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Psychoanalysts’ written reports on initial consultations are a window into the complexities of a crucial aspect of psychoanalytic work. However, systematic research in this area has largely focused on patients’ demographic factors or standardized measures. The present study looked at reports of all the consultations taking place at the London Clinic of Psychoanalysis over one calendar year (N = 100). The aim was to explore psychoanalysts’ different explicit styles of working and reporting as well as further understanding implicit processes used in thinking and writing about each particular consultation experience. A thematic analysis revealed a set of themes that related to a style of working and thinking about the consultation process as a dyadic experience, where the interaction, affective reactions and contact made between the two are the focus when thinking of making a recommendation for psychoanalysis. The majority of the reports had an open, exploratory quality. The writing of reports appears to give the analyst an opportunity to process the consultation experience and arrive at a more triangular position. Writing reports is a more valuable part of the consultation process than has formally been recognized and acknowledged. The limitations of this study as well as the relevance of these findings for future research are discussed.  相似文献   
目的探讨初中生心理顽强性与主观幸福感之间的相关性。方法采用自制心理顽强性量表和中学生牛津幸福感问卷,对调查结果进行T检验、方差分析、典型相关分析。结果①初中生心理顽强性存在性别差异,年级差异。②初中生主观幸福感的性别差异整体不显著,但女生的情绪体验得分要显著高于男生,同时还存在在年级差异。③初中生的责任感和自控感越高,就有越正向的自我感知和情绪体验。结论:心理顽强性与主观幸福感之间存在显著正相关。  相似文献   
We examined the psychometric properties of an experience‐sampling measure of affect (PANAS) using data from self‐ and peer reports. A multivariate multilevel model was used to assess the reliability of the latent PANAS scales at the within‐ and between‐person level. Findings suggest satisfying internal consistencies for self‐ and peer reports of affective experiences at both levels of analysis. Convergent and discriminant validity of the two affect scales were examined by means of a multilevel multitrait‐multimethod approach (MLM‐MTMM) indicating distinct findings at the within‐ and between‐person level. These findings provide further insights into the structural relations between the two PANAS scales: Whereas positive and negative affect were unrelated at the between‐person level; they were negatively correlated at the within‐person level. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Low numerical probabilities tend to be directionally ambiguous, meaning they can be interpreted either positively, suggesting the occurrence of the target event, or negatively, suggesting its non-occurrence. High numerical probabilities, however, are typically interpreted positively. We argue that the greater directional ambiguity of low numerical probabilities may make them more susceptible than high probabilities to contextual influences. Results from five experiments supported this premise, with perceived base rate affecting the interpretation of an event’s numerical posterior probability more when it was low than high. The effect is consistent with a confirmatory hypothesis testing process, with the relevant perceived base rate suggesting the directional hypothesis which people then test in a confirmatory manner.  相似文献   
Teigen KH  Keren G 《Cognition》2003,87(2):55-71
Outcome expectations can be expressed prospectively in terms of probability estimates, and retrospectively in terms of surprise. Surprise ratings and probability estimates differ, however, in some important ways. Surprises are generally created by low-probability outcomes, yet, as shown by several experiments, not all low-probability outcomes are equally surprising. To account for surprise, we propose a contrast hypothesis according to which the level of surprise associated with an outcome is mainly determined by the extent to which it contrasts with the default, expected alternative. Three ways by which contrasts can be established are explored: contrasts due to relative probabilities, where the obtained outcome is less likely than a default alternative; contrasts formed by novelty and change, where a contrast exists between the obtained outcome and the individual's previous experience; and contrasts due to the perceptual or conceptual distance between the expected and the obtained. In all these cases, greater contrast was accompanied by higher ratings of surprise.  相似文献   
Psychology has not been a visible player in international social and economic development efforts. Through its demonstrated commitment to the concept of quality of life, psychology has an opportunity to help shape foreign policy and to improve the lives of countless people around the globe. Poverty has reached unacceptable limits of humanitarian tolerance and political consequence throughout the world. The United Nations estimates that 20% of the world's population now lives in conditions of absolute poverty in which there is an absence of even the bare essentials for living. Social and economic development efforts have often failed despite good intentions because they have often concentrated on improving peoples' material level of living but not their quality of life. This article addresses the need to include quality-of-life (QOL) indices in international social and economic development efforts. In addition, the article calls attention to the need to use valid cross-cultural measurement strategies (i.e., culturally equivalent) when assessing QOL across cultural and national boundaries. Current approaches to social and economic development rely heavily on interventions that do not reflect the actual peoples' perceptions of life satisfaction and subjective well-being. Self-serving political and economic national interests have kept new approaches to development from being implemented. New interventions must be holistic, decentralized, integrated, empowering, participatory, and human-resource directed, and must include culturally equivalent objective and subjective quality-of-life indices as the arbiters of success.  相似文献   
中国古代关于认识真理性检验标准的思想可以大致归纳为四种主要观点。先秦及汉代的唯物主义思想家已经有了把感觉经验和行为效果作为检验认识真理性标准的思想;古代唯心主义思想家则坚持无客观标准论,他们要么直接坚持主观标准论,要么认为根本无是非标准可言;宋、明、清时期的一些唯物主义哲学家提出并坚持以客观事物或事实作为检验认识真理性的标准;与此不同,王廷相、王夫之、颜元等人则提出“行”标准说,这种颇具光辉的哲学思想,使中国古代关于认识真理性检验标准思想的探讨大大前进了一步。  相似文献   
Examined parent's ability to accurately report their child's cognitive functioning. Participants were 145 children and their parents referred to an outpatient mental health clinic for cognitive testing. Parent reports were measured using Likert ratings designed for research and clinical purposes. Children's cognitive abilities were measured using the Woodcock-Johnson Psycho-Educational Battery—Revised (Woodcock, 1989) and the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children—Third Edition (Wechsler, 1991). For boys, parental reports of general cognitive ability, fluid reasoning, comprehension-knowledge, visual processing, auditory processing, and acquisition and retrieval were significantly related to performance-based measurements of these same traits, and parental report of boys' fluid reasoning and visual processing ability evidenced specificity. For girls, parental report of general cognitive ability, fluid reasoning, visual processing, and auditory processing were significantly related to performance-based measurements of these same traits, and parental reports of girls visual processing and auditory processing evidenced specificity. These findings suggest areas where clinicians can be more confident of parental report of children's cognitive abilities and other areas where clinicians should be wary of parental report.  相似文献   
Carsharing originated in Europe and then expanded to developed countries such as the United States. With the revival and popularity of the “Sharing Economy,” carsharing has remarkably increased in China in recent years. Carsharing has increased convenience for individuals without private cars and is changing the traditional view of car ownership. Chinese college students are a large, highly educated group with low incomes and low rates of car ownership. Understanding the determinants of Chinese college students' intention to carshare is critical to promote carsharing services. In this research, an expanded version of the theory of planned behavior, which contains environmental concern, is the theoretical research framework. The model was empirically tested by using the questionnaire data of 356 college students from four universities in Qingdao, China. The results indicate that subjective norm and the perceived behavioral control are directly and positively associated with Chinese college students’ intention to use carsharing, and attitude and environmental concern have no direct correlation with the intention. Environmental concern has a significant direct effect on attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control. In addition, environmental concern indirectly impacts Chinese college students’ intention to use carsharing through subjective norm and perceived behavioral control. The findings yield practical insights for carsharing organizations and transportation planners. Based on these results, limitations of this study and suggestions for further research are discussed.  相似文献   
We present a theory of decision by sampling (DbS) in which, in contrast with traditional models, there are no underlying psychoeconomic scales. Instead, we assume that an attribute's subjective value is constructed from a series of binary, ordinal comparisons to a sample of attribute values drawn from memory and is its rank within the sample. We assume that the sample reflects both the immediate distribution of attribute values from the current decision's context and also the background, real-world distribution of attribute values. DbS accounts for concave utility functions; losses looming larger than gains; hyperbolic temporal discounting; and the overestimation of small probabilities and the underestimation of large probabilities.  相似文献   
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