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以大学一年级新生中的调剂生为调查对象,先后测查了他们间隔六月的学习动机及其心理健康状况。首先探讨了大学生学习动机的整体特点及通过调剂与非调剂生学习动机的横向比较与纵向对比所反映的学习动机的独特性,随后考察了调剂生学习动机与心理健康的关系。研究表明:调剂与非调剂生在学习动机上并无本质的差异,过分夸大两者在学习上的差异并不可取。  相似文献   
Building on previous research examining the implications for self-regulation and decision making of construing action at varying levels of abstraction, the authors proposed that construing action in terms of its abstract purposes facilitates orienting one’s decisions toward the standards, characteristics, and goals that define one’s desired self-concept. Consistent with this proposal, desiring for oneself a political candidate’s personal qualities predicted evaluating favorably (in Study 1) and voting for (in Study 2) that candidate to a greater extent among participants focused on the distal future (and presumably construing action at a relatively high-level of abstraction) than the proximal future (and presumably construing action at a relatively low-level of abstraction). Moreover, individuals chronically construing action in high-level terms responded more favorably to advertisements appealing to their desired self-concept (in Study 3) than to product quality. These findings’ implications for decision making are discussed.  相似文献   
The current research proposes that thinking about friends improves feelings about the self and does so differentially depending on avoidance of intimacy. Based on previous findings that individuals who avoid intimacy in relationships (avoidant individuals) contrast their self-concepts with primed friends whereas those who pursue intimacy in relationships (non-avoidant individuals) assimilate their self-concepts to primed friends [Gabriel, S., Carvallo, M., Dean, K., Tippin, B. D., & Renaud, J. (2005). How I see “Me” depends on how I see “We”: The role of avoidance of intimacy in social comparison. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 31, 156-157], we predicted that friends who embody negative aspects of self would lead avoidant individuals to like themselves more, whereas friends who embody positive aspects of self would lead non-avoidant individuals to like themselves more. A pretest determined that good friends were seen as more similar to positive and ideal aspects of the self, whereas friends about whom participants had more mixed feelings (ambivalent friends) were seen as more similar to disliked and feared aspects of the self. Four experiments supported the main hypotheses. In Experiment 1, non-avoidant individuals like themselves more when good friends were primed. In Experiment 2, avoidant individuals like themselves more when ambivalent friends were primed. In Experiment 3, non-avoidant individuals liked themselves better after thinking about a friend’s positive traits, whereas avoidant individuals liked themselves better after thinking about a friend’s negative traits. In Experiment 4, all individuals under self-esteem threat strategically brought friends to mind who would help them like themselves more.  相似文献   
一般史家眼中的《春秋》是一部简单的历史著作,可公羊家视阈中的《春秋》却是蕴涵“微言大义”的经学宝典。《公羊传》“以义解经”,以为“义”之所在可从作者意图、文本意图和读者意图来窥探。一方面《公羊传》有还原倾向,旨在探求作者意图和文本意图,表现为尊圣宗经原道;另一方面又有生成倾向,多“非常异义可怪之论”,旨在阐述自己的政治、历史、道德理想。  相似文献   
山东省某县农民参加新农合意愿及受益公平分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过调查农民参加新型农村合作医疗(新农合)意愿选择及受益程度,对影响参合因素及政府补助分配的公平性进行研究,认为:影响参合因素主要有家庭收入、家庭医疗支出、补偿比例等;从受益角度看,总补助的集中指数是负值,不同人群的受益趋于公平。从不同服务看,住院的公平程度好于门诊。  相似文献   
Zuidas is a new city centre, which is emerging in the outskirts of Amsterdam. The ambitious project of developing a new international city centre has been carefully planned as the Netherlands has a strong and meticulous tradition for urban planning. The planning has however not only encompassed traditional urban planning aspects such as infrastructure, environmental factors and aesthetics, but has also dealt with the design of urban experiences. Through an introduction of the framework of the structure of experiences, this article examines how urban experiences can be understood and analysed, and deals with how urban experiences can be designed through careful consideration of how experiences are constituted. Taking the psychological structure of experiences into account when designing urbanity is not only interesting, but also highly relevant as Zuidas is competing with other international venues such as La Défense, the Docklands and Potsdamer Platz.  相似文献   
In Being and Time, Heidegger affirms that being-with or Mitsein is an essential constitution of Dasein but he does not submit this existential to the same rigorous analyses as other existentials. In this essay, Jean-Luc Nancy points to the different places where Heidegger erased the possibility of thinking an essential with that he himself opened. This erasure is due, according to Nancy, to the subordination of Mitsein to a thinking of the proper and the improper. The polarization of Being-with between an improper face, the Anyone, and a proper one, the people, which is also, as Nancy shows, a polarization between everydayness and historicity, between a being-together in exteriority (indifference and anonymity) and a being-together in interiority (union through destiny), between a solitary dying and the sacrificial death in combat, leaves the essential with unthought. This essay shows not only the tensions that arise out of Heidegger’s own analyses of Mitsein and affect the whole of Being and Time but also underlines in the end a “shortfall in thinking” inherent not only to Heidegger’s work but, as Nancy claims, to our Western tradition, a shortfall which Nancy has attempted to remedy in his Being Singular Plural. A slightly different version has been published under the title “L’être-avec de l’être-là” in Lieu-Dit 19 “Communauté” (Spring 2003). All additions in square brackets are the translators’ unless otherwise indicated. The German words in parentheses are Nancy’s additions. For the translation of citations from Being and Time, we have used the Macquarrie & Robinson’s translation which we have modified only when constrained by Nancy himself. Overall, we have tried to be faithful to the Heideggerian tone of Nancy’s text by using the accepted English translation of the central concepts of Being and Time. When we depart from the accepted translations, it is to remain true to Nancy’s paraphrases, emphases, and displacements. For example, we refrain from using “authentic” and “inauthentic.” Translated by Marie-Eve Morin Department of Philosophy, 4-97 Humanities Centre, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada T6G 2E5 e-mail: mmorin1@ualberta.ca
A rapidly aging population with its mental health care needs presents an enormous challenge in the current mental health field. In light of this, pastoral counselors will have an increasingly important role to play in the care of older adults because of their strategic position in the community and their competence in dealing with religious/spiritual issues particularly salient in old age. This article proposes a short-term integrative approach to enable pastoral counselors to effectively and efficiently meet the mental health care needs of the elderly.
Eun-Jung ShimEmail:
福柯与《临床医学的诞生》   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《临床医学的诞生》是20世纪法国著名学者福柯的一部医学史研究专著,主要从空间、语言和死亡三个方面探讨了现代医学也就是临床医学诞生的可能性条件,兼具历史与批判的性质。它揭示了隐藏在医学话语背后的权力关系,反映了福柯瓦解传统、颠覆理性的新型历史观。  相似文献   
周慧 《现代哲学》2006,(2):59-65
该文试图考察福柯的自律的话语理论并反思考古学的症结。文章从“历史先天”这一关键词出发,阐述福柯的知识考古学如何将对话语的实证描述和探索话语构成的先天规则结合起来,从而保证其在对话语的形式分析的同时,超越传统哲学深陷其中的三对矛盾:“经验-先验”、“我思-未思”、“本源的隐退-回归”。围绕着“陈述”的三个特性,我们可以看到福柯为此所做的努力,即打通共时与历时之隔,经验与先验之分,实现结构主义和实证主义的联姻。文章最后指出这种自律的话语理论的症结所在,认为福柯并没有如愿以偿地跳出“有限性解析”的窠臼。  相似文献   
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