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Most anger management group programmes utilise Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) and Mindfulness Based Treatments (MBTs) in their interventions. This study uses Transactional Analysis (TA) and mindfulness to help promote behavioural change. We explored participants' phenomenological change throughout a 10-week anger management programme. The research examines participants' weekly “check-ins” as they reflected on their angry behaviours, their interpersonal relationships and the development of mindfulness techniques as a way to regulate their angry emotions. The research suggests participants engage in a group learning process of sharing their angry behaviours, reflecting upon the taught content of the programme before acting to change their behaviour, utilising the group for encouragement and support.  相似文献   
The present study investigated the effect of a mismatch between trait dominance and induced status on cardiovascular reactivity to and recovery from a dyadic interaction task. Eighty normotensive men characterized as either high or low in trait dominance engaged in a discussion requiring persuasive behavior either in the context of a high or low induced status position. The outcome of a rigged competition was used as a marker of status. Induced status was found to moderate cardiovascular recovery of dominance groups. High dominant individuals exhibited less complete recovery of diastolic blood pressure (DBP) when placed in a low compared to high status position, whereas recovery of low dominant individuals tended to show greater impairment in a high status position. Results for changes in emotional states also indicate a detrimental effect of incongruous status positions, particularly for high dominant individuals. Subjective experiences did not mediate cardiovascular effects, though.  相似文献   
The question of whether “we drive as we live” or whether “we are transformed behind the wheel” generates discussion at all levels from the scholarly to the popular. To shed light on this issue, this study measured the personality traits of general anger and driving anger and four modes of expression common to both contexts (verbal, physical, displaced and adaptive) in a sample of 198 drivers. The results showed a moderate correlation between the two measured traits and indicated that each mode of expression correlated better with its equivalent mode in the other context than it did with the other modes of expression. Next, three hypotheses about the multivariate relationship were tested through five path models. These models confirmed that general anger and driving anger, although related to each other, are two different traits: a propensity to general anger and a propensity to driving anger. However, it was observed that when someone experiences anger, either on or off the road, it is expressed in the same way, given that each mode of expression behind the wheel is associated to both the propensity to driving anger and the equivalent mode of expression in a general context. Finally, the study’s implications are discussed.  相似文献   
This study examined how self and parental ratings of trait emotional intelligence (trait EI), relate to self and parental ratings of internalizing and externalizing problems. A total of 263 adolescents between 13 and 17 years and their parents participated in the study, completing two forms of the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue-AF and TEIQue-360°) and the Child Behavior CheckList (CBCL-YSR and CBCL-parents’ report). Results revealed a strong correspondence between father and mother ratings, especially for externalizing problems. A doubly MANOVA, with gender as the between-subjects variable, rating source (father, mother, and adolescent) as the within-subjects variable, and the four trait EI factors as dependent variables revealed a significant effect of ratings. Both fathers and mothers attributed higher Well-being and Self-control to their children than the children attributed to themselves. The findings showed that while multisource ratings of trait EI generally converge, they are differentially predictive of external criteria.  相似文献   

Alcohol use is associated with poorer smoking cessation-related outcomes, and smokers with elevated levels of worry experience greater smoking cessation problems. Yet, little is known about the explanatory mechanisms that may underlie the relationship between trait worry and hazardous drinking among smokers. Therefore, this study explored the explanatory roles of coping and conformity drinking motives in the relationship between trait worry and hazardous drinking outcomes including alcohol consumption, alcohol problems, maximum number of drinks, and the number of prior alcohol quit attempts among treatment-seeking smokers. Participants included 377 treatment-seeking smokers who consumed at least one alcoholic drink in the last year (48% female; 86.2% Caucasian; M age = 34.83 years, SD = 13.38). Results showed a significant indirect effect of trait worry through coping-related drinking motives in relation to alcohol consumption, alcohol problems, maximum number of drinks, and number of prior drinking quit attempts. These findings were evident after controlling for gender, cigarette dependence, and current psychopathology. These findings suggest that coping drinking motives are one mechanism that may explain the relation between trait worry and hazardous drinking outcomes among treatment-seeking smokers.  相似文献   
We applied trait activation theory to investigate the situational properties that moderate the correlation of intellect, a sub-dimension of the Big Five factor openness to experience, with work-related criteria. We collected data from a sample of 185 employees from diverse organizations and positions. Results from moderated hierarchical regression analyses revealed that perceived situational properties at the task level moderated the correlation between intellect and job performance. Additionally, correlations between intellect and organizational commitment were moderated at task and organizational levels. This study shows how trait activation theory can be utilized to investigate the situational properties moderating the correlation of personality variables with external criteria. Implications for applied purposes are discussed.  相似文献   
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