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The inhibition underlying retrieval-induced forgetting has been argued to play a crucial role in the ability to overcome interference in memory and cognition. Supporting this conjecture, recent research has found that participants who exhibit greater levels of retrieval-induced forgetting are better at overcoming fixation on the Remote Associates Test (RAT) than are participants who exhibit reduced levels of retrieval-induced forgetting. If the ability to inhibit inappropriate responses improves the ability to solve fixated RAT problems, then reducing the fixation caused by inappropriate responses should reduce the correlation between retrieval-induced forgetting and problem solving. We tested this hypothesis by inserting an incubation period between two 30-second problem-solving attempts: half of the participants were given an incubation period (distributed condition), half were not (continuous condition). In the continuous condition retrieval-induced forgetting correlated positively with problem-solving performance during both the initial and final 30 seconds of problem solving. In the distributed condition retrieval-induced forgetting only correlated with problem-solving performance during the first 30 seconds of problem solving. This finding suggests that incubation reduces the need for inhibition by reducing the extent to which problem solvers suffer fixation.  相似文献   
Replicating thought suppression effects with the Think/No-Think paradigm (TNT) has failed in some studies investigating the phenomenon of below-baseline recall of suppressed stimuli. Attempts have been made to isolate factors that might explain inter-individual differences in suppression performance. Certain personality traits, whether associated with a pathological state or investigated in a community sample, have been shown to interfere with successful thought suppression and might be responsible for some of the negative results obtained in TNT studies. In the present study we investigate the influence of psychometric measures of depression and anxiety in a fairly large sample of healthy volunteers. We show that high brooding and anxious tendencies predict worse suppression performance. While no suppression was shown when investigating the TNT not taking the psychometric measures into account, including these two traits in the analysis resulted in a pattern of below-baseline recall only for low brooders and low anxious participants. We argue that inclusion of variables measuring personality traits is warranted using the TNT and that these variables already exert their influence at minimal levels of variance, significantly improving the interpretability of the results. Future research should therefore cautiously investigate potential confounding personality characteristics before analysing their data.  相似文献   
本研究对行政职业能力测验中的阅读理解分测验考查何种能力要素进行了深入探讨.研究一首先通过文献法初步概括出行政职业能力测验阅读理解的能力考查体系,进而使用出声思维的方法对该考查体系进行验证和补充,最后通过专家调查论证方法对其进行最终确定.结果表明,行政职业能力测验阅读理解考查了6种能力,分别是提取信息能力、理解意义能力、理解细节能力、分析结构能力、概括能力及推断能力,其中提取信息能力和理解意义能力是基础.在此基础上,研究二使用该能力框架选取合适的行政职业能力测验阅读理解题目,组成一套阅读理解测验,并借助认知诊断方法,通过专家标定测验的Q矩阵,利用实测数据对研究一构建的能力考查体系的完备性进行了验证.  相似文献   
This paper aims to explore issues of confidentiality relating to working with undergraduate and postgraduate students in a university counselling service. The context of a counselling service within our institute of higher education has to be understood in its relationship to academic, administrative and managerial staff, to medical and psychiatric services personnel and to the wide range of other student support and welfare services in the organization whether run by university staff or the students' union. Some reflection will be given to the need for clarity in the range of roles counsellors have to play within the different functions of the university. The client-counselling relationship cannot be seen as a dyad but as a triad or an even more complex constellation of relationships when regarded in an institutional context. The central premise is based on understanding the conscious and unconscious dynamics in the institution and how these impinge on the relationship between client and counsellor in challenging or assuming the confidentiality held by the service. Such boundary issues are identified in consultation and referral, breaking confidentiality, referral of disruptive students, calls for help and holding confidentiality. The case material drawn on to illustrate these five areas is also described in terms of anxieties raised and how these are projected, introjected and contained.

Within the service client and counsellor contract to work together. It is made clear that counselling is a professional relationship with agreed boundaries and a commitment to confidentiality. This is crucial to the working relationship and is a means of providing the client with both safety and privacy. Any limitation on the degree of confidentiality offered may reduce the usefulness of counselling. Bound by his or her professional code of ethics the counsellor will reach an agreement with the client at the outset about the extent of confidentiality they are offering, take care not to disclose information given in confidence and, when possible, be able to negotiate any change in agreement with the client.

Exceptional circumstances which may occur and give rise to the counsellor's decision to break the confidentiality formerly agreed between him or herself and the client are those which give grounds for believing the client will cause serious harm to others or themselves or have harm caused to them. Reference will be made to the role of consultant supervision in such situations and how any breaking of confidentiality can best be minimized. Attention will be given to the relevant ethical codes to which counsellors adhere and the issues of confidentiality within the legal process as well as whether the requirements of providing counselling services for students in higher education impel us, logically and practically, towards certain policies in regard to boundaries.  相似文献   

Tinnitus is the perception of sounds (often ringing or buzzing) in the absence of any external auditory stimulation, hence sometimes called a ''phantom auditory perception''. Although most people tend to ignore their tinnitus, a significant proportion will show marked annoyance and reduced quality of life as a result of this complaint. It is difficult to predict those who are likely to develop severe problems with tinnitus, but psychosocial aspects such as anxiety and depression have been proposed as mediators. In this study we investigated the role of anxiety sensitivity defined as a trait tendency to fear anxietyrelated sensations. The study sample included 146 tinnitus patients with moderate to severe tinnitus. Results showed that anxiety sensitivity correlated significantly with tinnitus distress, but the association was significantly stronger in female participants who also displayed more signs of anxiety sensitivity. A multiple regression analysis revealed that anxiety sensitivity contributed to explained variance in tinnitus distress beyond audiological measures of tinnitus maskability and hearing thresholds. These results are discussed in light of related investigations on the role of anxiety sensitivity in somatic conditions.  相似文献   

A study with multiple baseline design across situations and response-classes was used to evaluate the effects of a water mist procedure used for punishment of two classes of problem behaviour in a 50-year-old woman with severe mental retardation. Problem behaviour was reduced to less than 5% of baseline. After 19 months the problem behaviour was still reduced, and had stabilized at a level below 10% of baseline. Due to financial economies the local community authorities terminated the treatment, which resulted in a marked increase in the rate of problem behaviour.  相似文献   

The present research examined the extent to which sleep disturbance is involved in the experience of test anxiety. In Study 1, a sample of 80 subjects completed a trait measure of test anxiety and completed a sleep inventory with reference to the past 30 days. In Study 2, a sample of 188 subjects provided measures of trait and state test anxiety and completed a sleep inventory for the night preceding an actual test. The results of Study 1 and Study 2 confirmed that test anxiety is associated with self-reported sleep disturbance. In addition, the results of Study 2 showed that sleep disturbance is also associated with increased state test anxiety. Finally, it was found in Study 2 that sleep disturbance was not related to actual test performance. However, poorer test performance was associated with increased state and trait test anxiety. It is concluded that certain characteristics associated with test anxiety are stable and may be detected in evaluative and non-evaluative situations. The results are discussed with particular reference to their implications for the test anxiety construct itself as well as treatment strategies for the test-anxious student.  相似文献   

We investigated the discriminant validity of the frequently used Burnout Measure (BM) (Pines et al ., 1981), in relation to depressive symptomatology and anxiety. Following Russell's (1980) work on the multidimensional space of affective states, BM's items were hypothesized to reside in three separate regions of that space, labeled anxiety, depression, and wornout, with wornout representing a combination of physical and emotional exhaustion. Respondents were 704 senior army officers, who completed a questionnaire that included BM items, standard measures of depression and anxiety, and measures of military-related stresses. Their responses to the BM items and to the depression and anxiety scales were subjected to multidimensional scaling analysis. Excepting an unexpected finding related to a fourth construct, loss of vigor, the results were supportive of the hypothesis and led to the construction of three unidimensional measures, respectively gauging anxiety, depression, and wornout. The correlations of the three measures with the stress measures supported their discriminant validity. We suggest that future research using the BM should focus on the set of items that were found to load on the dimension of wornout, to the exclusion of items tapping depression and anxiety.  相似文献   

The study investigated how attention to negative (threatening) and positive social-evaluative words is affected by social anxiety, trait anxiety and the expectation of social threat. High and low socially anxious individuals carried out a modified dot-probe task either while expecting to give a speech or under non-threatening conditions. High socially anxious individuals showed no significant attentional bias towards or away from social-evaluative words. This result significantly contrasted with an identical design that showed avoidance of emotional faces in high socially anxious participants drawn from the same population (Mansell et al ., 1999). Participants who expected to give a speech showed less attentional avoidance of negative and positive social-evaluative words. High trait anxiety was associated with selective attention to negative relative to positive social-evaluative words, consistent with earlier findings of attention to threat cues in high trait-anxious individuals. Implications for designing attention tasks and attentional bias across different dimensions of anxiety are discussed.  相似文献   

Contrary to conventional educational testing, in so-called dynamic assessment subjects are allowed to consult help during testing or are offered prior training. The differential results of both testing procedures are sometimes ascribed to the idea that dynamic tests reflect the breadth of the zone of proximal development on top of independent achievement. Alternative explanations claim that conventional tests are more strongly biased towards various characteristics of persons, which have a negative influence on performance, when compared to dynamic tests. In this study, it was hypothesised that static as well as dynamic assessment is biased towards anxious tendencies of subjects, but the former more strongly than the latter. In order to investigate this supposition, the performance of subjects on dynamic and static tests was systematically compared and related to measures of test anxiety in a longitudinal experiment. In the experiment, repeated measures of independent mathematics achievement as well as mathematics learning potential were gathered among students of secondary education in the Netherlands. Prior to every mathematics test, subjects filled out a test anxiety questionnaire. After every mathematics test, subjects filled out a general state anxiety questionnaire. The participating subjects were students from secondary education, either preparing for higher vocational training or university, aged approximately 15 years on average.

The results of the experiment showed that lack of self-confidence is an important constituent factor of test anxiety, apart from worry and emotionality. The data supported the assumption that such testing procedures are less biased towards anxiety than conventional tests, but it was not established that dynamic testing procedures render results that are not biased by test anxious tendencies.  相似文献   
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