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The author discusses two concepts of transference: the broader use of transference as the 'total situation', as it was called by Melanie Klein and further elaborated by post-Kleinians, and the narrow use of transference in the traditional sense. Using clinical material from the four-times-a-week analysis of a severely disturbed adolescent over a period of 4 years, the author tries to show how the understanding of the transference as the total situation enabled her to work with this boy who hardly spoke or played. The observation of his non-verbal communication and the counter-transference feelings of the analyst made it possible to formulate hypotheses about the quality of his relationship with the analyst and the inner world of the patient. After the presentation of the clinical material the author points out some misunderstandings of the concept of the total situation in European psychoanalytic discussion.

L'auteur explore deux façons de conceptualiser le transfert?:?celle, plus large, de la « situation totale », formulée par Melanie Klein et développée par les post-Kleiniens, ainsi que celle, plus étroite, de l'acception traditionnelle du terme. À partir du matériel clinique d'une analyse À quatre séances hebdomadaires pendant plus de quatre ans d'un adolescent gravement perturbé, l'auteur s'efforce de montrer comment la conception du transfert en tant que situation totale lui a permis de travailler avec ce garçon qui ne parlait ni ne jouait guère. L'observation de ses communications non verbales et les éprouvés contre-transférentiels de l'analyste ont permis l'élaboration d'hypothèses relatives À la qualité de la relation patient-analyste et au monde interne du garçon. Après avoir présenté le matériel clinique, l'auteur relève quelques malentendus qui persistent, parmi les psychanalystes en Europe, au sujet de la situation totale.

L'autrice discute due concetti di transfert: il piu' ampio uso del transfert in quanto 'situazione totale', come fu chiamato da Melanie Klein e successivamente elaborato dai post-Kleiniani, e l'uso piu' ristretto del transfert nel senso tradizionale. Usando il materiale clinico tratto dall'analisi di quattro anni a quattro sedute settimanali di un adolescente molto disturbato, l'autrice cerca di mostrare in che modo la comprensione del transfert come situazione totale le ha permesso di lavorare con questo ragazzo che a mala pena parlava e giocava. L'osservazione delle sue comunicazioni non verbali e i sentimenti di contro-transfert dell'analista hanno permesso di formulare ipotesi sulla qualita' della sua relazione con l'analista ed il mondo interno del paziente. Successivamente alla presentazione del materiale clinico l'autrice espone alcuni dei fraintendimenti del concetto di situazione totale nella discussione psicoanalitica europea.

Die Autorin diskutiert zwei Konzepte der Übertragung: den weitergefassten Gebrauch der Übertragung als der 'totalen Situation', wie sie von Melanie Klein benannt und von Post-Kleinianern weiterentwickelt wurde, und den engeren Gebrauch der Übertragung im traditionellen Sinne. Anhand von klinischem Material aus einer vierstÜndigen Analyse eines schwer gestörten Jugendlichen Über den Zeitraum von 4 Jahren, versucht die Autorin aufzuzeigen, wie das Verständnis der Übertragung als der totalen Situation ihr ermöglichte, mit diesem Jungen zu arbeiten, der kaum sprach oder spielte. Die Beobachtung seiner nicht-sprachlichen Kommunikation und der GegenÜbertragungsgefÜhle der Analytikerin ermöglichte es, Hypothesen Über die Qualität seiner Beziehung mit der Analytikerin und der innerer Welt des Patientens zu formulieren. Nach der Präsentierung des klinischen Materials stellt die Autorin einige der Missverständnisse des Konzepts der totalen Situation in der europäischen psychoanalytischen Diskussion heraus.  相似文献   
The CARE system is a gift from Mother Nature, we have it in our biological heritage; it enables us humans—as a basic gift—to help each other in a large, life-serving context, and thus also to counterbalance destruction. It is about a basic human ability, linked to typical behaviour, but also about a basic human need for connectedness. In this paper, I would like to show how the CARE system can be activated as a collective attitude. The CARE system is strengthened by positive emotions. We are currently being affected by many crises and this triggers fear. How can we deal with this better? Fear is countered with hope and the associated positive emotions such as joy, awe, kama muta and others. These emotions and feelings can be consciously encouraged and placed alongside the feelings of fear. But also, when we share the feelings of grief with each other, it triggers an attitude of CARE. We can grieve together for the various experiences of loss that we go through—but we can also imagine together how we envisage a future that is worth living for everyone. An attitude in the sense of CARING has been practised in friendship for thousands of years. It would therefore be possible to move away from an attitude of competing and outdoing, to an attitude not only of recognition, care, and solidarity in human interaction, but also in our connection with nature.  相似文献   
This study examined stability of maternal sensitivity and efficacy of a Q‐sort measure of maternal sensitivity across time and context. Two versions of the maternal behavior Q‐set (MBQS) were employed, first during the Strange Situation Procedure (SSP) and second at home, 2.5 years later based on an available subsample. Findings revealed that the MBQS scores assessed at two time points in two contexts were significantly correlated, showing the stability of maternal sensitivity of the subsample over a time period of 2.5 years. The MBQS scores assigned to mothers of preschoolers were also significantly correlated with their children's early interactive behavioural scores given during the SSP. The current findings further support validating the consistency, the versatility and the efficacy of the MBQS as a sound measure of maternal sensitivity. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Aging is characterized by a decrease of cognitive performance in most of cognitive domains. One of the most fundamental issues is then to know what are the underlying mechanisms of these age-related changes in human cognition. Recent research suggests that in addition to speed of processing and working memory capacities, age-related impairment in executive functioning plays an important role in the cognitive decline associated to aging. Above and beyond performance, current research shows that the mediating role of executive function in age-related changes in cognitive performance occurs via changes in strategies variations (i.e., repertoire, distribution, execution, and selection of the strategies used to accomplish a cognitive task). In this article, we illustrate both strategic variations and underlying executive control mechanisms in two important cognitive domains : episodic memory and problem solving.  相似文献   
Situation Awareness (SA) has been studied in many dynamic environments such as aviation.transportation, and medicine, but has not been extensively applied to sporting environments. Research from other areas suggests that SA is an important aspect of successful performance. The objectives of this scoping review were to identify what types of SA frameworks are used in sports, what methods are used to directly assess SA in sports, and what are the cognitive skills that have been linked to SA in sports. Seven databases were searched for peer-reviewed papers examining SA in a sporting context. The literature search revealed a scarcity of studies that directly describe SA within a sporting context. The most common frameworks described in the sporting literature were the three-level framework and Distributed Situation Awareness. The direct methods of measuring SA in sports varied and included the Situation Awareness Global Assessment Technique (SAGAT), Cognition Self-Assessment Tool (CSAT), and Random Number Cognition Test (RANCT) tools. Lastly, the cognitive skills linked to SA in sports included visual behaviours, anticipation, and decision-making. After evaluating the research, we argue there is potential benefit in applying SA to a sporting context but there are, currently, issues of validity and reliability in how SA is described and assessed in sports. Suggestions are made for how we might advance in this field of research.  相似文献   
Few studies have investigated the way conversational work is divided between men and women in work or problem-solving contexts. This study analyzed dialogues in the workplace between 13 pairs of male and female flight attendants asked to solve a problem adapted from the Wason task. Most previous work suggests that men speak more, interrupt more, and show a greater propensity to put forward a solution. Conversely, women’s speech acts tend to be mainly of an acquiescent or questioning type. Only the hypotheses concerning interruptions, acquiescence and putting forward a solution were confirmed.  相似文献   
People are actively involved in the selection and avoidance of the situations they face during everyday life. Moreover, such selection/avoidance behavior is subject to sizeable individual differences. Yet, to a large extent this phenomenon has been underinvestigated, and a full understanding of selection/avoidance remains lacking. In the present paper, we take a first step to a more in-depth understanding of situation avoidance, which is conceptualized in terms of individual profiles or signatures across situations. Two key objectives with regard to those signatures are being addressed, that is: (a) identifying the critical situational triggers that elicit avoidance behavior, and (b) identifying the most important individual differences in the link between these situational triggers and avoidance, along with their underlying process dynamics. To achieve these objectives, we performed an empirical study on avoidance of communication situations. This study revealed a set of person types that meaningfully differ in sensitivity to a few key situational features. These person types further appeared to differ from one another on several dispositional cognitive/affective forecast variables.  相似文献   
Although maternal sensitivity is widely understood as having a direct impact on the quality of the mother–child relationship, empirical evidence supporting this has been inconsistent, possibly because of varied definitions of the construct and limitations of measurements. The Maternal Behavior Q‐Set (MBQS) appears to be a promising measure of sensitivity, showing associations with attachment security (r = .60) higher than those reported (r = .24) in a highly‐regarded meta‐analysis of other sensitivity measures. The present study aimed to further establish the validity and utility of the MBQS by exploring its consistency with a contingency‐based measure of sensitivity, while also seeking evidence of stability across contexts and times. Seventy‐two mothers and their 10‐month‐olds participated in a procedure that included two episodes of Floor Play and Reunions following maternal differential treatment. Mothers were scored on contingent responsivity and warmth. At 12 months, the dyads underwent the Strange Situation Procedure where sensitivity was assessed using a 72‐item version of the MBQS. The findings revealed the stability of maternal sensitivity across times, contexts, and measures. However, linkages applied only to 10‐month scores from reunion, not play, episodes, supporting Pederson and Moran's (1995) assertion that high‐demand circumstances reveal more meaningful differences in maternal sensitivity. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
孙洋洋  陈巍 《心理科学》2022,45(5):1099-1105
Meltzoff的“似我”假说认为,婴儿借助“我他对等”认识解读他人行为和心理状态,通过他人间的互动信息推断和调整自身行为。“似我”认识以动作表征为基础,借助第一人称体验建立双向映射,对“似我”之人进行因果推理,由此构成发展路径引导婴儿认识他心。注视追随与模仿两种初级社会学习机制进一步丰富了婴儿对社交关系的理解,使人类学习的渠道突破了自我体验的局限而变得更加多元。  相似文献   
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