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《太玄平议》一文,在《太玄》研究中影响甚大。但错误不少。原文共59条,其中不乏卓见,然而值得商榷者,逾二十条。本文即对俞说可商者,在分析之后,提出己说。  相似文献   
论《伏羲六十四卦方图》与黄泛平原土壤剖面之契合   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
古易博大精深 ,今易功用深奥。对《伏羲六十四卦方图》用心领悟 ,“极深研几” ,偶与黄泛平原之壤平垂分布之象比拟 ,其相似程度令人嗟叹不已 :六十四卦二进制象数与土壤质地和层次排列关系完全相符 ,其易理幽然 ,其意义非凡。它对于现代西方土壤学研究的启迪作用显示着东方文化的无穷魅力  相似文献   
逻辑图表的发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张留华 《现代哲学》2002,(2):127-134
长期以来,逻辑图表被逻辑学家们仅仅视为教学辅助工具;但逻辑图表从Euler图到Venn图再到存在图表和概念图表的发展表明,它已经超越出教学工具这一狭隘界限,从而获得了更为深刻,广泛的意义,实际上逻辑图表是与我们标准数理逻辑记法相区别的另一种有效的逻辑记法,而且有着更强的直观性和可应用性。  相似文献   
张祥龙 《现代哲学》2005,1(1):80-95
本文从《易》象数的角度来解释周敦颐的《太极图说》与《通书》,认为这种象数的“二对生”的区别性特征是周氏学说的内在发动结构,由此而提出一些很不同于流行的“宇宙论加上伦理学”的解释模式的思路。在一些被长久争论的问题上,比如“太极与无极的关系”、“太极与两仪的关系”、“诚与太极的关系”、“中与太极和诚的关系”,都提出了新的看法。在这新的理解方式中,周敦颐的《太极图说》就不止是程朱陆王的一个含糊的先导,而是融合了儒道释的思想精华,而又有着自己独特的思想原发力与中和的精微境界的划时代的哲理学说,其蕴义(比如超出理气二分的原本发生论)并未被后来的理学家们穷尽。本文最后将周敦颐的思想与西方的毕达哥拉斯及莱布尼兹的学说进行对比,一方面揭示“象数”在伟大的哲理传统中的关键作用,另一方面又表明中西两大传统之间存在的深刻差异在结构上的原因。  相似文献   
本文梳理了《朱子语类》中对《太玄》的评价。朱子基于儒学正统立场,对扬雄的拟《易》之作《太玄》的主要方面都进行了评说。朱子认为扬雄的模仿不足道,《太玄》高处乃是道家之学;其以三起数,失《易》之本义;《太玄》只是在作历,其数零星凑补得可笑,而其卦气有气无朔,是没有道理的;且《太玄》的“爻位”吉凶太笃定,把《易》变动不居之理说死了。总之,朱子认为,扬雄虽费力安排,但《太玄》的内容和形式都不足道。  相似文献   
For effective self-regulated study of expository texts, it is crucial that learners can accurately monitor their understanding of cause-and-effect relations. This study aimed to improve adolescents' monitoring accuracy using a diagram completion task. Participants read six texts, predicted performance, selected texts for restudy, and were tested for comprehension. Three groups were compared, in which learners either completed causal diagrams immediately after reading, completed them after a delay, or received no-diagram control instructions. Accuracy of predictions of performance was highest for learning of causal relations following delayed diagram completion. Completing delayed diagrams focused learners specifically on their learning of causal relations, so this task did not improve monitoring of learning of factual information. When selecting texts for restudy, the participants followed their predictions of performance to the same degree, regardless of monitoring accuracy. Fine-grained analyses also showed that, when completing delayed diagrams, learners based judgments on diagnostic cues that indicated actual understanding of connections between events in the text. Most important, delayed diagram completion can improve adolescents' ability to monitor their learning of cause-and-effect relations.  相似文献   
PurposeTai Chi is increasingly being used as a complimentary therapy in hospice care to help patients self-manage multiple and complex health needs. However, currently there is limited understanding of Tai Chi from patients’ perspective, including what participation in this mindfulness based movement (MBM) exercise means to their experiences of living with an advanced, incurable disease. The purpose of this study was to explore outpatients’ lived experiences of hospice-based Tai Chi in relation to mindfulness.Methods19 participants (15 females; 4 males, aged between 50 and 91 years old) with a range of advanced, incurable diseases (cancer, COPD, pulmonary fibrosis, pulmonary arterial hypertension) who attended day therapy at a local hospice took part in Tai Chi sessions. Using a focused ethnographic approach, multi-methods including 17 semi-structured interviews (averaging 40 min), participant observations (equating to 200 h spent in the day therapy unit), and informal conversations were used to collect data over a 6 month period. Data was analysed using a thematic framework approach.ResultsFour main themes were constructed that demonstrated participants’ lived experiences of mindfulness during participation in hospice-based Tai Chi sessions. Main themes included: (1) mind-body respite; (2) being present with others; (3) tranquil and therapeutic atmosphere and; (4) physical limitations.ConclusionTai Chi may be an important therapeutic strategy for helping patients with advanced, incurable disease experience mindfulness. The findings of this study support the use of MBM exercises such as Tai Chi as a non-pharmacological adjunct to conventional treatments within palliative care settings.  相似文献   
陶磊 《周易研究》2006,(5):43-46
《系辞传》“易有太极”章,其本旨既非解释易占中(?)卦的具体过程,也不是要创立一种宇宙生成模式,而是借用宇宙生成论的模式,解释八卦的起源.易占与易哲学之间没有直接关系.  相似文献   
从《太玄》看扬雄的人性论思想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一般讲扬雄的人性论,都以《法言》为依据,认为他是“善恶混”派的代表.并认为他的人性论缺乏内在超越的根据,比较接近于荀子。本文认为《太玄》中蕴涵丰富的人性论思想,研究扬雄的人性论,应以《太玄》为基础。扬雄的人性论本于其天道观,有很强的超越性,扬氏以五行为架构,提出了非常具体的超越途径,其思想接近于性善说.  相似文献   
谢枋得所传易图在易学史中占据着十分重要的地位,对于考察<阴阳鱼太极图>的流传演变尤为重要.程颐、袁溉、薛季宣的言行确实影响过士大夫人蜀求图.元明学者的相关记载表明谢氏所传之图并非<阴阳鱼太极图>,与邵雍<先天八卦圆图>也有差异.此图可能传自彭大雅,传播者有谢枋得、吴蟾、虞集、吴全节等人.明初传<天地自然河图>的陈绎曾也与谢枋得有关系.  相似文献   
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