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Clarifying Wang Yangming’s thought through a study of his root metaphors of heart-mind is an important step toward explaining his further concepts of the human world. Along with the root metaphors of water and mirror, the metaphors of plant and light work together for Wang to form a coherent theoretical and practical system of xin (heart-mind). This method is also a good way to unravel the various theories of the “three teachings” that are intermingled in his thinking. By using this methodology Wang’s attempts to harmonize several ancient traditions of heart-mind that appear as possibly polarized to modern readers, are illuminated (though they did not appear contradictory to the Neo-Confucians).  相似文献   
Xunwu Chen 《亚洲哲学》2019,29(2):89-105
This essay explores the philosophical insights of Zhu Xi, Wang YangMing, Kant, and Husserl and therefore proposes a new epistemic constructivism. It demonstrates that a knowing mind is a constructor, not merely a mirror-like copier or a camera-like copier in the experience of knowing. It argues that just as different kinds of machine produce kinds of product of different qualities, different kinds of mind produce different kinds of knowledge; to know X is to construct belief and understanding of X that has truth. Therefore, while Kant correctly indicated that before we set out to know things in the world, we should inquire what the mind can know, Confucian masters profoundly suggest that in order to know things in the world and know better, we should constantly expand our mind to the extent that it is broad(博), great(大), refined(精)and profound (深)so that our mind can know millions of things in the world.  相似文献   
王廷相道寓于“六经”的思想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王廷相提出道寓于“六经”的思想,以“六经”为载道之文,强调求道于“六经”,而不讲“四书”;并尊孔非孟,批评宋儒之学。以维护孔子及“六经”的权威来降低孟子、朱熹及“四书”的权威和重要性,修正朱学的流弊,这在经学史和理学史上均具有重要意义,体现了王延相经学与理学思想的独特性。  相似文献   
生活在南宋高宗建炎时期的王继先,由于精湛的医术和在朝廷中的尊贵地位,而声名显赫、盛极一时。王继先作为宫中御医,却在政治仕途上平步青云,并且在相当长的时期内权倾朝野,与权臣秦桧、宦官张去为共同构成三足鼎立的形势左右南宋政局。结合王继先的生平,对其与南宋政治的关系加以阐述。  相似文献   
王引之《易》学论著,今下所见以《经义述闻》卷1、2所载106条最为完整,其校释古义,旁征博引,辞旨明确,多有发明,后世学者,莫不奉为典要,推崇备至。今谨就《经义述闻·周易》"繻有衣袽"条之异说,略陈管见,冀于《周易》之经义研究,有小补焉。  相似文献   
从明末至清末,中国伊斯兰教界发起了一场以译撰为特点,以会通儒家与伊斯兰教为内容的自觉文化活动,期间涌现了许多思想家,而王岱舆、刘智是其中的杰出代表。王岱舆首开了会通活动,而刘智则将会通活动推向了最高潮,他们的著作,无论在会通立场、会通方法、乃至理论体系构建方面,都进行了积极探索,为同时代乃至后代学者提供了有益的借鉴,为伊斯兰教中国化做出了巨大贡献。  相似文献   
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