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Reliability captures the influence of error on a measurement and, in the classical setting, is defined as one minus the ratio of the error variance to the total variance. Laenen, Alonso, and Molenberghs (Psychometrika 73:443–448, 2007) proposed an axiomatic definition of reliability and introduced the R T coefficient, a measure of reliability extending the classical approach to a more general longitudinal scenario. The R T coefficient can be interpreted as the average reliability over different time points and can also be calculated for each time point separately. In this paper, we introduce a new and complementary measure, the so-called R Λ , which implies a new way of thinking about reliability. In a longitudinal context, each measurement brings additional knowledge and leads to more reliable information. The R Λ captures this intuitive idea and expresses the reliability of the entire longitudinal sequence, in contrast to an average or occasion-specific measure. We study the measure’s properties using both theoretical arguments and simulations, establish its connections with previous proposals, and elucidate its performance in a real case study. The authors are grateful to J&J PRD for kind permission to use their data. We gratefully acknowledge support from Belgian IUAP/PAI network “Statistical Techniques and Modeling for Complex Substantive Questions with Complex Data.”  相似文献   
中学生问题行为群体特征的多视角研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
以北京市中学生为被试,自编中学生问题行为自我评定、教师评定和家长评定三视角问卷,研究中学生问题行为的结构和群体特征,结果表明:(1)中学生问题行为评定存在跨评定者的六因子多质多法(multitrait—multimethod,MTMM)结构模型。(2)性别差异分析表明在学业不适、攻击行为和违纪行为上三视角均显示男生都显著高于女生,但是在内倾问题上自评问卷显示在神经质、退缩行为和考试焦虑上女生比男生高,教师评定只有在考试焦虑上女生高于男生,而家长评定内倾问题上性别差异基本不显著。(3)自评问卷在六因子和问题总分上还显示了年级差异,教师评定三个因子有年级差异,家长评定年级差异基本上不显著。(4)三视角对应因子间呈中低水平相关,在学业和破坏性较大的外倾问题上的相关高于在内倾问题上的相关。  相似文献   
The importance of establishing predictable routines during childhood consistently has been emphasized in the popular parenting literature, despite a paucity of empirical evidence. The lack of research may be partially due to a lack of suitable instruments designed to measure children's routines. This study describes development and preliminary psychometric data in support of the Child Routines Inventory (CRI), an empirically derived, content-valid, parent-report measure of commonly occurring routines in school-aged children. Principal components analysis yielded a four-factor structure (composed of 36 items), accounting for 44.2% of the total variance. The CRI was found to have excellent internal consistency ( = .90), good test-retest reliability (r = .86), and preliminary evidence of construct validity, demonstrating a moderate relationship with measures of child behavior problems and family routines. These results suggest the CRI to be a promising new measure of child routines that would benefit from further validation studies.  相似文献   
Teacher and self-ratings of social competence were obtained for 669 (341 males, 328 females) grades 3–6 students using the Social Behavior Assessment—Revised (SBA-R) and a self-report scale consisting of the identical items reworded in first person. Factor analysis and multitrait-multimethod matrix analysis were used to validate construct interpretations. The previous four-factor structure of the SBA-R was not replicated. However, the three-factor structure that did emerge was better defined. Although student-teacher concordance was moderate for the Self-Control/Social Convention and Academic Responsibility factors, it was minimal for the Social Participation factor. Evidence of discriminant validity was weak. As with other studies using rating scales, method bias was in evidence. Sex differences were found in terms of variance explained by each factor and convergent validity. Discussion focuses on problems associated with construct validation in general and validation of school-related social competence in particular.  相似文献   
Two expectations of the adjusted Rand index (ARI) are compared. It is shown that the expectation derived by Morey and Agresti (1984, Educational and Psychological Measurement, 44, 33) under the multinomial distribution to approximate the exact expectation from the hypergeometric distribution (Hubert & Arabie, 1985, Journal of Classification, 2, 193) provides a poor approximation, and, in some cases, the difference between the two expectations can increase with the sample size. Proofs concerning the minimum and maximum difference between the two expectations are provided, and it is shown through simulation that the ARI can differ significantly depending on which expectation is used. Furthermore, when compared in a hypothesis testing framework, multinomial approximation overly favours the null hypothesis.  相似文献   
We explore the role of leader personality (i.e., the Big 5 traits: Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, Openness, Extraversion, and Neuroticism) and gender in self–other (dis)agreement (SOA) in ratings of leadership. We contend that certain aspects of the leader's persona may be more or less related to self‐ or other‐ratings of the leader's behaviour if those aspects are (1) more or less observable by others, (2) more or less related to internal thoughts versus external behaviours, (3) more or less prone to self‐enhancement or self‐denigrating biases, or (4) more or less socially desirable. We utilize statistical methodologies that capture fully the effects of multiple independent variables on the congruence between two dependent variables (Edwards, 1995 , Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 64, 307), which previously have not been applied to this area of research. Our results support hypotheses predicting less SOA as leader Conscientiousness increases and greater SOA as Agreeableness and Neuroticism increase. Additionally, we found gender to be an important factor in SOA; female leaders exhibited greater SOA than did their male counterparts. We discuss the implications of these findings, limitations, and future research directions.

Practitioner points

  • Popular practices such as 360‐degree feedback may reveal discrepancies between a person's self‐ratings and other's ratings.
  • Although often attributed to a lack of self‐awareness, these discrepancies also may be explained by factors such as the personality and gender of the focal individual.
在综合考察各国立法和我国地方立法的基础上,对我国器官捐献立法的一些前提性问题进行探讨:明确死亡标准,建立合理的器官捐献激励机制,明确器官捐献的法律责任和追究机制,确立“指定同意”模式为基本原则,构建适应我国国情和文化背景的器官捐献立法体系,以切实加强对我国器官捐献的规范化管理.  相似文献   
A signature feature of self-regulation is that once a goal is satiated, it becomes deactivated, thereby allowing people to engage in new pursuits. The present experiments provide evidence for vicarious goal satiation, a novel phenomenon in which individuals experience “post-completion goal satiation” as a result of unwittingly taking on another person's goal pursuit and witnessing its completion. In Experiments 1 and 2, the observation of a goal being completed (vs. not completed) led to less striving by the observer on the same task. Given that an actor's strength of commitment affects goal contagion, we hypothesized that such commitment would be an important boundary condition for vicarious goal satiation. The results of Experiment 2 showed that observing stronger (vs. weaker) goal commitment lowered accessibility of goal-related words, but only when the goal being observed was completed. Implications of vicarious goal satiation for goal pursuit in everyday environments are discussed.  相似文献   
Rating scales are the most frequently‐used response tool in surveys, and the scale levels are commonly described with words [verbal scale‐point labels (VSPL)]. In this study, Chinese VSPL were identified which employ five‐point scales that are psychometrically equivalent to English VSPL. In several bilingual studies, a total of 61 Chinese and 44 English items addressing intensity, frequency, and agreement rating modalities were tested. For each VSPL, three aspects were measured: position between minimum and maximum, familiarity, and appeal. The correspondence between pertinent Chinese and English words was also assessed. Based on these findings, we recommend specific VSPL that are best‐suited for achieving equivalence between Chinese and English in rating scales.  相似文献   
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