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Through a joint community effort Denmark’s Renewable Energy Island Samsø became self-sufficient with renewable energy over a period of 10 years from 1997 to 2007. Today, the story about Samsø’s successful energy transition has become a global export and a widely known model of community building, public participation and shared ownership in renewable energy technologies and transition processes. What has allowed the Samsø narrative to travel so widely has been the effective ‘transition story’ created about the islanders’ efforts. This transition story, however, has become fixed with the years and has assumed an ideal-typical character. Meanwhile, the challenges and costs inherent in the complicated socio-material process of transition are underestimated and largely forgotten. While such transition stories are indeed inspiring, the ideal-typical narrative may stand in the way of the development of further local energy transitions, as challenging elements of the process are downplayed to strengthen the narrative power of the story. Ethnographic stories about Samsø complicate the island’s transition narrative and add nuance to the Samsø story, highlighting its discrepancies and problematizing the effects of such well-crafted transition narratives. This tendency toward the ‘storification’ of transition processes is not restricted to Samsø; it is employed as a tactics by environmental organizations operating globally.  相似文献   
The transition from school to work is one of the most critical steps in graduates' careers, as it can determine vocational outcomes and future career success. Yet, these newcomers to the labor market often take longer than regular job seekers to find a suitable job, are more likely to experience a job mismatch and to suffer from underemployment. In this study, we proposed that career adaptability might help remedy this problem. We therefore developed a training aimed at providing graduates with career adaptability resources, with the assumption that this may foster training-participants' later career adaptability and employment quality. A longitudinal field quasi-experiment compared the development of each career adaptability dimension between a training group (n = 32) and a control group (n = 24) over three points in time (pre-training measurement, post-training measurement and follow-up measurement six months later). Repeated measures analyses showed an overall increase in concern, control and curiosity within the training group, whereas there was no increase (concern) or even an overall decrease (control and curiosity) within the control group. Consequently, the training succeeded in enhancing participants' control and curiosity in the long run. Furthermore, among participants who had found employment half a year later, training participants reported higher employment quality than did members of the control group. In sum, results show that providing graduates with career adaptability resources can raise their chances on finding a qualitatively good job.  相似文献   
The Interactive Systems Framework (ISF; Wandersman et al. in Am J Commu Psychol 41(3–4):171–181, 2008) was used to implement a kindergarten transition demonstration project collaboratively developed by elementary and early education providers, community‐based family and housing services, parents, and a University intermediary and technical assistance group. First person accounts from stakeholders at all levels provide a complementary and broad perspective on the project's implementation. The practice model blended existing research on kindergarten transition and parent involvement with feedback from stakeholders to create a community‐specific program designed to help all children make a smooth entry into kindergarten. During implementation, evidence‐based approaches needed to be adjusted to fit the specific needs of each community. Using the ISF as a guide, next steps and lessons learned include increasing leadership through a district‐wide plan that is still flexible within each school community, increasing information and supports to individual schools, and improving data collection for continuous program improvement. Special Issue: Advances in Bridging Research and Practice Using the Interactive System Framework for Dissemination and Implementation; Guest Editors: Abraham Wandersman, Paul Flaspohler, Catherine A. Lesesne, Richard Puddy; Action Editor: Emilie Phillips Smith  相似文献   

In a rapidly changing world of work, little research exists on mid-career transitions. We investigated these using the open-systems approach of chaos theory as a guiding metaphor and conducted interviews with seven mid-career individuals chosen for their experience of a significant mid-career transition. Four common themes were identified through narrative analysis, where ‘false starts’ to a career were a common experience prior to finding a career ‘fit’. Career transitions, precipitated by a trigger state and/or event such as a period of disillusionment, were an important part of this ‘finding a fit’ process. Overall, career success outcomes were shaped by a combination of chaos elements: chance, unplanned events, and non-linearity of resultant outcomes. We discuss implications for future research and practice.  相似文献   
The energetic driving force and resistance for shearing and cracking in metallic glasses (MGs) are quantitatively evaluated. A universal thermodynamic criterion is proposed for better understanding the intrinsic correlations between fracture toughness and Poisson’s ratio, the competitions between various deformation modes and the ductile-to-brittle transition in MGs and other materials. A new cooperation parameter δ is also introduced to depict quantitatively the relative propensity of shearing versus cracking. This work could provide insights into the long-standing issues of deformation mechanisms of glassy materials, and be helpful in searching for ductile and tough MGs.  相似文献   

The basic mechanisms governing the process of cracking of single-layer brittle films have been extensively explored through both simulations and experiments. However, the role that an adhesive interlayer plays in the cracking of the overlying brittle film remains unclear. By performing three-point bending experiments, we observed that the insertion of a 100?nm thick Ti interlayer changed the cracking behaviour of TiN films from a continuous pattern to a discontinuous pattern. The slight change in the microstructure of the film and the increase in film thickness arising from the addition of the Ti interlayer are unlikely to cause the observed cracking morphology. The combination of the different interface between the Ti and the steel substrate and the fracture of the Ti interlayer are responsible for the transition in the TiN film cracking morphologies.  相似文献   
The present article aims to resolve the debate on the degree of benefit of processing tool or die steels by cryogenic treatment. This has been done by measuring transition loads for quenched and tempered die steel with and without cryogenic treatment. The wide range of reported degrees of improvement of wear resistance by cryotreatment is explained by the operative modes and mechanisms of sliding wear considering the wear rate ratio of conventionally treated to cryotreated steels on a two-dimensional map.  相似文献   
The activation energy (E t) of the glass transition process has been obtained for glassy Se80? x Te20M x (M = Ag, Cd, In, Sb) and Se100? x M x (M = In, Te, Sb) systems using differential scanning calorimetry. The composition dependence of E t is explained in terms of fragility index for the systems. A reversal in the trend of the E t is explained using topological models.  相似文献   
Ferroelectric (FE) materials directly convert electrical energy to mechanical energy and are critical to applications such as sensors, transducers, and actuators. The giant electromechanical response is the manifestation of the critical point between the first-order and second-order ferroelectric–paraelectric (FE–PE) transitions. For the simple classic FE lead titanate (PbTiO3), it is commonly accepted that there is a critical point in the temperature–pressure phase diagram separating the first- and second-order FE–PE transitions at zero electric field. Here, we show that the FE-PE transition in PbTiO3 is second-order at zero electric field. We introduce the concept of the invariant critical points (ICP) among three phases, representing the stability of the PE phase with respect to two FE phases in a three-dimensional electric field-pressure-temperature phase diagram of PbTiO3. It is pointed out that the electromechanical response near ICPs is larger than that near the line of critical end points (LCEPs) between two phases.  相似文献   

Coparenting – how couples relate to one another in their joint roles as parents – is predictive of a wide variety of family and child outcomes. The current study used a qualitative, phenomenological approach to understand how couples negotiate the coparenting relationship during the transition to parenthood. The principal researcher interviewed 16 men and women of eight heterosexual, dual-earning, new parent couples. Themes emerged which were both conducive to successful coparenting and inhibitive of successful coparenting. Gender distinctions emerged between men and woman in their experiences of coparenting negotiation. Clinical implications of the themes are discussed.  相似文献   
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