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One adult female chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) was trained to respond serially to three arabic numerals between 1 and 9, presented on a cathode-ray-tube (CRT) screen. To examine the factors affecting her sequential responding behavior, wild-card items were added to the three-item sequences. When this wild-card item remained until the subject responded to the last numeral (i.e., the terminator condition), her response to the terminator at each point of the sequence was controlled by the ordinal distance between numerals. Thus, the number of responses to the terminator increased as the ordinal distance between numerals increased. When the wild-card item was eliminated by the subject’s response (wild-card conditions), the probability of responses to the wild card before the first numeral increased as a function of the serial position of the first numeral. These results were consistent with previous studies of response time and suggest both serial position and symbolic distance effects. It is suggested that the subject might form the integrated 9-item linear representations by training of possible subsets of three-item sequences. Knowledge concerning the ordinal position of each numeral was established through this training. Received: 27 October 1999 / Accepted: 22 November 1999  相似文献   
This article describes the videoconferencing training of a group of family therapists in the McMaster Approach to evaluating and treating families. A discussion of the key tenets of the McMaster Approach lays the groundwork for how these tenets were applied to training in a residential treatment agency for adolescents. The article serves as an example of how videoconference technology can facilitate extended training, even from a distance.  相似文献   
The main theoretical position on fetishism remains that outlined by Freud, the splitting of the ego and castration anxiety being central to the establishment of the fetish. The dangers and attractions of an oedipal resolution are outlined in the case of 'Stanley', an older adolescent whose nappy wearing, transvestism and obsession with pregnant mothers and their babies brought him to therapy. The paper demonstrates some of the technical difficulties in such work, the slow ego-structuring that is necessary, the patient's swift perception of danger at any failure of attunement by the therapist and subsequent flight to the perverse defence, and the impetus that acceptance of oedipal gain may bring to development. Die wesentliche theoretische Position bezüglich Fetischismus bleibt die von Freud umrissene, dass Ichspaltung und Kastrationsangst bei der Etablierung des Fetischs zentral sind. Es werden die Gefahren und Anziehungspunkte einer ödipalen Lösung im Fall von 'Stanley' dargestellt, einem älteren Jugendlichen, den sein Windeltragen, Transvestismus und Besessenheit mit schwangeren Müttern und ihren Babies zu Therapie brachte. Der Artikel zeigt einige der technischen Schwierigkeiten in solch einer Arbeit, das langsame Ich-strukturieren, das notwendig ist, die schnelle Gefahrenwahrnehmung des Patientens bei jeglicher Missanpassung des Therapeutens und die darauffolgende Flucht in perverse Abwehr, und den Antrieb, den das Akzeptieren des ödipalen Gewinns zur Entwicklung bringen kann, auf. Des conceptions théoriques du fétichisme, la plus connue reste encore celle proposée par Freud, dans laquelle le clivage du moi et l'angoisse de castration sont à l'origine de la mise en place de l'objet fétiche. Les dangers et les charmes d'une résolution ?dipienne sont esquissés à travers le cas de û Stanley ý, garçon en fin d'adolescence qui entreprend une thérapie en raison de certains de ces comportements?:?il aime porter des couches, il se travestit et il est obsédé par les femmes enceintes et leurs bébés. L'auteur souligne quelques-unes des difficultés techniques posées par ce travail, la lenteur avec laquelle il faut laisser se structurer le moi, la perception rapide par le patient d'un danger imminent dès que sa thérapeute n'est plus tout à fait en accordage avec lui, sa fuite alors vers une défense perverse, et la stimulation que l'acceptation des enrichissements ?dipiens peut entraîner pour son développement. La posizione teorica principale sul feticismo resta quella illustrata da Freud, secondo la quale la scissione dell'Io e le ansie di castrazione sono determinanti alla formazione del feticcio. I pericoli e le attrazioni di una risoluzione del complesso edipico sono illustrate nel caso di 'Stanley', un tardo adolescente arrivato in terapia perche' usava i pannolini, si travestiva e aveva un' ossessione per le donne incinte e i loro bambini. L'articolo tratta di alcune delle difficolta' tecniche in questo tipo di lavoro, della lenta e necessaria ricostruzione dell'Io, della rapida percezione del pericolo del paziente quando egli sente una mancanza di sintonia con il terapeuta e la conseguente fuga verso difese perverse, e dell'impeto che l'accettazione dei vantaggi edipici possono portare allo sviluppo.  相似文献   
This paper introduces a new measure of attachment in middle childhood (8?-?13 years), an interview extensively adapted from the AAI and with a new coding system. We report data from a series of studies with clinical and normal populations, in which the psychometric properties of reliability, stability and validity are tested and found to be satisfactory. Although work remains to be done, we see the Child Attachment Interview as a promising new attachment measure. Ce texte présente un nouvel instrument d'évaluation de l'"attachement" chez les enfants entre 8 et 13 ans. Adaptation considérablement remaniée de l'Entretien d'Attachement chez l'Adulte, cet "Entretien" est doté d'un système de codage entièrement nouveau. Les auteurs rapportent les données de plusieurs études portant sur des échantillons cliniques et normaux, dans lesquelles les propriétés psychométriques de fiabilité, de stabilité et de validité ont été testées et trouvées satisfaisantes. S'il est encore à amèliorer, l'Entretien d'Attachement chez l'Enfant s'avère déjà être un nouvel instrument d'évaluation à perspectives fort intéressantes. Questo articolo presenta un nuovo strumento di misurazione dell'attaccamento per il periodo dell'infanzia dagli 8 ai 13 anni, un metodo di intervista in gran parte preso dal AAI con un nuovo sistema di decodifica. Vengono riportati i dati derivati da una serie di studi su una popolazione normale ed una clinica, nei quali le variabili psicometriche di affidabilita', stabilita' e validita' sono state testate e ritenute soddisfacenti. Sebbene resti del lavoro da fare, gli autori ritengono che lo strumento del Child Attachment Interview sia promettente per misurare l'attaccamento. Dieser Artikel gibt eine Einfährung zu einer neuen Messung von Bindung in der mittleren Kindheit (8?-?13 Jahren), ein Interview, das ausgiebig vom AAI (Erwachsenen Bindungsinterview) angepasst und mit einem neuen Kodierungssystem versehen wurde. Wir berichten von einer Reihe von Studien mit klinischen und normalen Populationen, in denen die psychometrischen Eigenheiten von Verlässlichkeit, Stabilität und Validität getestet wurden und sich als befriedigend erwiesen. Auch wenn noch viel Arbeit geleistet werden muss, sehen wir doch das Kindbindungsinterview als eine vielversprechende neue Messung von Bindung.  相似文献   
In this article the author discusses some of the indications for short- or long-term parent?–?infant psychotherapeutic interventions in terms of what he defines as ‘problems of parenthood’ and ‘problems of parental narcissism’. Brief parent?–?infant psychotherapeutic interventions are most frequently indicated in the case of the former: more neurotic problems of parenthood where the parents present a manic or counter-depressive type of narcissism. Masochistic problems of parenthood are also susceptible to treatment through brief parent?–?infant interventions, although in such cases treatment may have to be continued in another modality of long-term psychotherapy. More dissociated problems of parental narcissism constitute a contraindication for brief psychotherapeutic parent?–?infant interventions. The persecutory narcissism of these parents contributes to a ‘negative pre-transference’ which creates a major resistance to the therapeutic process.  相似文献   
When one item is made distinct from the other items in a list, memory for the distinctive item is improved, a finding known as the isolation or von Restorff effect (after von Restorff, 1933). Although demonstrated numerous times with younger adults and children, this effect has not been found with older adults (Cimbalo & Brink, 1982). In contrast to the earlier study, we obtained a significant von Restorff effect for both younger and older adults using a physical manipulation of font colour. The effect size for older adults was smaller than that obtained for younger adults, confirming a prediction of Naveh-Benjamin's (2000) associative deficit hypothesis, which attributes age-related differences in memory performance to older adults' reduced ability to form associations. The findings are consistent with related research in which older adults demonstrate similar—but smaller—benefits for distinctive information to those for younger adults.  相似文献   
Two types of twin boundaries in superconductor Y0.6Na0.4Ba2Cu2.7Zn0.3O7? δ , the cation-centered and oxygen-centered types, and the associated twinning dislocation have been studied by high-resolution electron microscopy. The structure map projected in the [001] direction was obtained from a single image by means of the image deconvolution technique. In this map, all columns of metallic atoms appear as individual black dots, and hence the two types of twin boundaries are distinguished from each other at atomic level. It is seen that the twinning dislocation occurs when the two types of twin boundaries meet each other. The structure model of the twinning dislocation together with the two types of twin boundaries has been derived straightforwardly based on the positions of black dots seen in the deconvoluted image.  相似文献   
Thin films of Ga x Te100? x (x?=?3, 6, 9 and 12) have been synthesized by thermal evaporation. From SEM images, it is observed that all the films contain nanoparticles of sizes varying from 100 to 200?nm. The dc electrical conductivity of the as-deposited films of Ga x Te100?x nanoparticles is measured as a function of temperature range from 298 to 383?K, and increases exponentially with temperature. The value of the activation energy, calculated from the slope of ln?σ dc versus 1000/T plots, is found to decrease with increase in the Ga content. On the basis of the value of the pre-exponential factor σ o, it is suggested that the conduction is due to thermally assisted tunneling of carriers in localized states near the band edges. The optical measurements suggest an indirect optical band gap in this system. The value of the optical band gap decreases on increasing the Ga concentration.  相似文献   
This study explored the experiences of postgraduate psychology students exposed to continuous challenges and described their positive adaptation as a community. Three males and 14 females (age range: 23–30 years; 1 black, 3 coloured, 2 Indian and 11 white) took part in the study. Data were obtained through the Mmogo-method?, group discussions on the visual presentations, written texts and an in-depth interview. The findings indicated that threats from outside as well as from within a community have implications for the community's positive adaptation. Positive adaptation develops through cyclical processes. It depends on the availability of tangible (financial, teaching) and personal (humour) resources. Among the outcomes of positive adaptation are that people who share challenging experiences report a sense of belonging and hope and also respect for diversity. Positive adaptation helps a community strengthen and protect its members.  相似文献   
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