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关于耳蜗传出神经系统功能研究的启示   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对卫生管理中具有战略地位的卫生政策的理论与实践领域的背景和文献进行分析,认为卫生政策基本理论与方法论研究、卫生政策分析方法及技术研究、卫生决策科学化研究、卫生决策体制与过程的研究,社会公众参与卫生决策的研究等,是当前我国卫生政策的理论与实践中值得研究的主要问题。  相似文献   
战国时期,我国出现“华夷一体化”的民族发展趋势。诸子民族思想均有所变化,并表现为诸多共识。位处不同区域的华夏政权楚、燕、赵、秦等国所推行的民族统一卓有成效,为秦最终建立多民族中央集权国家打下了根基。  相似文献   
邹忌是田齐历史上的一个重要人物,任相封君,辅助国君称“强于天下”。根据相关史料对这一人物进行详细分析,我们可以了解到战国时期齐国人才思想的鲜明特点:德才兼备而更重才,与才相比,德的要求大降。这既富有战国时期鲜明的时代特色,又带有齐国社会风俗的一些印痕。  相似文献   
We compared the effects of tact training, listener training, and two types of intraverbal training on 2 children's acquisition of foreign‐language tact, listener, and intraverbal relations. The children received all four types of training simultaneously with different stimulus sets. Native‐foreign intraverbal training presented the greatest difficulty with acquisition for both children. All types of training generated increases in correct responding on tests for emergent relations, and some emerged to criterion. However, no type of training resulted in criterion‐level performance on all relations.  相似文献   
Although stable factors play an important role in determining people’s political positions, most Americans also hold a mix of values and beliefs some congruent with political conservatism and some congruent with political liberalism. To investigate this more dynamic component of political thinking, two studies manipulated the relative salience of schemas about personal merit vs. good fortune as explanations for success in life. In Study 1, students at a highly selective university were asked to explain their academic success focusing either on the role of hard work, self-discipline and wise decision-making (Personal Merit condition) or that of chance, opportunity, and help from others (Good Fortune condition). In Study 2, personal merit vs. good fortune was primed through prior exposure to relevant questionnaire items. In both studies, participants in the Good Fortune condition subsequently indicated more support for liberal policies than did those in the Personal Merit condition.  相似文献   
从SARS到EV71:国外传染病疫情监测预警经验及其启示   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
英国、美国和法国在传染病疫情监测预警方面积累了丰富的经验,本文从不同角度简要介绍了这三个国家的传染病监测经验,并从疫情监测形式、检验检测水平、专业人员能力、疫情信息报告等方面分析了我国疫情监测预警系统存在的问题和差距,最后针对性地提出了一些政策建议。  相似文献   
Psychology and other behavioral health professions have amassed a broad empirical and clinical literature suggesting many medical presentations are best responded to with the addition of evidence based behavioral interventions. Despite this, psychology has not achieved a regular presence as part of medical practice. We suggest specific reasons for the current state of affairs including clinical, operational, societal labels, financial and training dimensions. Medical, psychological, administrative, and financial perspectives are reviewed. If the goals of health care system reform are to be reached then we must identify and challenge the current limitations of health care. This paper will identify the elements that need to be changed in order for psychology to be integrated into medicine rather than excluded from its policy, planning and operations.  相似文献   
In the Vietnam and Iraq conflicts, British Prime Ministers were asked to contribute forces to an American‐led war that was deeply unpopular in the United Kingdom. This presented Harold Wilson and Tony Blair with conflicting incentives and constraints: to support their senior ally or to make policy based upon domestic considerations. Why did Harold Wilson decline to commit British forces while Tony Blair agreed to do so? With situational factors generating conflicting predictions, I argue that investigation of individual‐level variables is necessary. In particular, I suggest that leaders vary systematically in their willingness to subordinate the concerns of constituents to strategic imperatives, and that introducing the leadership style categories of “constraint challenger” and “constraint respecter” can make more determinate the linkage between domestic politics and strategic concerns.  相似文献   
It seems intuitive to the believer that God intended throughinstruction in the Law to define morality, intended to leadhumankind to "the right and the good." Further, God's love forhumankind, exemplified by the incarnation, atonement and teachingsof Jesus, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, should lead to abetter world. Indeed, the Christian worldview is a coherentand valid way to look at bioethical issues in public policyand at the bedside. Yet, as this paper explores, in a pluralisticsociety such as the United States, it is neither possible nordesirable for Christians to try to force their views on others.Still, it is obligatory for Christians to stand up and articulatetheir views in the public square. We should try to persuadeothers using either prudential or moral arguments. While wemust be willing to live with "the will of the people," at thesame time, we must not be intimidated into accepting the positionthat our voice is not valid because it has a religious basis.  相似文献   
西方组织公平领域的主流观点认为要想提高员工的分配公平感,应着力提高分配过程的公平性以及上下级互动的公平性,即程序公平和互动公平。本研究发现:在中国组织情境下,较之程序公平和互动公平(人际公平、信息公平),分配制度公平对员工分配公平感的解释力最强;在分配制度不公平的情境下,程序公平和人际公平才会影响分配公平感,仅仅起到亡羊补牢的作用。  相似文献   
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