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Ethicists and others who study and teach the social implications of science and technology are faced with a formidable challenge when they seek to address “emerging technologies.” The topic is incredibly important, but difficult to grasp because not only are the precise issues often unclear, what the technology will ultimately look like can be difficult to discern. This paper argues that one particularly useful way to overcome these difficulties is to engage with their natural science and engineering colleagues in laboratories. Through discussions and interactions with these colleagues ethicists can simultaneously achieve three important objectives. First they can get a great deal of assistance in their research into the social implications of future technologies by talking with people that are actively creating those futures. Second their presence in the lab and the discussions that result can be a very powerful method for educating not only students, but faculty about the ramifications of their work. And third, because the education is directly linked to the students’ everyday work it is likely that it will not just be a theoretical exercise, but have direct impact on their practice.
Jameson M. Wetmore (Corresponding author)Email:
Currently, promising new tools are under development that will enable crime scene investigators to analyze fingerprints or DNA‐traces at the crime scene. While these technologies could help to find a perpetrator early in the investigation, they may also strengthen confirmation bias when an incorrect scenario directs the investigation this early. In this study, 40 experienced Crime scene investigators (CSIs) investigated a mock crime scene to study the influence of rapid identification technologies on the investigation. This initial study shows that receiving identification information during the investigation results in more accurate scenarios. CSIs in general are not as much reconstructing the event that took place, but rather have a “who done it routine.” Their focus is on finding perpetrator traces with the risk of missing important information at the start of the investigation. Furthermore, identification information was mostly integrated in their final scenarios when the results of the analysis matched their expectations. CSIs have the tendency to look for confirmation, but the technology has no influence on this tendency. CSIs should be made aware of the risks of this strategy as important offender information could be missed or innocent people could be wrongfully accused.  相似文献   
Research teams have made considerable progress in treating absolute uterine factor infertility through uterus transplantation, though studies have differed on the choice of either deceased or living donors. While researchers continue to analyze the medical feasibility of both approaches, little attention has been paid to the ethics of using deceased versus living donors as well as the protections that must be in place for each. Both types of uterus donation also pose unique regulatory challenges, including how to allocate donated organs; whether the donor / donor's family has any rights to the uterus and resulting child; how to manage contact between the donor / donor's family, recipient, and resulting child; and how to track outcomes moving forward.  相似文献   
在当前的互联网时代下,个体“在非工作时间使用通信技术处理工作”的现象已经非常普遍,并因其对个体日常工作生活适应可能产生的深远影响而受到研究者的广泛关注。基于对该领域已有研究文献的全面回顾,本文着重探讨了非工作时间使用通信工具处理对个体工作生活适应的“双刃剑”效应及效应发生的心理机制,并对该领域未来的研究方向进行了针对性的展望。  相似文献   
This article examines the introduction of “sensitivity training” to 1970s Swedish work life. Drawing upon a range of empirical materials, I explore the politics that were involved in the process of translating and adapting this group dynamic method to the Swedish context and consider how its proponents argued for its value. By approaching sensitivity training as an attempt to govern, shape, and regulate both human beings and the work organizations of which they were a part, I argue that sensitivity training presents an unexpectedly early example of a governing rationality that has elsewhere been described and theorized as “neoliberal.” The fact that sensitivity training was established in Swedish work life already in the early 1970s thus challenges the historiography of neoliberal modes of government, which have elsewhere been associated with a neoliberal shift in state policies occurring in the 1980s and 1990s. The article demonstrates how emotionally liberating practices in the late 1960s and early 1970s were embraced by some of the most politically influential actors in contemporary Swedish society, such as the corporate sector and the trade unions. As blue-collar trade unions and social democrats voiced increasingly far-reaching demands concerning workplace democracy and improved workplace conditions, advocates of sensitivity training presented their method as crucial to the process of “democratizing” and “humanizing” Swedish work life. Intimately associated with the new therapies of humanistic psychology, sensitivity training was used within the corporate sector to foster a more emotional and authentic leadership style that would embrace the values of emotional awareness, self-expression, and self-actualization. The crying boss emerged in this context as a key figure in the project of creating a “democratic” and psychologically satisfying organization. Yet, sensitivity training was also described as a means for companies to make better use of what was now asserted as their most important economic asset: the human being. From the outset, the idealistic vision of an emotionally liberated, democratic workplace was thus entangled with a specific kind of economic rationality, in which the emotionally liberated, self-actualizing individual emerged as a capital or asset that would be better utilized if the organization allowed—even encouraged—employees to engage in their own well-being and self-optimization.  相似文献   
Patients choosing new reproductive technologies benefit from psychological consultation as they face unforeseen emotional and interpersonal sequalae from these procedures. This paper focuses on those patients who choose family members or close friends (i.e., known donors) to donate sperm or eggs or uteri in order to conceive and produce their babies. Medical family therapy offers these patients and families a framework from which to examine the biological, psychological, and interpersonal issues involved in these within-family solutions to childlessness due to infertility.This paper is a revision of a talk, Medical Family Therapy, Infertility, and the New Reproductive Technologies, given at the 1994 annual meeting of the American Psychological Association on August 4 in Los Angeles, CA, as part of the Mini-convention on Families panel on Clinical Issues in Families and Health.  相似文献   
Philosophy and science have always striven to make sense of the world, continuously influencing each other in the process. Their interplay paved the way for neurophilosophy, which harnesses neuroscientific insights to address traditionally philosophical questions. Given the rapid neuroscientific and technological advances in recent years, this paper argues that philosophers who wish to tackle intractable philosophical problems and influence public discourse and policies should engage in neuro-techno-philosophy. This novel type of inquiry describes the transdisciplinary endeavor of philosophers, (neuro)scientists, and others to anticipate the societal implications of the impending transformations of subjects and theorizers. While human enhancement is likely to irreversibly change what it means to be human, disruptive technologies might lead to the emergence of artificial intelligent agents and human-machine hybrids. The paper predicts that neuro-techno-philosophy will be indispensable to understanding and engaging with these game-changing innovations and thus play a pivotal role in the future of philosophy.  相似文献   
With the rapid development of human–machine interface (HMI) systems in vehicles, driving distraction caused by HMI displays affects road safety. This study presents a data mining technique to model the four driving distraction indicators: speed deviation, lane departure standard deviation, dwell time, and mean glance time. Driving distraction data was collected on a real-car driving simulator. 3 secondary tasks in 13 mass produced cars were tested by 24 drivers. The random forest algorithm outperformed linear regression, extreme gradient boosting, and multi-layer perceptron as the best model, demonstrating good regression performance as well as good interpretability. The result of random forest showed that the importance of target speed is large for all driving distraction indicators. Among the variables of interaction and user interface design, less step and less on-screen distance of finger movement are efficient for lowering lane departure standard deviation and dwell time. The position of right point is another important variable, and should be between 37 and 47 degrees on a typical sample in this study. A larger angle leads to bigger lane departure, while a smaller angle leads to bigger mean glance time. Most variables of HMI display positioning themselves are not important. This study provides one driving distraction assessment method with a variable impact trend analysis for HMI secondary tasks in an early phase of product development.  相似文献   
Vehicle fleet rear-end collisions (FRECs) are an extremely fatal type of traffic collisions on freeway and they usually occur in foggy weather. This study aimed to explore the patterns of vehicle fleet rear-end collisions occurrence under different foggy conditions and speed limits on freeway. A multi-user driving simulator system was used to conduct the experiment and the driving behavior data were collected from eight participants. The experimental results showed that as the fog density increased, the length of vehicle fleet decreased significantly, and drivers tended to keep a more stable car-following distance. The fog weather and short vehicle gap prompted drivers to react faster and brake harder in respond to the leading vehicle’s brake. In spite of the compensational behaviors, more FRECs were observed under heavy fog condition. Lowering speed limit can significantly reduce the FRECs under foggy conditions. As the speed limits reduced, drivers’ brake response time and speed variance significantly reduced. The study also found that drivers’ brake response time was negatively correlated with their positions in the fleet. Drivers in the front positions of the fleet had a longer response time than drivers in the back positions and thus were more likely to encounter collisions. The study generated a better understanding of drivers’ behavioral pattern in a vehicle fleet and the patterns of vehicle fleet rear-end collisions occurrence. The findings also shed lights on the design of driver assistance system for complex driving situations such as freeway driving under adverse weather.  相似文献   
In response to Gilbert Meilaender's innovative interpretation of Augustine and of Roman Catholic teaching, the author suggests (1) that Meilaender attributes to Augustine a more positive view of sexual pleasure than the texts will support, (2) that modern Roman Catholic teaching suggests that love should have priority over procreation as a meaning of sex; and (3) that the moral logic of Meilaender's argument does not require a rejection of all reproductive technologies. Nonetheless, the author agrees that a more critical attitude should be adopted toward the reasons for which technologically assisted reproduction is promoted and undertaken, as well as toward its social impact.  相似文献   
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