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In 2005, the regulation of signage on German highways was changed and now allows supplementary signs. These signs are installed below direction signs and inform about the services offered on motorway service areas. Being advertisement, the supplementary signs bear the risk to distract drivers looking for directional information. To study the influence of supplementary signs, four experiments (N = 30) were conducted. Experiment 1 used the phenomenon of change blindness as an indicator for the allocation of attention. It could be shown that drivers searching for a specific direction direct nearly no attention to the supplementary signs. In experiment 2 and 3, the influence of the supplementary signs on perceptional threshold for directional information and on self-chosen perception times was measured. Neither the perceptional threshold nor perception times freely chosen by the participants were negatively affected by the supplementary signs. The last experiment analyzed the influence of supplementary signs on driver reaction in a critical driving situation in a driving simulator study. Here, supplementary signs had no negative impact on collision rate and reaction time. Based on the results, it is concluded that drivers use effective attentional strategies while searching for directional information. In the experiments no negative effects of the supplementary signs could be found.  相似文献   
Cognitive conflict resolution is critical to human survival in a rapidly changing environment. However, emotional conflict processing seems to be particularly important for human interactions. This study examined whether the time course of attentional modulation on emotional conflict processing was different from cognitive conflict processing during a flanker task. Results showed that emotional N200 and P300 effects, similar to colour conflict processing, appeared only during the relevant task. However, the emotional N200 effect preceded the colour N200 effect, indicating that emotional conflict can be identified earlier than cognitive conflict. Additionally, a significant emotional N100 effect revealed that emotional valence differences could be perceived during early processing based on rough aspects of input. The present data suggest that emotional conflict processing is modulated by top-down attention, similar to cognitive conflict processing (reflected by N200 and P300 effects). However, emotional conflict processing seems to have more time advantages during two different processing stages.  相似文献   
Participants' eye movements were monitored in two visual search experiments that manipulated target-distractor similarity (high vs. low) as well as the availability of distractors for extrafoveal processing (Free-Viewing vs. No-Preview). The influence of the target-distractor similarity by preview manipulation on the distributions of first fixation and second fixation duration was examined by using a survival analysis technique which provided precise estimates of the timing of the first discernible influence of target-distractor similarity on fixation duration. We found a significant influence of target-distractor similarity on first fixation duration in normal visual search (Free Viewing) as early as 26–28 ms from the start of fixation. In contrast, the influence of target-distractor similarity occurred much later (199–233 ms) in the No-Preview condition. The present study also documented robust and fast acting extrafoveal and foveal preview effects. Implications for models of eye-movement control and visual search are discussed.  相似文献   
People often talk to themselves, yet very little is known about the functions of this self-directed speech. We explore effects of self-directed speech on visual processing by using a visual search task. According to the label feedback hypothesis (Lupyan, 2007a), verbal labels can change ongoing perceptual processing—for example, actually hearing “chair” compared to simply thinking about a chair can temporarily make the visual system a better “chair detector”. Participants searched for common objects, while being sometimes asked to speak the target's name aloud. Speaking facilitated search, particularly when there was a strong association between the name and the visual target. As the discrepancy between the name and the target increased, speaking began to impair performance. Together, these results speak to the power of words to modulate ongoing visual processing.  相似文献   
We examined the ability of children (mean age: 10.4 years) and adults (mean age: 20.7 years) to prepare finger keypress responses in an anticue paradigm by presenting left and right spatial cues, which specified right and left hand finger responses, respectively. Four time intervals separated cue onset from target onset: 200 ms, 600 ms, 1000 ms, and 2000 ms. Results showed that, overall, children responded slower and less accurately than did adults; nevertheless they were equally effective in using anticue information to reduce reaction time with preparation intervals of 600 ms and longer. This outcome is discussed in terms of a slow, voluntary, top-down executive process that redirects motor preparation from the ipsi- to the contralateral hand. The absence of an age effect suggests an early maturation of the underlying neural mechanisms.  相似文献   
It is argued that during ongoing visual perception, the brain is generating top-down predictions to facilitate, guide and constrain the processing of incoming sensory input. Here we demonstrate that these predictions are drawn from a diverse range of cognitive processes, in order to generate the richest and most informative prediction signals. This is consistent with a central role for cognitive penetrability in visual perception. We review behavioural and mechanistic evidence that indicate a wide spectrum of domains—including object recognition, contextual associations, cognitive biases and affective state—that can directly influence visual perception. We combine these insights from the healthy brain with novel observations from neuropsychiatric disorders involving visual hallucinations, which highlight the consequences of imbalance between top-down signals and incoming sensory information. Together, these lines of evidence converge to indicate that predictive penetration, be it cognitive, social or emotional, should be considered a fundamental framework that supports visual perception.  相似文献   
An important approach to understand how the brain gives rise to consciousness is to probe the depth of unconscious processing, thus to define the key features that cause conscious awareness. Here, we investigate the possibility for subliminal stimuli to shape the context for unconscious processing. Context effects have generally been assumed to require consciousness. In the present experiment, unconscious context processing was investigated by looking at the impact of the context on the response activation elicited by a subliminal prime. We compared the effects of the same subliminal prime on target processing when the prime was embedded in different unconscious contexts. Results showed that the same prime can evoke opposite responses depending on the unconscious context in which it is presented. Taken together, the results of this study show that context effects can be unconscious.  相似文献   
The prefrontal cortex (PFC) is known to contribute to memory processes such as encoding representations into long-term-memory (LTM) and retrieving these representations from LTM. However, the details of the PFC's contribution to LTM processes are not well known. To examine the characteristics of the PFC's contribution to LTM processes, we analyzed single-neuron activity while monkeys performed a pair-association (PA) task using 12 pairs of complex visual images. Among 60 neurons with sample-period activity, 32% showed the strongest and second-strongest sample-period activities when a particular pair of stimuli was presented (pair selectivity). In addition, the mean latency of sample-period activity was 138 ms in the PFC, which was longer than that observed in ITC neurons under bottom-up conditions, but shorter than that under top-down conditions. These results indicate that the PFC participates in encoding and retrieving information in LTM processes and that pair-selective sample-period activity might be a candidate for the top-down signal that the PFC provides to the ITC during the retrieval of information from LTM.  相似文献   
Despite the extensive body of psychological findings suggesting that cognition influences perception, the debate between defenders and detractors of the cognitive penetrability of perception persists. While detractors demand more strictness in psychological experiments, proponents consider that empirical studies show that cognitive penetrability occurs. These considerations have led some theorists to propose that the debate has reached a dead end. The issue about where perception ends and cognition begins is, I argue, one of the reasons why the debate is cornered. Another reason is the inability of psychological studies to present uncontroversial interpretations of the results obtained. To dive into other kinds of empirical sources is, therefore, required to clarify the debate. In this paper, I explain where the debate is blocked, and suggest that neuroscientific evidence together with the predictive coding account, might decant the discussion on the side of the penetrability thesis.  相似文献   
In two experiments we aimed to investigate if individual differences in state-dependent decreases or increases of EEG coherence between prefrontal and posterior cortical regions may be indicative of a mechanism modulating the impact social-emotional information has on an individual. Two independent samples were exposed to an emotional stimulation paradigm in which the participants were invited to get involved and sympathize with the persons they were watching (study 1) or listening to (study 2), and who were expressing sadness or anxiety. The two studies yielded consistent results. Higher scores in trait absorption and in the propensity to ruminate were associated with decreased EEG beta coherence during the stimulation, whereas coherence increased in individuals low in absorption or rumination. Coherence changes did not predict to which degree the participants felt infected by the displayed emotions, but in individuals showing decreased prefrontal-posterior coupling during the stimulation, feelings of sadness and anxiety had a greater tendency to persist. The findings suggest that more loose prefrontal-posterior coupling may be related to loosening of control of the prefrontal cortex over incoming social-emotional information and, consequently, to deeper emotional involvement and absorption, whereas increased prefrontal-posterior coupling may be related to strong control, dampening of emotional experience, and not letting oneself become emotionally affected.  相似文献   
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