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Theoretical predictions, based on the confluence model, were made for data from six national surveys of intellectual performance. All six surveys relate intellectual performance scores to family configuration variables. Widely divergent patterns of relationships between the major family factors, such as birth order and family size, and intellectual performance scores characterize the six data sets. Nevertheless, the confluence model was capable of accurate prediction in all cases when all three parameters were estimated. Little accuracy was lost using only two parameters. Variations in the estimated parameter values that reflected the variations in patterns of effects could be meaningfully interpreted for their psychological significance.  相似文献   
In a factorial design, athletic involvement (no varsity sport, varsity noncontact sport, varsity contact sport) was varied with induced disposition (unprovoked, provoked). Under conditions of no provocation, no significant differences in aggressiveness were observed between nonathletes and athletes, nor between noncontact- and contact-sport athletes. In contrast, under conditions of provocation, nonathletes displayed more aggressiveness than athletes. Non-contact-sport athletes behaved significantly less aggressively than both nonathletes and contact-sport athletes. Contact-sport athletes failed to behave significantly less aggressively than nonathletes, however. The findings were explained as the result of an acquired superior ability in athletes to cope with provocation under competitive circumstances, which is partially counteracted in contact-sport athletes by their aggressiveness habits and disinhibition training.  相似文献   
Based on Miller's theoretical model, it is predicted that (1) pupils high in motive to approach success and low in motive to avoid failure (approach-oriented) would increase and (2) those with the opposite motive constellation (avoidance-oriented) would decrease their level of performance as a distant future goal approaches in time. These hypotheses were supported when number of problems solved correctly was used as measure of level of performance, while only Hypothesis 1 received support when number of problems attempted was employed. The hypothesis (3) that avoidance-oriented pupils would have a steeper slope of goal gradient for performance than the approach-oriented pupils, received no support.  相似文献   
Synthesis of family research presents unique challenges to investigators who must delimit what will be included as a family study in the proposed review. In this paper, the authors discuss the conceptual and pragmatic challenges of conducting systematic reviews of the literature on the intersection between family life and childhood chronic conditions. A proposed framework for delimiting the family domain of interest is presented. The framework addresses both topical salience and level of relevance and provides direction to future researchers, with the goal of supporting the overall quality of family research synthesis efforts. For users of synthesis studies, knowledge of how investigators conceptualize the boundaries of family research is important contextual information for understanding the limits and applicability of the results.  相似文献   
进度反馈指将对当事人的标准化测量结果和解释反馈给咨询师的干预, 其目的在于矫正咨询师对咨询效果主观评估的偏差, 提高咨询效果。考虑到咨询师和当事人“面对面”的标准反馈程序不符合我国社会文化习惯, 采用多层结构方程模型, 分析了自然情境下非“面对面”的进度反馈对工作同盟和咨询效果的影响。结果发现, 在组间水平, 反馈组的工作同盟质量更好; 在组内水平, 工作同盟与症状是相互预测的关系。在结案时, 反馈组在抑郁症状和咨询的有帮助性上效果更好。结论是进度反馈对工作同盟和咨询效果有积极影响。研究从工作同盟和中国人的关系角度拓展了对进度反馈作用机制的认识, 为进度反馈的应用提供了基于实践干预有效的证据。  相似文献   
基于网络的心理学研究(简称网基研究)即用网络进行的心理学研究,包括非反应性网基研究、网基调查、网基心理测验以及网基实验四种类型,具有样本大并且多样、外部/生态效度较高等优点,但同时也面临实验控制不足、自我选择、中途退出等问题。本文对网基研究的历史、类型、优缺点及发展状况等相关内容进行了阐述,并特别对我国的网基研究历史、现状和发展进行了简要介绍。  相似文献   
Study the role of intellectual property protection in advanced manufacturing SMEs. Is it to protect the growth of advanced manufacturing SMEs, or to inhibit the growth of SMEs in advanced manufacturing? the paper brings the medium variable – technological innovation to explore acting paths of intellectual property protection in enterprises’ value improvement. Through analysis of panel data of 80 SMEs of advanced manufacture collected during the period from 2013 to 2015, Research results show that as for SMEs of advanced manufacture, the inverted-U relationship still exists in the influences brought by intellectual property protection to enterprise values. Meanwhile, U-shaped relations exist between intellectual property protection and technological innovation. Increase of technological innovation investment can promote increase of enterprise values.  相似文献   
脊柱侧弯手术治疗进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着医学技术的发展,脊柱侧弯的治疗方法也在不断的进步。针对其治疗方法的改变,提出以下思考和分析:(1)脊柱侧弯的治疗方法遵循着螺旋式上升,曲折式前进的发展过程;(2)运用适度原则和最优化原则,为患者制定个体化治疗方案;(3)运用运动发展的眼光即动态性原则来观察和解决脊柱侧弯手术治疗中存在的问题。  相似文献   
The need for research on modifiable risk factors in anxiety has been highlighted in previous reviews synthesizing literature on the etiology and maintenance of anxiety. The Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) provides a useful framework to lead this body of work. A scoping review was conducted to examine the extent and nature of research evidence on each RDoC domain as they have been investigated in anxiety via relevant correlates, with the end goal of informing future research priorities. The coverage of this review was limited to search terms bound within non-disorder-specific anxious pathology. The adopted selection criteria resulted in 170 cases (across 94 studies) where RDoC-relevant correlates of anxiety were studied. Results highlight disparate research focus across domains (limited research on processes within the Positive Valence Systems, Systems for Social Processes, and Arousal/Regulatory Systems), inconsistent findings within domains (Cognitive Systems), and a lack of research on cross-domain interactions.  相似文献   
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