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Our aims were to (1) examine possible neuroanatomical abnormalities associated with the Disruptive Behavior Disorders (DBDs) as a group and (2) assess neuroanatomical anomalies specific to each DBD (i.e., conduct disorder [CD] and oppositional defiant disorder). Cortical thickness analysis and voxel-based morphometry were analyzed in 47 8-year-old boys (22 DBDs with and without CD and/or ODD and 25 healthy controls) from Magnetic Resonance Imaging brain scans. DBD symptoms were assessed using the Dominic-R. In DBD subjects relative to controls, we found (1) a decreased overall mean cortical thickness; (2) thinning of the cingulate, prefrontal and insular cortices; and (3) decreased gray matter density (GMd) in the same brain regions. We also found that scores on the Dominic-R were negatively correlated with GMd in the prefrontal and precuneus/superior temporal regions. There was a subdiagnostic main effect for CD, related to thinning of the middle/medial frontal, and for ODD in the left rectal/orbitofrontal. Findings suggest that thinning and decreased GMd of the insula disorganizes prefrontal circuits, diminishing the inhibitory influence of the prefrontal cortex on anger, aggression, cruelty, and impulsivity, and increasing a person's likelihood of aggressive behavior. These findings have implications for pathophysiologic models of the DBDs, their diagnostic classification system, and for designing more effective intervention programs.  相似文献   
School‐aged and adolescent children continue to demonstrate improvements in how they integrate and comprehend real‐time, auditory language over this developmental time period, which can have important implications for academic and social success. To better understand developmental changes in the neural processes engaged during language comprehension in this age group, we use electroencephalography to investigate how 8–9 year old, 12–13 year olds, and adults process semantics and syntax in naturally paced, auditory sentences. Participants listened to semantically and syntactically correct and incorrect sentences and were asked to complete an acceptability judgment task. When processing a semantic error, developmental differences were observed in theta, but not the N400, suggesting that the N400 may be too gross a measure to identify more subtle aspects of semantic development that occur in the school years. For the syntactic task, errors resulted in a larger P600 and greater beta decrease than correct sentences, but the amplitude and location of the P600 and amplitude of beta decreases differed as a function of age, suggesting specialization of syntactic skills is ongoing through adolescence. The current findings shed new light on the development of the neural oscillations supporting language comprehension and suggest that the neural substrates underlying semantic processing reach adult‐like levels at a younger age than those underlying syntactic processing.  相似文献   
In the present study we examined the neural correlates of facial emotion processing in the first year of life using ERP measures and cortical source analysis. EEG data were collected cross‐sectionally from 5‐ (N = 49), 7‐ (N = 50), and 12‐month‐old (N = 51) infants while they were viewing images of angry, fearful, and happy faces. The N290 component was found to be larger in amplitude in response to fearful and happy than angry faces in all posterior clusters and showed largest response to fear than the other two emotions only over the right occipital area. The P400 and Nc components were found to be larger in amplitude in response to angry than happy and fearful faces over central and frontal scalp. Cortical source analysis of the N290 component revealed greater cortical activation in the right fusiform face area in response to fearful faces. This effect started to emerge at 5 months and became well established at 7 months, but it disappeared at 12 months. The P400 and Nc components were primarily localized to the PCC/Precuneus where heightened responses to angry faces were observed. The current results suggest the detection of a fearful face in infants’ brain can happen shortly (~200–290 ms) after the stimulus onset, and this process may rely on the face network and develop substantially between 5 to 7 months of age. The current findings also suggest the differential processing of angry faces occurred later in the P400/Nc time window, which recruits the PCC/Precuneus and is associated with the allocation of infants’ attention.  相似文献   
Gamma神经振荡是一种基础神经活动。它的特性使其与“信息整合加工”产生了潜在联系。已有研究显示, 自下而上的跨通道信息整合与感觉皮层的Gamma振荡同步化有关; 单通道自上而下的信息整合与高级皮层的Gamma振荡增强有关。现有的“神经耦合理论”和“匹配利用模型”分别描述了Gamma振荡如何在“自下而上”及“自上而下”的信息整合中发挥作用。Gamma振荡虽与整合加工密切相关, 但作为指标需谨慎。对于Gamma振荡在复杂情景整合加工中的作用仍待探究。  相似文献   
选择扩散效应研究的回顾与前瞻   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹文  陈红  高笑  叶琳 《心理科学进展》2009,17(1):189-196
由失调导致的态度改变一直受到社会心理学的关注,选择扩散效应是态度改变的结果之一。多个理论模型对此做出各种解释,近年来对失调的脑机制研究为行为模型提供了新的证据。文化心理学也涉足了这方面的研究,并多以自我模型为基础,发现东西方人在对失调的体验及随后的态度变化上存在文化差异。总结了选择扩散效应的研究意义后,文章从该效应的研究范式、心理机制和脑机制、文化影响三方面对相关研究进行回顾,在此基础上提出研究范式的区分、模型的整合、脑机制的进一步研究、减缓失调的积极作用是未来的研究趋势,并指出跨文化研究中应注意的问题  相似文献   
事件相关振荡与振荡脑网络   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周曙 《心理科学进展》2008,16(3):435-440
事件相关振荡是伴随认知、情感和行为过程的脑电磁振荡活动,观察到其各类调频、调幅和调相现象,这种介观和宏观尺度上大量神经元的集体活动与微观尺度上神经元平均发放率和发放定时相互影响,共同参与神经信息的编码、表征、通讯和调控。动态细胞集群假说认为大脑认知功能是神经网络通过同步振荡相互作用的结果,在基于振荡的大脑理论指引下,多尺度、跨脑区和跨频率事件相关振荡研究为揭开振荡脑网络的工作原理带来了希望  相似文献   
Cross-situational learning is a mechanism for learning the meaning of words across multiple exposures, despite exposure-by-exposure uncertainty as to a word's true meaning. Doubts have been expressed regarding the plausibility of cross-situational learning as a mechanism for learning human-scale lexicons in reasonable timescales under the levels of referential uncertainty likely to confront real word learners. We demonstrate mathematically that cross-situational learning facilitates the acquisition of large vocabularies despite significant levels of referential uncertainty at each exposure, and we provide estimates of lexicon learning times for several cross-situational learning strategies. This model suggests that cross-situational word learning cannot be ruled out on the basis that it predicts unreasonably long lexicon learning times. More generally, these results indicate that there is no necessary link between the ability to learn individual words rapidly and the capacity to acquire a large lexicon.  相似文献   
行为振荡是个体心理加工过程的周期性动态变化在行为上的表现。通过高时间分辨率的行为采样方法, 行为振荡研究为探索视觉注意的时间动态结构提供了一个新的视角。各种不同的注意任务中都发现存在行为振荡现象。大量行为振荡证据表明, 注意过程存在两种主要的节律成分:反映注意抑制的α节律(8~13 Hz)和反映注意转移的θ节律(4~8 Hz)。这些结果有助于揭示注意的时间动态结构, 也为序列搜索理论和平行搜索理论之间的争论提供了新的分析思路。行为振荡的节律特征会受到一些潜在因素(如任务难度、线索有效性)的影响。行为振荡和神经振荡在某些任务中表现出相同的节律成分, 提示两者涉及了相似的心理过程。后续研究应进一步关注各种不同的注意控制过程以及多模态交互任务, 深入探索其行为振荡特点, 以更好地揭示注意的动态加工过程。  相似文献   
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