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Discussions of conflict of interest (COI) in the university have tended to focus on financial interests in the context of medical research; much less attention has been given to COI in general or to the policies that seek to manage COI. Are university COI policies accessible and understandable? To whom are these policies addressed (faculty, staff, students)? Is COI clearly defined in these policies and are procedures laid out for avoiding or remedying such situations? To begin tackling these important ethical and governance questions, our study examines the COI policies at the Group of Thirteen (G13) leading Canadian research universities. Using automated readability analysis tools and an ethical content analysis, we begin the task of comparing the strengths and weaknesses of these documents, paying particular attention to their clarity, readability, and utility in explaining and managing COI.  相似文献   
周慧 《现代哲学》2006,(2):59-65
该文试图考察福柯的自律的话语理论并反思考古学的症结。文章从“历史先天”这一关键词出发,阐述福柯的知识考古学如何将对话语的实证描述和探索话语构成的先天规则结合起来,从而保证其在对话语的形式分析的同时,超越传统哲学深陷其中的三对矛盾:“经验-先验”、“我思-未思”、“本源的隐退-回归”。围绕着“陈述”的三个特性,我们可以看到福柯为此所做的努力,即打通共时与历时之隔,经验与先验之分,实现结构主义和实证主义的联姻。文章最后指出这种自律的话语理论的症结所在,认为福柯并没有如愿以偿地跳出“有限性解析”的窠臼。  相似文献   
辩证思维方式是中国古代哲学思维方式之一,它深刻地影响了中国古典建筑审美特征的形成,使其在有无相生、虚实相资,中庸为道、和美为贵,情理并重、礼乐相成三个方面体现出中国传统文化的特色。  相似文献   
In seeking to answer the question “How does that which is other become evil?” the author provides a discussion of four entwined aspects of the issue at stake; (1) difficulty in achieving clarity on the grammar of evil; (2) genocide as a striking illustration of otherness becoming evil; (3) the challenge of postnationalism as a resource for dealing with otherness in the socio-political arena; and (4) the ethico-religious dimension as it relates to the wider problem of evil.  相似文献   
The novel The Brothers Karamazov shows the spiritual rebirth of man and society. At first the world of the town Skotoprigon’evsk is depicted as heathen and even demonic, where everyone is in search of earthly justice, forgetting about love and losing a connection to God; here the theme of orphanhood is dominant. The second half of the novel is dominated by the image of the Holy Trinity, the symbol of mutual love and unity. The human world, according to Dostoevskij, cannot be divided into adults and children, the guilty and the innocent, insofar as all can freely participate in the redemption of humanity’s sin (like Christ, the paragon of innocence). If all people are God’s children, death does not have power over them. Upon completing his final novel Dostoevkskij wrote: “my Hosanna has passed through a big crucible of doubt.” The Brothers Karamazov is Dostoevskij’s Hosanna. Translated by Robert Bird  相似文献   
陈涯倩 《现代哲学》2007,2(1):80-85
韦伯在《新教伦理与资本主义精神》中,将职业与天职联系起来,并从这一角度指出,新教伦理促进了资本主义精神的兴起。该文认为这种直接的联系的基础是自然神论。通过引入克尔恺郭尔对西方理性形而上学的批判,笔者将论证,一方面,由自然神论衍生的基督教职业观在克尔恺郭尔的视野下是错误的,因为职业只是一个人生存的偶然性境遇之一,因此不是上帝的“召唤”。根据克尔恺郭尔对基督教的阐释,上帝的召唤是超越性的,这决定了它不可能直接地被人的理性理解,它以一种独特的———我称之为“否定性的”、“间接的”———方式被领会,召唤超越于职业,前者超越了人的理性,而后者是理性分工体系的产物;另一方面,上帝的召唤又与职业有关系。偶然性境遇恰恰是上帝进行召唤以及人作出回应的“场合”(occassion),一个基督徒如果占据某一职业,那么他(她)就必须辛勤劳动,甘愿“受苦”(suffering),韦伯正确地看到了基督徒对职业的重视、在职业上吃苦耐劳的表现,但未能正确地解释其原因。总之,依据克尔恺郭尔的思想,存在着一种有别于韦伯的基督教职业观,从而将基督教与资本主义精神联系起来是值得疑问的。  相似文献   
A classic study conducted by Ross, Lepper, and Hubbard (1975) revealed a perseverance effect wherein people who received positive performance feedback on an alleged social perceptiveness test reported more favorable self-perceptions in this domain than those who received negative feedback despite the fact that they had received standard outcome debriefing (i.e., been informed about the false, predetermined, and random nature of the feedback) prior to reporting self-assessments. The present studies extend this past research by revealing that (a) there is a form of outcome debriefing (i.e., informing participants about the bogus nature of the test as well as the bogus nature of the feedback) that effectively eliminates the perseverance effect, (b) the perseverance effect that occurs after standard outcome debriefing is limited to perceptions of specific task-relevant skills rather than more global abilities, and (c) affective reactions do not underlie the perseverance effect that occurs in the false feedback paradigm.  相似文献   
《管子》天论浅析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
《管子》“天”的含义有至上神、自然神以及运行变化有自身规律的自然之天。基于这种认识,天人关系表现为一是社会现象与自然现象的直接的因果关系的“天人感应”;二是人效法、顺从“天道”,利用自然规律,发挥主观能动性,主宰自然,这在当时是具有进步意义的思想。它在先秦的天论思想发展中起到了承上启下的作用。  相似文献   
英国心理学会介绍   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英国心理学会成立于1901年,有较长的历史;现有会员4万4千多人,在英国心理学研究和应用方面发挥了重要的领导和协调作用。该文介绍了英国心理学会的组织结构及它在2006年的活动情况。  相似文献   
事件聚集是在事件水平上组织自传记忆的结构,是一种反映自传记忆组织的提取现象.在利用矫正后的事件追随任务对62名成人进行测试后发现:①事件之间各种组织信息并不是分离的,而是以整合的方式来组织事件聚集结构,这些信息不仅包含客体的信息,更包含主观的感受.②自我在自传记忆组织中的作用是强化事件聚集本身所具有的联系.③自传记忆的提取中首先要满足当前自我的要求;进行直接提取失败后,被试根据自传记忆的层级关系进行生成搜索;生成提取策略也失败后,个体则会根据事件线索中任何可以利用的细节来完成回忆任务.  相似文献   
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