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王财玉 《心理科学》2005,(6):1416-1421
绿色消费虽然备受关注但消费者积极性却不高,这可能和个体差异性有关。为了考察绿色消费的积极性,本研究从个体差异的视角出发,引入购买时间距离这一变量,以揭示面对绿色产品的矛盾性消费者究竟更愿现在购买还是将来,决策模式是否会存在个体差异。研究发现,时间距离调节绿色消费观与产品购买意愿的关系,而产品价值感知部分中介了该调节作用。具体来说,绿色消费者不会受到时间框定的影响,而非绿色消费者则表现出时间框定效应即更倾向于在将来而不是现在购买绿色产品;这是因为绿色消费观以自上而下的方式影响绿色消费者动机加工,使绿色产品的价值感知较为稳定,而非绿色消费者的价值感知则根据购买时间距离的不同而变化。研究结果说明在生态文明建设日益紧迫的当下培育个体绿色消费观具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
Intrinsic value in nature is a key concept in professional environmental ethics literature in the West. Western scholars such as Holmes Rolston III and Paul Taylor argue that the philosophical foundation of environmental ethics should be based on the concept of intrinsic value in nature. Influenced by this concept, some influential Chinese environmental ethics scholars such as Yu Mouchang and Lu Feng argue that the foundation of environmental ethics in China should be based on the concept of intrinsic value in nature. This paper holds that the metaphysical, epistemological and ethical meaning of intrinsic value in nature is the legacy of Western philosophical traditions, which is in conflict with the Chinese philosophical traditions. Meanwile, the paper argues that the Daoist conception of living in harmony with nature can become the foundation for Chinese environmental ethics. The Daoist conception of living in harmony with nature is based on aesthetic appreciation of nature and people’s participation in the beauty of nature.  相似文献   
Frege’s ‘differential dubitability’ test is a test for differences in cognitive value: if one can rationally believe that p while simultaneously doubting that q, then the contents p and q amount to different ‘cognitive values’. If subject S is rational, does her simultaneous adoption of different attitudes towards p and q require that the difference between p and q (as cognitive values) be transparent to her? It is natural to think so. But I argue that, if attitude anti-individualism is true, then rational differential dubitability does not presuppose that differences in cognitive value are transparent. The significance of this argument lies in what it tells us, both about the notion of cognitive value and its relation to the differential dubitability test, but also about the prospects for a Burge-type position which aims to combine attitude anti-individualism with a (qualified) reliance on the differential dubitability test.
Sanford GoldbergEmail:
通过对北京市7所中学366名学生的调查,探讨了青少年对广告价值的评价以及何种因素影响青少年对广告价值的评价,广告价值的评价是否会进一步影响其决策等问题。运用AMOS 4.0建立结构方程模型对研究假设进行检验,结果表明:(1)青少年对广告价值的评价直接影响到他们的决策意图;(2)在探讨广告价值的影响因素时发现,对广告的知觉因素(信息性和娱乐性)和青少年对广告以及广告商的社会认知(观看广告的社会动机和对广告劝服技巧的认识)对广告价值的影响作用也十分显著,信息性、娱乐性与社会动机都对广告价值产生积极影响,而对广告劝服技巧的认识则对广告价值产生显著的负面影响  相似文献   
ABSTRACT— This article considers the contribution of functional neuroimaging toward understanding the computational underpinnings of human decision making. We outline the main processes likely underlying the capacity to make simple choices and describe their associated neural substrates. Relevant processes include the ability to encode a representation of the expected value or utility associated with each option in a decision problem, to learn such expectations through experience, and to modify action selection in order to choose those actions leading to the greatest reward. We provide several examples of how functional neuroimaging data have helped to shape and inform theories of decision making over and above results available from traditional behavioral measures.  相似文献   
不同条件下拟合指数的表现及临界值的选择   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在本模拟研究中设计了6种样本容量,6种因子载荷,和4种评分等级,并考察了正态和非正态分布两种情况。采用的错误模型为参数误置(真模型中每个因子各由5个题目来测量,错误模型中则是第一个因子由6个题测量,另两个因子各由4个和5个题来测量,即有一个因子载荷被误置)模型。结果发现(1)样本量、载荷量、评分等级数和分布形态都对GOF的取值确有影响。其中分布形态的影响最大。NNFI、IFI在不同条件下的平均值是最稳定的,其次是CFI、RMSEA和SRMR。它们都算是值得推荐的GOF,尤其是NNFI和IFI。(2)在正态分布中,当样本量≥1000时,根据NNFI、IFI、CFI、RMSEA、SRMR对模型是否拟合做出判断时有很低的两类错误率,在样本量<1000时则不理想。在偏态条件下无论选择哪个GOF两类错误率都很高。(3)采用2指数策略在很多情况下也不能显著降低两类错误率。(4)由于在数据分布非正态,或正态但样本量<1000时是难判断模型是否拟合的。因此我们提出了2界值策略。即为每个GOF确定上下两个界值。低于下界值时可判断模型是不正确的,而高于上界值时则可判断模型是正确的。GOF取值处于上下界值之间时难以判断模型是否拟合,只能说越高拟合的可能性越大。这时就要通过跨样本验证和增加样本量来确定模型是否正确  相似文献   
论进化心理学的“心理机制”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“心理机制”是进化心理学的核心概念。对这一概念的理解直接影响着对整个进化心理学理论的理解。该文尝试从心理学其它相关学科的角度,对这一概念的性质进行充分的解读与分析,同时也指出进化心理学“心理机制”理论之明显误区,并在此基础上对进化心理学价值之所在给予充分的彰显。  相似文献   
孙晓玲 《应用心理学》2009,15(2):139-147
该研究对大学生时间自我透视与价值偏好之间的关系进行了探讨。结果发现,当从远期的时间距离来透视自我(可能自我知觉)时,个体更加偏好理想主义价值;当个体从近期的时间距离来透视自我(当前自我知觉)时,个体更加偏好实用主义价值。但是,时间自我透视与价值偏好之间并非遵循严格的线性关系。此外,研究还发现,上述规律只出现于个体对自我的知觉中,个体对他人的时间透视并未表现出类似的规律。  相似文献   
Chris Heathwood has recently put forward a novel and ingenious argument against the view that intrinsic value is analyzable in terms of fitting attitudes. According to Heathwood, this view holds water only if the related but distinct concept of welfare—intrinsic value for a person—can be analyzed in terms of fitting attitudes too. Moreover, he argues against such an analysis of welfare by appealing to the rationality of our bias towards the future. In this paper, I argue that so long as we keep the tenses and the intrinsic/extrinsic distinction right, the fitting-attitudes analysis of welfare can be shown to survive Heathwood’s criticism.
Jens JohanssonEmail: Email:
行为经济学中的损失规避   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
损失规避是指,人们总是强烈倾向于规避损失:一定数额的损失所引起的心理感受,其强烈程度约相当于两倍数额的获益感受。这种强烈的心理与行为倾向广泛存在于风险与非风险领域,在该两个领域中损失规避的研究范式也不同。损失规避常见于经济和消费等领域,可用于解释行为决策中有悖于规范化理论的诸多现象,如禀赋效应、现状偏差、股权溢价之迷和赢者的诅咒等。然而,损失规避的机制研究还存在许多尚未解决的问题,如损失规避的本质以及适用条件。今后的研究不仅要注重认知角度和情感依恋,还要结合认知过程来研究损失规避的性质和内在机制,以期帮助人们认识、预测及干预由损失规避造成的经济损失和非理性决策。  相似文献   
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