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随着人类辅助生殖技术 (assisted reproductive technology, ART) 的发展, 术后进行的定期随访工作在ART中的伦理学问题不断凸显, 有必要对其重视及规范。从伦理原则角度探讨了ART随访工作中存在的诸多伦理学问题, 即个人隐私权保护的缺失、知情同意的形式化、医源性多胎的伦理困境等。保密互盲、知情同意、保护患者、保护后代等伦理原则监督和规范ART近期及远期随访工作, 对于引导人类辅助生殖技术健康发展, 具有重大现实意义。  相似文献   
“三亲婴儿”培育技术是首次在辅助生殖领域对生殖细胞进行干预的技术, 引起了极大的伦理争议, 如冲击传统伦理、亵渎人的尊严、潜在技术风险、促使道德滑坡。从冲击传统伦理的技术未必不道德, 人的尊严只有在社会关系中才能获得, 未知的未来不能成为抑制当代技术的理由等维度对“三亲婴儿”培育技术进行伦理辩护, 并从“三亲胚胎”的地位、线粒体替代技术的安全性、我国对“三亲婴儿”培育技术的态度三个方面对“三亲婴儿”培育技术的发展进行反思。  相似文献   
梳理了国外医患关系的相关文献,基于社会交换理论视角探析医患关系的内涵,深入剖析了医疗质量和患者信任是构成医患关系的两个重要因子,并进一步构建了简约化的四类医患关系模式,即和谐医患关系模式、改善医患关系模式、不善医患关系模式和紧张医患关系模式。认为医患关系的建立是一个动态的过程,在诊疗过程中医患关系模式之间是可以相互转换的,患者信任是构建和谐医患关系的基础,为我国和谐医患关系的建立进行了理论上的探索。  相似文献   
在流行病防控等公共卫生工作中,为了维护公共健康不得不侵犯传染病患者的个人权利,这是公共卫生领域不同于临床医学的特殊伦理冲突。虽然有学者分别依据“效果论”、“差异原则”和“公共善优先”为公共健康的优先性进行了辩护,但都不能与医学伦理学的个体论视角相融洽。实际上,固守单一的理论视角是伦理冲突和解的最大障碍,只有改变单一视角,才能开启理论的兼容性。伦理辩护必须转化为实践智慧,即必须在公共卫生实践中实现国家权力与个人权利的有序协调,使国家权力和个人权利坚守各自的界限。  相似文献   


境遇伦理学是方法而不是体系;境遇伦理学认为任何事物正当与否,均因具体境遇而定;爱是永恒的善;爱是唯一的规范;爱同公正是一回事;爱不是喜欢;爱证明手段之正当性;爱是当时当地做决定。境遇伦理学厌恶伦理学的律法主义,反对僵硬不变的伦理规范教条;境遇伦理学对于处理生命伦理学的一些两难问题,有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   
Behavioral disturbances of persons with dementia residing in a nursing home impose a significant burden on other residents and on the care staff. A social robot can provide an adequate technological support tool for the caregivers by approaching a resident that exhibits a behavioral disturbance. In this paper, we focus on how to position the robot in the nursing home, taking into account the profile and location of the residents. We minimize the time between the detection of a behavioral disturbance and the robot having arrived near the resident and starting an interaction scenario. Our algorithm is evaluated using realistic data that was collected during 3 months in two Belgian nursing homes.  相似文献   
By using the Gezi Park protests that took place in Turkey in 2013 as a case, we explore the significance of emotional echo-chamber involved in protests. The analyses are composed of thirty-seven interviews conducted with activists on how they define and understand their preferences and motivations for protesting. We discuss how participants get influenced by beliefs, motives and opinions and bring forth the changes of emotions during such processes and help create an emotional echo-chamber.  相似文献   
Could superior self-control explain the gender difference in reading achievement favoring girls? To test this idea, we drew on a unique population-based sample (N = 11,336) where self-control was measured in kindergarten using a multimethod battery of assessments. Girls showed substantially higher levels of self-control in kindergarten (β = 0.47) and outperformed boys on standardized tests of reading achievement in third/fourth grade (β = 0.20). Further, kindergarten self-control prospectively predicted reading achievement throughout elementary school (β = 0.37). Connecting these findings, our mediation analyses revealed that the female self-control advantage in kindergarten could account for subsequent gender differences in reading achievement. Our results suggest that early gender differences in self-control may represent a key pathway through which gender disparities in reading skills, vocabulary knowledge, and reading comprehension occur.  相似文献   
This article examines inequality from a framework of justice that attends to the socially situated nature of market activity, including exchange. I argue that accounts of unsituated exchange—accounts of market exchange that abstract from social situations, such as philosopher Robert Nozick’s influential libertarian account of justice—overlook various factors that contribute to growing economic inequality in contemporary society. Analyses of market exchange must incorporate the role of “third parties” who play a role in shaping and/or who are affected by economic transactions. The involvement of these additional parties, including the government and future generations, is not interference but, instead, an integral part of the economic and moral accounting of exchange. An approach to justice and inequality which embeds exchange within multiple dimensions of economy and society is needed; the latter part of this article traces such a socially situated approach.  相似文献   
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