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Driver distraction is a major cause of road crashes and has a great influence on road safety. In vehicles, one of the common distracting sources is navigation systems (NSs). The navigation system (NS) can distract the driver due to following directions and reading the provided information through its display. These tasks take the driver’s attention from the primary task of driving and may cause poor driving performance, increasing the risk of crashes. In this paper, the effect of the environment (i.e., urban areas and rural areas), the navigation system display (NSD) size, environmental illumination, and gender on young drivers between the ages of 18 and 29 years mental workload was investigated using a simulated driving experiment. To evaluate each driving condition, the NASA-TLX (NASA Task Load Index) workload assessment tool, and a distraction evaluation element, were introduced and used to assess the overall workload, the workload subscales and the distraction by the NSD. The assessment showed a higher perceived overall workload for urban areas and night driving as compared to a rural areas and daytime driving. Moreover, the results showed a greater perceived distraction by the NSD in urban areas compared to driving in rural areas. The subjects also felt distracted when using the small NS compared to using the large NS. The study concluded that urban areas driving, and night driving creates higher perceived workload than rural areas and daytime driving. Furthermore, small NSD leads to more perceived distraction than large NSD while driving. The NSD designers may utilize this research findings to optimize NSD designs to improve driving safety, performance and comfort. Moreover, this study contributes to our understanding of the effect of the NSD size on driving workload and distraction.  相似文献   
A great deal of effort has been made to introduce trust models to assess trustworthiness within virtual societies. The great majority of them makes extensive use of direct experience as the main source of information, considering recommendation/reputation and inferential processes just later, as a secondary mechanism to refine trust assessment. In this kind of networks, unfortunately, direct experience might not always represent the best solution to assess trustworthiness. In fact, their highly dynamic structure promotes an increase of the average number of interconnections among agents. This in turn negatively affects the degree of knowledge the agents possess about each specific individual, i.e. direct experience. To date, however, it has not been said much about how to face these situations.It is fundamental to find an effective approach for trust assessment even in lack of direct experience, which is the central focus of this research. By the means of a multi-agent social simulation, we consider the situation in which an agent can just access indirect knowledge for trust assessment, namely recommendations of specific individuals or whole categories of individuals. Then, we compare the efficiency of these two approaches in order to identify when it is more convenient to rely on the first or on the second one. As expected, our results confirm that the dynamic nature of these networks strongly affects the role of categories. We modeled this feature introducing the “turnover” in the simulations, whereby the higher is the turnover the more convenient it is relying on categories. Besides this confirmatory result, our simulations highlight the higher degree of robustness of categories in the presence of unreliable recommenders. Such a result is even more significant if there is no available information about how reliable the recommenders are.The results we obtained are in accordance with the current literature and can be of important interest for the development of this sector.  相似文献   
The objective of this study is to examine the influence of explicit (team reflexivity) and implicit (transactive memory) coordination processes on the perceived interventional effectiveness of specialized elite units (RAID) of the French national police. We test the hypothesis that transactive memory is a mediating process in the relationship between team reflexivity and perceived effectiveness. One hundred and three police-officers representing the seven French police special units replied to a questionnaire. The results show that perceived effectiveness is positively related to task reflexivity and transactive memory. The relationship between task reflexivity and perceived effectiveness is mediated by the integrated component of transactive memory (bootSE = 0.05, 95% BCa CI [0.004, 0.19]). The theoretical and practical implications are discussed with regard to the development of debriefing methods and teamwork training for the development of shared mental models.  相似文献   
现代社会生活的生产实践表明,分工是交换的前提,交换是分工的实现,这就是现代社会活动的全部内容和过程。在此事实基础上构建的市场经济体制,其管理理念内含着丰富的伦理意蕴[1]。本文首先分析阐述了市场经济信用体系的建立是市场经济体制内在规律的必然要求,揭示了“信用”是承诺者之间能量均衡与博弈的结果,既具有丰富的道德理性又具有明显的功利要求。文章进而通过对信用体系维护的动力因素及其与市场主体行为的相关性进行比较研究后指出:政府在参与市场经济活动中要坚持“有所为,有所不为”,应把政府置于经济利益之外,使之具有超脱于市场各成员的地位;同时,信用体系的创立和维护并不必然由政府主导,而是市场经济环境中公共合意选择的必然结果。  相似文献   
从语义上看,社会主义价值体系就是人们对社会主义属性的感受、体验、认知以及评判的总和,体现为一种观念的集合(社会意识系统),社会主义核心价值体系就是指在这些观念集合中居于主体地位、起着主导性作用的观念系统。而在语用层面,社会主义核心价值体系因解释者不同而具有不同的诉求。一般来说,主要有这样三种类型的诉求:国家的角度,基于阶级意志而要求整个社会如何如何;社会的角度,着眼于“应该”的愿景来表达预期的意愿;个体的角度,立足于事实的效力坚持大众认同的标准。  相似文献   
精神医学是临床医学的一个分枝,是高度复杂的一门科学,站在哲学的角度反思,信息系统控制科学方法渗透于精神医学的历史发展过程和临床工作的资料收集、诊断、治疗等各个环节,以及精神医学的科研工作中,还启迪着我国精神卫生事业的发展方向。  相似文献   
Value transmission is a fundamental task of schools. However, the question arises as to how far prevailing political and social conditions shape the functioning of a country or a region’s school system. In other words: what effect do they have on the choice of values to be transmitted at schools? Are there any fundamental social values that are shared by different cultures at different times? Are there values that exist independently of social and political systems? These questions have a special relevance in Eastern and Central European countries like Hungary where political and social changes in the twentieth century had a crucial effect on the set of values that were transmitted by the school system. The aim of this study is to describe how the value transmitting role of the Hungarian school system has changed as a consequence of political transformations in recent decades.  相似文献   
综合性大学开设长学制高等医学教育的初步研究   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21  
我国现有的医学教育学制偏短,不利于培养高质量医学人才。综合性大学有着许多办学优势,有利于开设长学制医学教育,因此,要发挥综合性大学的优势,实行多通道办学模式,学分制和弹性学制,强化公共基础教育和人文素质教育,改善办学条件,提高管理水平,努力培养能参与国际竞争的高层次医学人才。  相似文献   
"庆历易学"指庆历前后学坛易学,以往学界对这个易学派别未加注意,实际上该学派在易学史上占有重要的地位,它开宋易系统之先河.首先,"庆历易学"开宋学重<易>风气之先.其次,"庆历易学"开宋易系统解<易>风气之先.最后,"庆历易学"开纯以儒家义理解<易>风气之先."庆历易学"重<易>、解<易>风气的实质是学术范式的转换."庆历易学"是以范仲淹为核心的学者集团共同作用的结果.  相似文献   
在当今国际世界,生命伦理学已经发展成一种国际性的“社会运动”,成为学术界和公众关注的热点领域。在欧美国家健全和完善现代医疗保健制度过程中,“生命伦理委员会”起到至关重要的作用,它不仅促使人们从伦理学角度探索“我/我们应当如何决定和行为”的问题,也推动社会从制度建构和文化塑造层面回答“政府应当如何行为”、“如何增进公民的生命伦理意识”等问题,并从哲学领域深入探索如何应对生命伦理学理论与实践中的复杂问题与困境,论证相关伦理选择及其实践的合理性。20世纪60年代以来,欧美社会生命伦理学在机构建设、咨询服务和思维方式等方面的经验可以为中国生命伦理学学科发展及生命伦理委员会建设提供有益的参考。  相似文献   
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