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现有研究主要采用结果评价或结果反馈的方式考察评价对错误后调整效应的影响,但是任务前的社会评价怎样影响错误后调整效应尚不清楚。本研究采用社会评价任务,以错误后反应时和错误后正确率为指标,在两个实验中考察正性和负性评价对错误后调整效应的影响。结果发现,实验1和实验2中正性和负性评价条件下错误后减慢效应差异均不显著,说明正性和负性评价对错误后调整的作用是一致的,且不受实验任务的影响。在实验1中通过和无评价条件比较发现,评价条件下的正确后反应显著慢于无评价条件,但是评价条件下的错误后反应与无评价条件无差异,说明社会评价加速了个体错误后调整。而且在实验2中发现高低自我效能组个体错误后调整效应差异不显著,说明当前结果不受个体自我效能感的影响。因此,当前研究说明任务前的社会评价促进了个体错误后行为调整,但是错误后调整效应不受社会评价效价的影响。  相似文献   
目标定向与适应:社会自我效能感的中介作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
通过对176名大学新生3个月的纵向研究,采用探索性因素分析、信度分析和回归分析等方法对目标定向与适应的关系以及社会自我效能感在其中的中介作用进行了深入研究。结果表明,(1)学习目标定向能够有效地预测个体的学业适应、社会适应和心理适应;而成绩目标定向对三类适应都无显著性影响;(2)社会自我效能感在学习目标定向与社会适应、心理适应之间具有完全中介效应,而对学习目标定向与学业适应之间没有中介作用;(3)社会自我效能感对学业适应无显著性影响。  相似文献   
亲子沟通问题与青少年社会适应的关系   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
从北京市一所普通中学、济南市一所重点中学选取887名初一至高三学生为被试,采取匿名的方式让被试报告与父母之间存在的沟通问题,以及自己的社会适应情况,以此探讨亲子沟通问题与青少年社会适应的关系.结果发现:(1)总体上,青少年报告的亲子沟通问题并不是很多.在9项亲子沟通问题中,排在第一位的问题是行为约束,排在最后一位的问题是缺乏信任.除高二和高三学生外,男女生,以及初一到高一学生的情况基本与总体相似;(2)男生报告的缺乏分享明显多于女生,而在9个方面的亲子沟通问题均存在明显的年级差异,且随年级升高呈现倒U型发展趋势,在缺乏分享方面,初二学生的得分最高,而其余8个方面均为初三的学生得分最高;(3)所有亲子沟通问题均与青少年的自尊呈显著负相关,与抑郁、社交焦虑和问题行为呈显著正相关;(4)亲子沟通问题的不同方面可以预测不同方面的青少年社会适应,但对自尊和抑郁的预测作用超过对社交焦虑和问题行为的预测作用.  相似文献   
以6579名小学三、五年级学生为被试,采用聚类分析和判别分析方法,结果表明:(1)根据儿童学校适应的指标将儿童的学校适应状况分为良好型、闲适型、紧张型、高危型四种类型.(2)良好型的儿童,在学业自我评估、学业动机和心理健康水平三个水平上的得分为正向,在问题行为上的得分为负;高危型儿童的结果与适应良好型的儿童完全相反;而在闲适型的儿童中,学业动机为负、心理健康水平为正;在紧张型的儿童中,学业动机为正向、而心理健康水平是负向的.(3)建立儿童学校适应的判别函数,为儿童在教育和心理问题进行指导提供了初步诊断依据,同时也对有关学校适应的研究提供新的视角.  相似文献   
The framework of Positive Youth Development (PYD) arose from a strength‐based conception of the transition to adulthood. Although previous literature has provided evidence for some PYD correlates, little is known about gender differences in PYD and its outcomes in thriving and social engagement, which could improve interventions” effectiveness. Thus, this study aimed to examine gender differences in PYD dimensions (i.e., competence, confidence, connection, caring, and character), individual thriving (i.e., psychological adjustment, academic adjustment, and healthy lifestyles) and social engagement, and to examine the associations between them. Data from the ‘PYD in a Cross‐National Perspective Project” in Spain were collected by administering a paper‐based self‐report to students from high school and university. Results showed greater scores in connection, caring, and character in women, as well as greater social engagement and academic adjustment. Men presented higher competence and confidence, more frequent physical activity and better psychological adjustment. In addition, more PYD was related to greater social engagement, better psychological and academic adjustment, and healthier lifestyles. Some practical implications for program design may be derived, which underscore the need to promote the five PYD dimensions equally in female and male youths in order to improve their individual thriving and social engagement.  相似文献   
Stress is closely associated with not only physical illness but also with indices of psychological maladjustment. However, such negative mental health outcomes may vary depending on the individual’s cognitive style, or perception of stress. Air force pilots are particularly vulnerable to experience a high degree of stress as they are required to conduct missions while simultaneously monitoring for safety in complex and uncertain flight situations. It can thus be posited that appropriate use of cognitive stress management strategies is one of the crucial competency requirements for pilots. As such, the present study examined the effects of stress on psychological symptoms of Korean Air Force pilots and further investigated the moderating role of cognitive flexibility in this relationship. A total of 192 air force pilots participated in the present study. The results indicated that degree of stress was positively correlated with indices of psychological maladjustment, while cognitive flexibility was negatively associated with psychological symptoms. Furthermore, cognitive flexibility demonstrated a significant moderating effect on the relationship between stress and psychological symptoms. Such results suggest that cognitive flexibility may serve as a protective factor in the potential effects of stress on psychological adjustment. Implications and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   
Positive and negative mood are independent psychological responses to stressful events. Negative mood negatively impacts well-being and co-occurring positive mood leads to improved adjustment. Women undergoing core needle breast biopsies (CNB) experience distress during CNB and awaiting results; however, influences of mood are not well known. This longitudinal study examines psychosocial and biopsy- and spirituality-related factors associated with mood in patients day of CNB and one week after receiving results. Ninety women undergoing CNB completed questionnaires on psychosocial factors (chronic stress, social support), biopsy experiences (pain, radiologist communication), and spirituality (peace, meaning, faith) day of CNB. Measures of positive and negative mood were completed day of CNB and one week after receiving results (benign n = 50; abnormal n = 25). Multiple linear regression analyses were conducted. Greater positive mood correlated with greater peace (β = .25, p = .02) day of CNB. Lower negative mood correlated with greater peace (β = ?.29, p = .004) and there was a trend for a relationship with less pain during CNB (β = .19, p = .07). For patients with benign results, day of CNB positive mood predicted positive mood post-results (β = .31, p = .03) and only chronic stress predicted negative mood (β = .33, p = .03). For women with abnormal results, greater meaning day of CNB predicted lower negative mood post-results (β = ?.45, p = .03). Meaning and peace may be important for women undergoing CNB and receiving abnormal results.  相似文献   
This report aims to augment what is already known about emotional distress in Type 2 diabetes, by assessing the predictive value of illness perception clusters and relationship quality on four subcategories of Diabetes Distress.162 individuals with Type 2 diabetes responded to a postal questionnaire assessing demographics, depression, diabetes distress, illness perceptions and relationship quality. Long-term blood glucose was retrieved from participants’ General Practitioner. Three illness perception clusters emerged from the data, capturing three subgroups of participants sharing similar illness perception schemas. Regression analyses were performed across each diabetes distress subscale, with demographics, illness perception clusters, and relationship variables entered into three blocks. Covariates explained 51.1% of the variance in emotional burden, 41% of the variance in regimen-related distress, 20% of the variance in interpersonal distress, and 8.6% of the variance in physician-related distress. Cluster membership was strongly associated with emotional burden, regimen-related distress, and to a lesser degree interpersonal distress, but was not associated with physician-related distress. Relationship quality most strongly predicted regimen-related distress. Illness perception schemas and interpersonal issues influence emotional adjustment in diabetes. This study provides direction for the content of a novel approach to identifying and reducing diabetes distress in people with Type 2 diabetes.  相似文献   
Past research has found that people of East Asian backgrounds avoid seeking help out of relational concerns. Research on amae, however, suggests that Japanese may use amae to simultaneously obtain the needed help and enhance relationships. Study 1 showed that among Japanese entrepreneurs and managers, the propensity toward amae correlated with perceiving fewer costs of help‐seeking, seeking more help at work, greater engagement in new relationships and higher general trust. These associations suggest that the Japanese may be using amae to get the help they need and to build new relationships. Study 2 further showed that first‐year undergraduates who reported engaging in amae soon after entering college showed a significant increase in sense of purpose and satisfaction with college life in their first year. These findings suggest that, unlike dependency or passive love, amae can be highly adaptive for the Japanese.  相似文献   
Objective: We examined cognitive and behavioural challenges and adaptations for people with progressive multiple sclerosis (MS) and developed a preliminary conceptual model of changes in adjustment over time.

Design: Using theoretical sampling, 34 semi-structured interviews were conducted with people with MS. Participants were between 41 and 77 years of age. Thirteen were diagnosed with primary progressive MS and 21 with secondary progressive MS. Data were analysed using a grounded theory approach.

Results: Participants described initially bracketing the illness off and carrying on their usual activities but this became problematic as the condition progressed and they employed different adjustment modes to cope with increased disabilities. Some scaled back their activities to live a more comfortable life, others identified new activities or adapted old ones, whereas at times, people disengaged from the adjustment process altogether and resigned to their condition. Relationships with partners, emotional reactions, environment and perception of the environment influenced adjustment, while people were often flexible and shifted among modes.

Conclusions: Adjusting to a progressive condition is a fluid process. Future interventions can be tailored to address modifiable factors at different stages of the condition and may involve addressing emotional reactions concealing/revealing the condition and perceptions of the environment.  相似文献   

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