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Indonesia is at significant risk for catastrophic natural disasters, including earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis. Few studies have examined psychological functioning following disaster exposure in Indonesia, the fourth most populous country in the world. This study assesses variables associated with posttraumatic stress and posttraumatic growth following a devastating earthquake in Central Java that ranks as one of the costliest in Indonesia. The participants were 85 men and women living in rural farming villages. Almost all (95%) experienced major home damage or total home destruction. Posttraumatic stress symptoms were associated with resource loss, depression, and concerns about future earthquakes. Participants reported moderate posttraumatic growth. Posttraumatic growth was associated with energy resource loss and social support. The findings support conservation of resources stress theory. The implications of the findings for intervention and recovery programs are discussed.  相似文献   
本研究对总装备部·绵阳八一帐篷学校的小学生进行创伤症状调查研究,了解震后一年半小学生的心理健康状况。方法:使用儿童创伤症状量表简版(TSCC-A)对八一帐篷学校3~6年级小学生进行评估。结果:(1)八一帐篷学校的小学生震后一年半最为突出的创伤症状是焦虑,其次为抑郁和分离症状;(2)在创伤症状得分上不存在性别差异性,但是存在年级差异性,三年级学生创伤症状得分均低于其他年级学生;(3)震后一年半学生创伤症状比震后半年学生创伤症状有所减轻。结论:灾区小学生心理健康状况仍存在一些问题,焦虑、抑郁等症状仍比较明显,还应进行持续的心理危机干预。  相似文献   
This study examined the direct and indirect effects of cognitions and anxiety associated with aftershocks on psychological symptoms (anxiety, depression, acute stress) and daily functioning (general and relationship). Participants were 600 adults from Christchurch, New Zealand. Data collection was approximately four months after the fatal 2011 earthquake. Path analysis was used for modelling. Socioeconomic status was directly associated with appraisals of uncontrollability of response to aftershocks. These cognitions were directly related to aftershock anxiety, which heightened general anxiety, depression, and acute stress symptoms. These symptoms were directly associated with relationship and general life dysfunction. Aftershock anxiety plays a significant role in ongoing psychological distress associated with earthquakes.  相似文献   
抗震救灾官兵心理健康状况及相关因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
了解参加抗震救援官兵的心理健康状况及相关因素,为进行心理危机干预提供科学依据。方法 采用症状自评量表(SCL-90)、简易应对方式问卷(SCSQ)、艾森克人格问卷简式量表中国版(EPQ-RSC)及军事应激症状核查表(PCL-M),对空军某部抗震救援官兵进行心理测评。结果 消极应对和PCL-M总分与SCL-90总分及各因子分呈正相关(p<0.01);积极应对方式与PCL-M总分、SCL-90总分及4项因子分呈低相关(p<0.01);不同气质类型PCL-M总分及SCL-90各项统计指标之间均有显著性差异(p<0.01)。结论 气质类型与应对方式对心理健康状况有很大影响,个别官兵应及时给予心理疏导  相似文献   
Scientists’ responsibility to inform the public about their results may conflict with their responsibility not to cause social disturbance by the communication of these results. A study of the well-known Brady-Spence and Iben Browning earthquake predictions illustrates this conflict in the publication of scientifically unwarranted predictions. Furthermore, a public policy that considers public sensitivity caused by such publications as an opportunity to promote public awareness is ethically problematic from (i) a refined consequentialist point of view that any means cannot be justified by any ends, and (ii) a rights view according to which individuals should never be treated as a mere means to ends. The Parkfield experiment, the so-called paradigm case of cooperation between natural and social scientists and the political authorities in hazard management and risk communication, is also open to similar ethical criticism. For the people in the Parkfield area were not informed that the whole experiment was based on a contested seismological paradigm.  相似文献   
Natural disasters, including earthquakes, can have a traumatic impact on children's psychological wellbeing and development. The efficacy of interventions aimed at enhancing children's socio-emotional learning has been documented in the literature. At the same time, these techniques are the key for training children for possible future disasters by enhancing their knowledge about behavioural preparedness and emotional competence. However, research on evidence-based training programs on earthquakes combining digital and traditional activities is scarce. We tested the efficacy of a 10-unit training program for primary school children, developed within the Emotional Prevention and Earthquakes in Primary School (PrEmT) project. The program aimed at increasing knowledge of and metacognition about earthquakes, safety behaviours, emotions, and coping strategies, through digital (using the web-application HEMOT®, Helmet for EMOTions, developed ad-hoc) and traditional activities (completing paper-and-pencil tasks). The participants were 548 second and fourth-graders from Italian schools. They were divided into an experimental group (participating in the training program) and a control group. Both groups participated in pretests and posttests to evaluate changes in their knowledge of training-related contents. For ethical reasons, we also measured children's wellbeing. Generalized linear mixed models indicated an improvement in the experimental group's knowledge and metacognition about earthquakes, safety behaviours, emotions, and coping strategies after the training program, compared to the control group. Children's general wellbeing did not deteriorate during participation in the project. The results documented the efficacy of the evidence-based training program developed within the PrEmT project. The program provides a preventive method for enhancing earthquake-related resilience that could be generalized to other kinds of disasters.  相似文献   
This study investigated the relationship between social support and symptoms of posttraumatic stress among adolescents who were exposed to the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake in China. The results showed that three sources of social support—support from family, support from friends, and support from significant others—have significant main effects on posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Buffering effects of social support were not supported. Gender and residency were also associated with PTSD, with female adolescents and adolescents from rural areas demonstrating higher levels of PTSD than their male counterparts and adolescents from urban and township areas.  相似文献   
Survivors of disasters commonly provide each other with social support, but the social‐psychological processes behind such solidarity behaviours have not been fully explicated. We describe a survey of 1240 adults affected by the 2010 Chile earthquake to examine the importance of two factors: observing others providing social support and social identification with other survivors. As expected, emotional social support was associated with social identification, which in turn was predicted by disaster exposure through common fate. Observing others' supportive behaviour predicted both providing emotional social support and providing coordinated instrumental social support. Expected support was a key mediator of these relationships and also predicted collective efficacy. There was also an interaction: social identification moderated the relationship between observing and providing social support. These findings serve to develop the social identity account of mass emergency behaviour and add value to disaster research by showing the relevance of concepts from collective action.  相似文献   
已有研究表明PTSD青少年存在执行功能缺陷,但尚不清楚这种缺陷是否具有情绪特异性。以2008年汶川地震重灾区汉旺中学PTSD、非PTSD以及非灾区青少年各28名为被试,探讨震后PTSD青少年执行功能缺陷是否具有情绪特异性。实验1采用经典Stroop范式,结果发现3组被试的Stroop效应量无显著差异;实验2采用情绪Stroop范式,结果发现PTSD组对地震信息的Stroop效应量显著大于非PTSD组和控制组。整个研究表明,震后PTSD青少年的执行功能缺陷具有情绪特异性。  相似文献   
了解和掌握来自5.12大地震对灾区大学新生心理状况所产生的影响,为下一步做好做好灾区大学生的工作提供借鉴。方法:以四川省某高校来自灾区的部分新生为研究对象,采用定性分析,以校园生活满意度、校园关爱度、惊恐维度、自信维度等多个研究维度选取了5个对象进行个案访谈。结果汶川大地震对灾区大学新生的心理产生了一定的影响。  相似文献   
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