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Neutral warning signals speed voluntary reactions by reducing temporal uncertainty and by triggering a brief burst of arousal. We attempted to isolate the phasic arousal mechanism in people with Parkinson's disease (PD) using a clock display to minimize temporal uncertainty. In this condition, the speeding of responses in a color-discrimination task by an accessory stimulus was the fully equivalent to the effect in age-matched control subjects. This indicates preserved phasic arousal in PD. Temporal preparation based on warning cues also appeared to be normal. By contrast, in a condition with high temporal uncertainty, the accessory stimulus (an air puff to the foot) impaired accuracy for the patients but not the neurologically normal subjects. The data are consistent with the view that PD disrupts internal but not external control of alertness.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to examine age-related differences in time judgments during childhood as a function of the temporal task used. Children aged 5 and 8 years, as well as adults, were submitted to 3 temporal tasks (bisection, generalization and reproduction) with short (0.4/0.8?s) and long durations (8/16?s). Furthermore, their cognitive capacities in terms of working memory, attentional control, and processing speed were assessed by a wide battery of neuropsychological tests. The results showed that the age-related differences in time judgment were greater in the reproduction task than in the temporal discrimination tasks. This task was indeed more demanding in terms of working memory and information processing speed. In addition, the bisection task appeared to be easier for children than the generalization task, whereas these 2 tasks were similar for the adults, although the generalization task required more attention to be paid to the processing of durations. Our study thus demonstrates that it is important to understand the different cognitive processes involved in time judgment as a function of the temporal tasks used before venturing to draw conclusions about the development of time perception capabilities.  相似文献   
Humans were trained on a temporal discrimination to make one response when the stimulus duration was short (2 s) and a different response when the stimulus duration was long (8 s). They were then tested with stimulus durations in between to determine the bisection point. In Experiment 1, we examined the effect of a secondary cognitive task (counting backwards by threes) on the bisection point when participants were trained without a cognitive load and were tested with a cognitive load or the reverse (relative to appropriate controls). When the cognitive load increased from training, the psychophysical function plotting long responses against the increase in stimulus duration shifted to the right (as if the internal clock slowed down), and when the cognitive load decreased from training the psychophysical function shifted to the left (as if the internal clock speeded up). In Experiment 2, when the secondary task consisted of exerting continuous force on a transducer (a physically effortful task), it had the opposite effect. When the required force increased from training, the psychophysical function shifted to the left (as if the internal clock speeded up), and when the required force decreased from training, the psychophysical function shifted to the right (as if the internal clock slowed down). The results support an attentional view of the subjective passage of time. A cognitive secondary task appears to decrease attention to temporal cues, resulting in the underestimation of the passage of time, whereas a force requirement appears to increase attention to temporal cues, resulting in the overestimation of the passage of time.  相似文献   
In task switching, extending the response–cue interval (RCI) reduces the switch cost—the detriment to performance when switching compared to repeating tasks. This reduction has been used as evidence for the existence of task-set decay processes. Recently, this has been challenged by the observation of sequential dependencies on the RCI effect: switch cost is only reduced at longer RCIs when the previous trial had a short RCI. This trial-wise variation of RCI is thought to affect the temporal distinctiveness (TD) of a previous task's episodic trace, affecting the probability of its automatic retrieval on the current trial; importantly, TD is thought to be independent of the current trial's RCI. The present study highlights a dependency between the current RCI and TD, and demonstrates that a decay model can reproduce some patterns of data attributed to TD. Further, the decay account makes a strong prediction when TD is held constant: repetition response times should slow as the RCI increases, and switch response times should be facilitated. This prediction was tested via re-analysis of extant data and three experiments. The re-analysis provided some evidence for the decay account, but Experiments 1 and 2 report slowing for task repetition and switch trials, which cannot be explained by a task-set decay process. Experiment 3, which utilized tasks requiring perceptual judgements, showed small evidence for decay. We conclude that the data are largely consistent with the TD account and that the evidence for decay of higher-level task-sets is not convincing.  相似文献   
Implicit learning (IL) occurs unintentionally. IL of temporal patterns has received minimal attention, and results are mixed regarding whether IL of temporal patterns occurs in the absence of a concurrent ordinal pattern. Two experiments examined the IL of temporal patterns and the conditions under which IL is exhibited. Experiment 1 examined whether uncertainty of the upcoming stimulus identity obscures learning. Based on probabilistic uncertainty, it was hypothesized that stimulus-detection tasks are more sensitive to temporal learning than multiple-alternative forced-choice tasks because of response uncertainty in the latter. Results demonstrated IL of metrical patterns in the stimulus-detection but not the multiple-alternative task. Experiment 2 investigated whether properties of rhythm (i.e., meter) benefit IL using the stimulus-detection task. The metric binding hypothesis states that metrical frameworks guide attention to periodic points in time. Based on the metric binding hypothesis, it was hypothesized that metrical patterns are learned faster than nonmetrical patterns. Results demonstrated learning of metrical and nonmetrical patterns but metrical patterns were not learned more readily than nonmetrical patterns. However, abstraction of a metrical framework was still evident in the metrical condition. The present study shows IL of auditory temporal patterns in the absence of an ordinal pattern.  相似文献   
Even though phenomenological observations and anecdotal reports suggest atypical time processing in individuals with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), very few psychophysical studies have investigated interval timing, and the obtained results are contradictory. The present study aimed to clarify which timing processes function atypically in ASD and whether they are related to the ASD diagnostic profile. Visual, auditory, and cross-modal interval timing was assessed in 18 individuals with ASD using a repeated standards version of the temporal generalization task. The use of two different standard durations (600 and 1,000 ms) allowed for an assessment of the scalar property of interval timing in ASD, a fundamental characteristic of interval timing. The ASD group showed clearer adherence to the scalar property of interval timing than the control group. In addition, both groups showed the normal effect that auditory stimuli had longer subjective durations than visual ones. Yet, signal detection analysis showed that the sensitivity of temporal discrimination was reduced in the ASD group across modalities, in particular for auditory standards. Moreover, response criteria in the ASD group were related to symptom strength in the communication domain. The findings suggest that temporal intervals are fundamentally processed in the same way in ASD and TD, but with reduced sensitivity for temporal interval differences in ASD. Individuals with ASD may show a more conservative response strategy due to generally decreased sensitivity for the perception of time intervals.  相似文献   
How fast can information of a first target (T1) in a rapid serial visual presentation be used for top-down allocation of attention in time? A valid cue about the temporal position of a second target (T2) was integrated into T1. The data show that 100 ms after T1 onset, T2 was identified better than without cue, raising the conditional T2 performance. T1 apparently triggers a facilitative effect of attention, known from other paradigms such as peripheral cueing.  相似文献   
Congruency effects are larger when most trials are congruent relative to incongruent. According to the conflict adaptation account, this proportion congruent effect is due to the decreased attention to words when most of the trials are conflicting. This paper extends on previous work arguing that list-level (contingency-unbiased) proportion congruent effects might be explainable by temporal learning biases. That is, congruency effects are larger in an easier task (i.e., mostly congruent) due to the faster pace of the task. Two non-conflict analogues of the proportion congruent effect are presented, one with a contrast manipulation and another with a contingency manipulation. Critically, both experiments control for potential item-specific temporal learning biases by intermixing biased context and unbiased transfer items. Results show a proportion congruent-like interaction for both item types, supporting the notion of task-wide temporal learning as an explanation for list-level proportion congruency effects. Distributional analyses lend further credence to the temporal learning account by showing that proportion congruent and proportion congruent-like effects are localised in the fastest and intermediate responses.  相似文献   
Evidence from infant studies indicates that language learning can be facilitated by multimodal cues. We extended this observation to adult language learning by studying the effects of simultaneous visual cues (nonassociated object images) on speech segmentation performance. Our results indicate that segmentation of new words from a continuous speech stream is facilitated by simultaneous visual input that it is presented at or near syllables that exhibit the low transitional probability indicative of word boundaries. This indicates that temporal audio-visual contiguity helps in directing attention to word boundaries at the earliest stages of language learning. Off-boundary or arrhythmic picture sequences did not affect segmentation performance, suggesting that the language learning system can effectively disregard noninformative visual information. Detection of temporal contiguity between multimodal stimuli may be useful in both infants and second-language learners not only for facilitating speech segmentation, but also for detecting word–object relationships in natural environments.  相似文献   
The close relationship between temporal perception and speech processing is well established. The present study focused on the specific question whether the speech environment could influence temporal order perception in subjects whose language backgrounds are distinctively different, i.e., Chinese (tonal language) vs. Polish (non-tonal language). Temporal order thresholds were measured for both monaurally presented clicks and binaurally presented tone pairs. Whereas the click experiment showed similar order thresholds for the two language groups, the experiment with tone pairs resulted in different observations: while Chinese demonstrated better performance in discriminating the temporal order of two “close frequency” tone pairs (600 Hz and 1200 Hz), Polish subjects showed a reversed pattern, i.e., better performance for “distant frequency” tone pairs (400 Hz and 3000 Hz). These results indicate on the one hand a common temporal mechanism for perceiving the order of two monaurally presented stimuli, and on the other hand neuronal plasticity for perceiving the order of frequency-related auditory stimuli. We conclude that the auditory brain is modified with respect to temporal processing by long-term exposure to a tonal or a non-tonal language. As a consequence of such an exposure different cognitive modes of operation (analytic vs. holistic) are selected: the analytic mode is adopted for “distant frequency” tone pairs in Chinese and for “close frequency” tone pairs in Polish subjects, whereas the holistic mode is selected for “close frequency” tone pairs in Chinese and for “distant frequency” tone pairs in Polish subjects, reflecting a double dissociation of function.  相似文献   
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