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视觉统计学习是指个体依据视觉刺激之间的转接概率来掌握统计规律的过程。本研究通过5个实验探讨了个体基于名人面孔视觉特征和语义信息进行视觉统计学习的加工机制。每个实验均包括熟悉(学习)和测试两个阶段:在熟悉阶段, 让被试观看名人面孔并完成重复图片探测的无关任务; 在测试阶段, 让被试进行二选一迫选任务。其中, 实验1和2分别考察基于名人面孔视觉特征和语义信息的视觉统计学习效果; 实验3分别考察基于名人面孔视觉特征和语义信息视觉进行统计学习的精确性; 实验4进一步考察基于名人面孔视觉特征和语义信息进行视觉统计学习的时间特征; 实验5验证基于名人面孔视觉特征的视觉统计学习具有面孔特异性。结果表明:个体能同时基于名人面孔视觉特征和语义信息进行精确的视觉统计学习; 基于正立名人面孔的视觉统计学习效果显著高于基于倒置名人面孔的视觉统计学习效果; 虽然基于视觉特征和语义信息的统计加工都具有一致的精确性, 但后者需要更多的加工时间。这提示:基于名人面孔视觉特征的视觉统计学习具有面孔特异性, 个体基于名人面孔视觉特征和语义信息的视觉统计学习过程是分离的, 统计运算发生于面孔特征加工完成之后。  相似文献   
王慧媛  张明  隋洁 《心理学报》2014,46(2):185-195
采用线索化范式, 通过实验任务设计线索与靶子不同的关联并鼓励被试采用不同的搜索策略, 探讨线索与靶子间的知觉关联、语义关联及特征独子检测模式、特征搜索模式对注意捕获的作用。通过线索无效条件和线索有效条件反应时之差判断每一条件下的捕获量, 并综合各条件的反应情况做出结论如下:(1)线索与靶子的知觉关联调控注意捕获, 其效应不受语义关联和搜索策略影响; (2)线索与靶子的语义关联只在排除知觉关联后调控注意捕获; (3)控制知觉关联和语义关联后, 特征搜索模式不影响注意捕获, 而特征独子检测模式对注意捕获有影响。这表明语义知识和知觉经验根据当前任务要求共同作用指导个体的视觉加工, 表现了人类加工系统的灵活性和可调节性。  相似文献   
视觉工作记忆中的特征捆绑   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
特征捆绑是认知科学和神经科学研究的前沿问题,近来已经成为研究者们关于意识问题争论的焦点所在。很多心理活动涉及复杂对象各种特征的捆绑,在工作记忆中保持这些捆绑的机制是心理加工得以有效进行的基础。视觉工作记忆中的特征捆绑近来成为研究热点之一,有关研究大多凭借变化检测范式和单刺激探测范式,探讨了视觉工作记忆中捆绑特征的保持是否需要注意参与,以及分离特征存储和捆绑特征存储的关系等问题,但目前这些问题仍都没有明确的答案。  相似文献   
Many crimes occur in which a perpetrator has a distinctive facial feature, such as a tattoo or black eye, but few eyewitness identification (ID) studies have involved such a feature. We conducted an experiment to determine how eyewitness ID performance is impacted by a distinctive facial feature, and how police could deal with this issue. Participants (N = 4,218) studied a target face with or without a black eye, and later viewed a simultaneous photo lineup either containing the target or not. For those who saw a target with a black eye, this feature was either replicated among all lineup members or was removed. The black eye harmed empirical discriminability regardless of replication or removal, which did not differ. However, participants responded more conservatively when the black eye was removed, compared to replication. Lastly, immediate confidence was consistently indicative of accuracy.  相似文献   
Rats were trained in conditioned suppression discriminations where shock at the beginning of a trial signaled either shock or no-shock at the end of the trial. In the shock-positive condition, shock at the beginning of a presentation of white noise signaled that noise would end with shock; noise that did not begin with shock did not end with shock. In the shock-negative discrimination, shock at the beginning of noise signaled that noise would not end with shock; presentations of noise that did not begin with shock ended with shock. In shock-random training, shock at the beginning of noise did not reliably signal whether the noise presentation would or would not end with shock. Most subjects in shock-negative training quickly developed a differential pattern of suppression on positive (shock reinforced) trials and no suppression on negative (nonreinforced) trials. The shock-positive discrimination was much more difficult to establish and was not acquired by the majority of the rats. This "feature-negative" effect is a clear exception to the general superiority of feature-positive learning commonly observed in discriminations based on a single distinguishing feature. The results are discussed in terms of Pavlovian stimulus-shock contingencies in the shock-positive and shock-negative paradigms, which appear to favor rapid development of the shock-negative discrimination.  相似文献   
Although findings from cognitive science have suggested learning benefits of confronting errors (Metcalfe, 2017), they are not often capitalized on in many mathematics classrooms (Tulis, 2013). The current study assessed the effects of examples focused on either common mathematical misconceptions and errors or correct concepts and procedures on algebraic feature knowledge and solving quadratic equations. Middle school algebra students (N = 206) were randomly assigned to four conditions. Two errorful conditions either displayed errors and asked students to explain or displayed correct solutions and primed students to reflect on potential errors by problem type. A correct example condition and problem-solving control group were also included. Studying and explaining common errors displayed in incorrect examples improved equation-solving ability. An aptitude-by-treatment interaction revealed that learners with limited understandings of algebraic features demonstrated greater benefits. Theoretical implications about using examples to promote learning from errors are considered in addition to suggestions for educational practice.  相似文献   
The main aim of this study was to analyse the roles played by associative activation and thematic extraction in the explanation of false memories using the Deese, Roediger, McDermott (DRM) paradigm. Associative lists with two different types of critical items (CIs) were used: one, the associative CI, corresponded to the word most strongly primed by the associates in the list and another, the thematic CI, was the word that best described the theme of the list. Following three different types of encoding instructions (standard, warning or strategic), false recognition for these two types of CIs was analysed in either self-paced or speeded response recognition tests. The results showed considerable levels of false memories for both types of CIs. Even without the quality of being “good themes”, associative CIs produced high levels of false recognition, which suggests that associative activation plays a prominent role in false memory formation. More interestingly, thematic CIs were more prone to be edited out, reinforcing the argument that thematic identifiability has a major role in the rejection of false memories.  相似文献   
In daily life, people frequently need to observe dynamic objects and temporarily maintain their representations in visual working memory (VWM). The present study explored the mechanism underlying the binding between perceptual features and locations of dynamic objects in VWM. In three experiments, we measured and compared the memory performance for feature-location binding of multiple dynamic and static objects. The results showed that the feature-location binding was impaired for the dynamic objects compared with the static objects. The impairment persisted when the global spatial configuration of the objects remained intact during the motion, as well as when the binding task was relatively easy, such as binding between single-feature objects and coarse locations. The results indicate that object features and locations are not maintained in VWM as well-integrated object files; rather, the formation of feature-location binding may require additional processes, which are disrupted by the constant change of locations in dynamic circumstances. We propose a consolidation process as possible underlying mechanism, and discuss factors that may influence the strength of feature-location binding in dynamic circumstances.  相似文献   
寒地儿科作为全国中医儿科的重要一支,虽然学术文化底蕴依然需要岁月的沉淀,但其饱含寒地特色的学术挖掘、总结、传承与发展却迫在眉睫。根据寒地地域特征,以寒地之黑龙江作为寒地儿科研究的代表区域,以伪满、新中国时期为开端,将知名中医儿科医家作为主要挖掘对象,整理、总结众多医家学术思想,分析出寒地儿童"寒" "风" "燥" "湿热" "外寒内热"等致病特点,从推崇经方、引经据典、中西结合、承袭家学、卫气营血、分位攻下、不废外治及溯古研新等八个方面总结寒地医家学术特色。  相似文献   
采用多目标追踪任务(MOT)对追踪过程中被试(16名)的眼动进行记录,探讨目标特征变化对视觉追踪的影响。结果表明:视觉追踪机制能够对物体的特征属性进行编码加工,但加工程度受制于目标物与分心物之间的特征竞争关系;追踪过程中,视觉系统采用知觉组织加工策略,以被追踪目标构成的多边形中心为注意中心;物体大小特征没有引起较多的外源性注意,在物体大小特征的变化条件下,视觉追踪主要是内源性的注意控制加工过程。  相似文献   
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