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张宏伟  李晔 《心理科学进展》2014,22(7):1178-1187
道德自我调节指个体根据道德自我, 从事(不从事)道德行为和不道德行为。道德自我分为状态道德自我(道德自我知觉)和特质道德自我(道德认同)。道德自我调节的负反馈机制, 指个体依据道德自我知觉, 保持道德行为的波动性, 它包含道德许可效应和道德清洁效应; 正反馈机制, 指个体依据道德认同, 保持道德行为的一致性。解释水平理论整合了正负反馈机制, 两种道德行为。未来研究需探讨公我、个体差异对道德自我调节机制的影响。  相似文献   
中介效应的检验方法和效果量测量:回顾与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
通过中介效应检验方法之间的比较和效果量指标之间的比较,建议放弃将总效应c显著作为中介效应检验的前提条件,放弃基于直接效应c'显著性的完全和部分中介的提法,推荐使用偏差校正的百分位Bootstrap法直接对中介效应ab进行检验,使用κ2Rmed2等中介效果量指标并报告效果量的置信区间。作为示例,用R软件的MBESS软件包对某消防员饮食健康调查进行了中介效应检验和效果量测量。随后展望了中介效应检验方法和效果量测量的拓展方向。  相似文献   
刘惠军  高磊 《心理科学进展》2012,20(11):1803-1811
趋近和回避是动机的两种最基本形式, 反映着个体与环境的相互作用方式, 是个体适应环境的核心机能。回避动机保证了个体的生存, 趋近动机则促进个体的成长。两类动机系统在前额叶皮层呈不对称偏侧化分布, 趋近动机与左侧额叶皮层激活相连, 回避动机与右侧额叶皮层激活相连。Youngstorm 和Izard等认为两类动机系统失调可能与一系列的情绪和行为问题有关, 如躁狂、抑郁、焦虑和儿童多动症等。这一观点已得到一些相关研究和临床研究证实。建议未来研究关注趋近-回避动机区分与情绪和认知功能研究的融合, 进一步检验趋近-回避动机系统失调模型, 并加强趋近和回避动机系统的可塑性研究。  相似文献   
况志华 《心理科学》2012,35(2):430-435
基于日常经验取向,运用理论建构和深度访谈的方法,研究责任的心理结构以及责任情境的认知特征。对207名被试访谈研究的结果表明:(1)责任是人们频繁感知和体验到的一种社会心理现象;(2)人们体察到的责任情境,在职业活动和个人生活领域存在类型上的差异;(3)在职业活动中,人们更倾向于将责任归因于他人,而在个人生活中更倾向于归因于自己;(4)人们对责任情境性质的判定与责任事件最终能否达到预期目标有关;(5)责任心理结构共由情境起因、自我效能、成就感、内外动机等20个核心要素构成;(6)责任心理结构是一个由责任认知、责任情感和责任行为三者构成的一元单向决定模式。  相似文献   
Plantinga’s conception of possible worlds is problematic in one sense: it relies on the prior idea of modality. His strategy for resolving the puzzle of transworld identity is significant in the metaphysical sense but fruitless in the epistemological sense because world-indexed properties cannot be used as effectively in epistemic practice as their counterparts, i.e., space- and time-indexed properties. His isolation of transworld identification from transworld identity is unconvincing. This paper argues that the intelligibility of modal discourse and reference is the essence of transworld identity. It is also proved that transworld identification is the epistemic ground of such intelligibility. Hence, the transworld identification problem is the epistemological foundation of the transworld identity problem, and there must be a comprehensive answer to the former.  相似文献   
陈丽  陈侠  涂燊  张雅如  张庆林 《心理科学进展》2015,23(10):1701-1710
首先介绍关于“无意识情绪”的两种概念。接着介绍可较好地对该两类无意识情绪概念进行整合的无意识情绪信息加工模型--Wiens模型(Wiens & Öhman, 2007), 分析了Wiens模型中“刺激聚焦途径”与“体验聚焦途径”两条途径下的无意识情绪的基本观点、相关实证研究、分别面临的研究难题或受到的质疑, 及不同途径下无意识情绪的本质。在此基础上指出, 传统情绪理论下情绪的意识属性或可与Wiens模型中体验聚焦途径下情绪的无意识属性互为补充, 相辅相成; 无意识情绪研究的新方向是体验聚焦途径。最后, 对未来研究提出了展望。  相似文献   
基于认同驱动的营销关系视角, 系统地探讨了基于多元企业认同的企业身份构建及其张力调和机理。具体地, 通过定性和定量相结合的方法, 首先基于社会认同理论和身份理论, 探索多元企业认同的结构; 其次, 从社会心理学和文化创新的视角, 描绘多元企业认同形成及演化过程; 最后, 探究多元企业认同的身份构建以及身份张力调和机制。在理论上将消费者-企业认同扩展到多个利益相关者与企业的认同, 探索多元企业认同的身份构建及调和过程, 揭示其背后深层作用机理。实践上为企业与客户保持长期、和谐、多赢关系提供重要依据。  相似文献   
This paper is a dialogue between Thalia Wheatley and Terence Horgan. Horgan maintains that philosophy is a broadly empirical discipline, and that philosophical theorizing about how concepts work treats certain intuitions about proper concept-usage as empirical data. He holds that the possibility of strong multiple realizability undermines the psychophysical identity theory. He holds that the concept of causation is governed by implicit contextual parameters, and that this dissolves Kim’s problem of “causal exclusion.” He holds that the concept of free will is governed by implicit contextual parameters, and that free-will attributions are often true, in typical contexts, even if determinism is true. Thalia Wheatley holds that the concept of multiple realizability hinges on the level of abstraction discussed and that neuroscientific data does not yet support multiple realizability of mental states from specific, high resolution brain states. She also holds that compatibilism redefines the concept of free will in ways that bear little resemblance to the common understanding―that of being free to choose otherwise in the moment. She maintains that this folk understanding is incompatible with the brain as a physical system and is not rescued by concepts of context and capacity.  相似文献   
The study investigates whether work stressors, coping styles, and work-related social support predict burnout among prison officers (N = 476). It was hypothesized that coping and social support would mediate the effects of work stressors on burnout and that these effects would be moderated by temperamental endurance. Results of structural equation modeling showed that emotion-oriented coping was positively related to emotional exhaustion, and negatively to personal accomplishment. Task-oriented coping was positively related to personal accomplishment. Social support from work was negatively related to emotional exhaustion. The effects of work stressors on burnout were mediated by work-related social support and by emotion-oriented coping. Additionally, some of these mediating effects were moderated by endurance. Work-related social support was negatively related to depersonalization only among participants with strong endurance. High level of work stressors predicted high emotion-oriented coping only among individuals with weak endurance.  相似文献   
Self-presentation and gender on MySpace   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Within the cultural context of MySpace, this study explores the ways emerging adults experience social networking. Through focus group methodology, the role of virtual peer interaction in the development of personal, social, and gender identities was investigated. Findings suggest that college students utilize MySpace for identity exploration, engaging in social comparison and expressing idealized aspects of the selves they wish to become. The public nature of self and relationship displays introduce feedback mechanisms by which emerging adults can legitimize images as associated with the self. Also, male–female differences in self-presentation parallel, and possibly intensify, gender norms offline. Our study suggests that social networking sites provide valuable opportunities for emerging adults to realize possible selves; however, increased pressure for female sexual objectification and intensified social comparison may also negatively impact identity development. A balanced view, presenting both opportunities and drawbacks, should be encouraged in policies regarding youth participation in social networking sites.  相似文献   
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