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对1353名高中生进行问卷调查,探究亲子间科技干扰与青少年网络人际关系成瘾之间的关系,相对剥夺感的中介作用及内在觉知的调节作用,结果表明:(1)亲子间科技干扰正向预测青少年网络人际关系成瘾;(2)相对剥夺感是亲子间科技干扰与网络人际关系成瘾之间的中介变量;(3)亲子间科技干扰与网络人际关系成瘾的间接效应前半段受到内在觉知的调节。因此,亲子间科技干扰和网络人际关系成瘾之间存在有调节的中介效应。  相似文献   
运用Stroop研究范式,对30名成人被试的类比数量表征线索进行了研究。结果发现:在类比数量的小数和大数段上,不存在表征线索的分化;在个数任务中不出现Stroop效应,但被试在强不一致条件下的错误率显著高于强一致条件下的错误率;在累积面积任务中出现Stroop效应,且在弱不一致、强不一致条件下的反应时、错误率都显著高于强一致、弱一致条件下的反应时、错误率。以上结果表明被试在进行类比数量表征时,可以同时提取离散量线索和连续量线索,但是对离散量线索的抑制要难于对连续量线索的抑制。  相似文献   
Cognitive scientists routinely distinguish between controlled and automatic mental processes. Through learning, practice, and exposure, controlled processes can become automatic; however, whether automatic processes can become deautomatized – recuperated under the purview of control – remains unclear. Here we show that a suggestion derails a deeply ingrained process involving involuntary audiovisual integration. We compared the performance of highly versus less hypnotically suggestible individuals (HSIs versus LSIs) in a classic McGurk paradigm – a perceptual illusion task demonstrating the influence of visual facial movements on auditory speech percepts. Following a posthypnotic suggestion to prioritize auditory input, HSIs but not LSIs manifested fewer illusory auditory perceptions and correctly identified more auditory percepts. Our findings demonstrate that a suggestion deautomatized a ballistic audiovisual process in HSIs. In addition to guiding our knowledge regarding theories and mechanisms of automaticity, the present findings pave the road to a more scientific understanding of top-down effects and multisensory integration.  相似文献   
Number is known for influencing time processing, but to what extent time influences number in human adults is unclear. We investigated possible bidirectional interactions (number on time and time on number) using a novel Stroop-like task; participants compared numbers or temporal durations in congruent (larger number presented for longer duration) or incongruent conditions (smaller number presented for longer duration). Time and number tasks were presented in different blocks (Experiment 1) or within the same block of trials with task instructions provided at the offset of the stimuli (Experiment 2). Analyses of response times (RTs) and their distribution revealed that number affected time from early RTs, and time affected number at late RTs – an asymmetry observed only when time and number tasks were presented in separate blocks. Thus, carefully chosen tasks and appropriate data analysis can reveal bidirectionality between time and number, consistent with shared magnitude or decision mechanisms.  相似文献   
选取《科学创造力量表》筛选出高、低科学创造力个体各20名,通过完成经典Stroop色字干扰抑制任务,探讨高、低科学创造力的个体抑制机制的差异。结果发现:在Stroop色字任务上,无论是高科学创造力组还是低科学创造力组,都出现了Stroop干扰效应,但低科学创造力组的Stroop效应更明显;高科学创造力组在字色不一致条件下的错误率显著低于低科学创造力组,但是两组被试在Stroop任务反应时上差异不显著。本研究结果提示高科学创造力个体的认知抑制能力强于低科学创造力个体。  相似文献   
Previous findings suggested that a high working memory capacity (WMC) is potentially associated with a higher susceptibility to proactive interference (PI) if the latter is measured under high cognitive load. To explain such a finding, we propose to consider susceptibility to PI as a net effect of individual executive processes and the intrinsic potential for PI. With the latter, we refer to the amount of information that is activated at a given time and that has the potential to exert PI subsequently. In two studies deploying generalized linear mixed models, susceptibility to PI was modeled as the decline of performance over trials of a complex span task. The results revealed that a higher WMC was associated with a higher susceptibility to PI. Moreover, the number of stimuli recalled in one trial as a proxy variable for the intrinsic potential for PI negatively affected memory performance in the subsequent trial.  相似文献   
操作前瞻记忆任务的重要性的方式有两种,研究发现相对重要性会造成进行中任务的损耗,而绝对重要性的研究较少且结果不尽一致,这种差异可能与进行中任务占用认知资源的情况有关。我们使用绝对重要性的指导语来操纵前瞻记忆任务的重要性高或者低,并且以Stroop任务作为进行中任务,来考察绝对重要性和认知资源占用的交互影响。结果发现,在进行中任务一致条件下,绝对重要性的增高促进了进行中任务的完成;而不一致条件下,则会阻碍进行中任务的完成。这说明,进行中任务的认知资源变化与前瞻记忆任务重要性对进行中任务的影响有着交互调节作用。  相似文献   
采用2(情绪效价:负性、中性)×2(延迟设置:无延迟、有延迟)的实验设计,探究负性情绪对时间性前瞻记忆的干扰效应。结果显示在无延迟条件下,负性情绪组的前瞻记忆成绩差于中性情绪组,负性情绪组的总时间监控次数和监控后期的时间监控次数均少于中性情绪组;在有延迟条件下,负性情绪组的前瞻记忆成绩和监控后期的时间监控次数与中性情绪组均无差异。结果说明负性情绪会干扰时间性前瞻记忆,而延迟可以消除这种干扰效应。  相似文献   
Subjective cognitive decline (SCD) might represent the preclinical phase of Alzheimer’s disease. Given the interest to characterize it, the present study explores (1) if there are differences in lexical retrieval (LexR) and sentence comprehension (SComp) between SCD and matched controls, and (2) the predictive value of demographic variables and executive functions in relation to LexR and SComp in each group. A sample of 135 participants voluntarily took part in this study (66 with SCD). They all completed the Trail Making, the Stroop, the Boston Naming, and the ECCO-Senior tests, as well as verbal fluency tasks (VF). Results show that (1) groups differ in LexR and in inhibition efficiency, and (2) VF is explained by years of formal education, particularly in the control group; SComp in the most complex items seems to rely in different strategies, related to flexibility in controls and to inhibition efficiency in SCD patients.  相似文献   
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