonal power/interaction model, the present investigation aimed to investigate the mechanism at play between transformational leadership style and affective organizational commitment. Specifically, we hypothesized that transformational leadership style would increase affective organizational commitment through its effect on willingness to comply with soft bases of power. In two studies, we subjected the foregoing hypotheses to empirical scrutiny. In Study 1, the proposed mediation model was empirically supported with Italian employees in the public sector. Attesting to the robustness of our findings, Study 2 replicated the findings of Study 1 with Italian employees from the public and private sectors. In addition, Study 2 replicated Study 1 using a different measure of transformational leadership. Both Study 1 and Study 2 provided results consistent with our hypotheses. Specifically, the present paper reports empirical evidence that (1) the more participants report having a transformational leader, the more willing they become to comply with soft (but not harsh) power bases, (2) in turn, greater willingness to comply with soft (but not harsh) power bases increases one's affective organizational commitment. These findings provide additional support for the interpersonal power/interaction model and pave the way for new research directions.  相似文献   
Zajonc, Harrison, and their colleagues have recently conducted a series of studies demonstrating a positive, monotonic relation between frequency of “mere” exposure and liking for stimuli. Other studies have found either the inverted-U relation or a decrease in liking. It was proposed that an emphasis upon mere exposure may be somewhat misleading, and that a concern with degree of stimulus familiarity might be more fruitful. Conflicting forms of the exposure-liking relation seem to be potentially reconcilable if consideration is given to factors that influence the rate at which stimuli become familiar, or capable of being anticipated and represented in memory.

Two experiments using stimuli and procedures taken from Zajonc (23) yielded a positive, monotonic relation between frequency and liking. A third experiment, designed to produce greater attention to the stimuli and thus hasten familiarization, yielded an inverted-U relation. A fourth experiment used simpler verbal stimuli than the first three. This was designed to result in even faster familiarization. As expected, there was a negative relation between liking and exposure frequency.

The “frequency group” of investigators has explained the monotonic exposure effect in terms of the response competition hypothesis. However, the latter is incapable of handling a nonmonotonic relation. A reasonable alternative seems to be the expectancy arousal hypothesis (5): viz., that liking is maximum for stimuli that arouse moderately strong expectancies of either a “molar” or a “molecular” nature. Previous research (5, 6, 7, 8) has supported this hypothesis, although some of the studies are also amenable to the response competition hypothesis. A further experiment was designed to distinguish between predictions from the response competition and the expectancy arousal hypotheses. The results supported the latter.  相似文献   

This paper explores the unconscious roots of women's ambition from an object relations, developmental, and hermaneutic perspective. Three high-profile women's stories illustrate the formative and deformative power of narration: those of Hilary Clinton, Tina Turner, and the heroine of Phantom of the Opera. Each narrative reveals typical deformative constrictions to the expression of female ambition, including male abrogation of female capability and the denigration of ambition as unfeminine. Through clinical vignettes, this paper explores dynamic, developmental, and cultural forces that block female ambition's full flowering. Part of the need to keep women's ambition limited stems from the unconscious needs of the masculine psyche for superiority. This is communicated to little girls through their mothers' internalized parental imagoes, including their mothers' identification with their mothers and their own oedipal struggles. Similarly, the father's unconscious anxieties in relation to his parental imagoes, particularly his preoedipal and oedipal relations with his mother, are communicated. Another constraining dynamic relates to female conflicts around separation from the mother. Composing new narratives of women's ambition with our patients can incorporate the uniquely feminine aspects of comfort with diffusion, while weaving multiple and disparate strands laced with nurturance and aggression.

Harriet Kimble Wyre. Auflösung des unbewussten Saboteurs: Aufbau eines Lebens aus Streben nach Erfolg.

Erforscht werden die unbewussten Wurzeln des Erfolgstrebens von Frauen, aus der Perspektive der Objektbeziehungen, der Entwicklungspsychologie und der Hermeneutik. Die Erfolgsgeschichten dreier hochrangiger Frauen zeigen die aufbauende und zersetzende Kraft ihrer internalisierten Lebensgeschichten: Hilary Clinton, Tina Turner, und die Heldin aus Phantom der Oper. Die Lebensgeschichten enthüllen typische deformierende Einengungen der Einschätzung von weiblichem Erfolgsstreben. Ein Aspekt davon ist die von männern oft vertretene Aberkennung von ausserordentlichen Fähigkeiten von Frauen sowie die Ansicht von Männern, Erfolgsstreben bei Frauen sei unweiblich.

Durch klinische Vignetten werden dynamische, entwicklungspsychologische und kulturelle Kräfte erforscht, die die volle Entfaltung des Erfolgstrebens von Frauen blockieren. Begrenzt werden die Wünsche der Frauen nach Erfolg zum Teil durch die unbewussten Vorstellungen der männlichen Psyche, die männliche Überlegenheit zu bewahren. Diese Haltungen werden den kleinen Mädchen durch die Mutter, gemäss deren internaliserten Elternimagos, vermittelt. Dazu gehören die Identifizierungen der Mutter mit ihrer Mutter und ihre eigenen ödipalen Auseinandersetzungen. Auf die gleiche Weise werden die unbewussten Ängste des Vaters bezüglich seiner Elternimagos vermittelt, insbesondere seine vorödipale Beziehung mir seiner Mutter. Eine weitere einengende Dynamik ergibt sich für das Mädchen aus der Ablösung von der Mutter.

Wird mit unseren Patientinnen ein neues Verständnis von Erfolgsstreben geschaffen, breitet sich eine einmalige weibliche Ausprägung von vielseitiger Befriedigung aus, getragen vom Bedürfnis zu Ernähren und die Aggressionen konstruktiv umzusetzen.

Harriet Kimble Wyre. Deconstruyendo el saboteador inconsciente: Componiendo una vida con ambición y deseo.

Este trabajo explora el origen de las raíces inconscientes de la ambición en las mujeres desde las perspectivas de las relaciones objetales, del desarrollo y la hermeneútica. Las historias de tres mujeres de alto perfil ilustran el poder formativo y deformativo del poder de la narrativa: Tina Turner, Hilary Clinton y la heroína del Fantasma de la Opera. Cada narrativa revela típicas constricciones deformativas de la expresión de la ambición femenina, incluyendo la abrogación masculina de la capacidad femenina y la denigración de la ambición como no femenina.

A través de estas viñetas, se explora las fuerzas dinámicas, de desarrollo y culturales que bloquean el completo florecimiento de la ambición en la mujer. Parte de la necesidad de mantener la ambición femenina limitada proviene de la necesidad inconsciente de superioridad de la psique masculina. Esto es comunicado a las niñas por medio de las imagos parentales interiorizadas de la madre, incluyendo la identificación de la madre con su propia madre y sus conflictos edípicos. De manera semejante las ansiedades inconscientes del padre en relación con sus imagos parentales, particularmente sus relaciones preedípicas así como edípicas con su madre son también comunicados. Otra dinámica que constriñe se refiere a los conflictos femininos alrededor de la separación de la madre. Componer nuevas narrativas acerca de la ambición en las mujeres con nuestras pacientes permite incorporar los extraordinarios aspectos femeninos de consuelo y difusión mientras teje múltiples y dispares cabos enlazados a la crianza y la agresión.  相似文献   
Empowerment is an interdisciplinary construct heavily grounded in the theories of community psychology. Although empowerment has a strong theoretical foundation, few context-specific quantitative measures have been designed to evaluate empowerment for specific populations. The present study explored the factor structure of a modified empowerment scale with a cross-sectional sample of 296 women in recovery from substance use who lived in recovery homes located throughout the United States. Results from an exploratory factor analysis identified three factors of psychological empowerment which were closely related to previous conceptualizations of psychological empowerment: self-perception, resource knowledge and participation. Further analyses demonstrated a hierarchical relationship among the three factors, with resource knowledge predicting participation when controlling for self-perception. Finally, a correlational analysis demonstrated the initial construct validity of each factor, as each factor of empowerment was significantly and positively related to self-esteem. Implications for the application of psychological empowerment theory and research are discussed.  相似文献   
Found Voices:     
《Women & Therapy》2013,36(3-4):195-209
This article explores the cultural consequences of disability on women. The author interviewed four women with disabilities and two mothers and shares some of her own experiences with disability. The relationship between disability rights and feminism and ethnic identity and the impact of disability on the sense of self and personal goals are considered, as is the transformative power of speaking to the larger culture about how disability experiences inform human perceptions and social practices.  相似文献   
《Women & Therapy》2013,36(2):69-83
In this paper, the authors describe their clinical experiences offering support group services for lesbians living with HIV. Two different group models were used, allowing for comparison of their effectiveness and relevance for this population. One was a closed membership, time-limited group; the other was an open membership, ongoing group. It is hoped that by communicating about the structure, organization, membership, facilitation, process, and content of the support groups, the authors might make it easier for others to initiate supportive interventions for this invisible population of women affected by the HIV epidemic.  相似文献   
《Women & Therapy》2013,36(3-4):237-246

Four domains of barriers for women with physical disabilities who are considering leaving a partner are outlined. These obstacles include (a) physical needs; (b) financial needs; (c) custody concerns; and (d) relationship issues. Disability policies can have direct bearing on the lives of women with disabilities, and hence on their freedom to choose to remain with or to leave a partner.  相似文献   

The aim of this survey of 472 adult women was to assess women patients' feelings about intimate examinations and their perceptions and experiences of sexually inappropriate medical practice. Two-thirds of women preferred a women doctor for intimate examinations. Slightly more than two-thirds found intimate examinations embarrassing and stressful, and strongly expressed the need for information and on-task, health-related comments during these examinations. General personal comments or non-medical touching were not particularly welcomed, even for the purpose of comforting the patient. There was a range of views about patients' personal relationships with doctors, with the lines between acceptable and unacceptable behaviour somewhat ambiguous. A small but significant number of women perceived that they had been sexually harassed (5%) or abused (3%) by a doctor, with this experience more common for non-English speaking women. Results were discussed in terms of implications for improved doctor practice, particularly during intimate examinations and with vulnerable patients.  相似文献   
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