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The nature of form categories in 3 to 4-month infants was studied using the visual preference for novelty in the familiarization-novelty paradigm. Novelty preference indicates habituation to and recognition of the familiar. In a series of experiments employing three form categories composed of dot patterns, generalized habituation to new category members was used to assess categorization behavior in the recognition of visual forms. At 3 to 4 months of age, infants did not initially show any systematic preferences for “good” or symmetrical examples of a category relative to “distorted” examples (Experiment 1) and this was true for all three form categories used (i.e., square, triangle, and diamond). Evidence for categorization was seen in the recognition performance of 3- to 4-month infants (Experiment 2). Infants showed generalized habituation to the previously unseen category prototypes following exposure to six exemplars within each of the three form categories. Given evidence that infants could discriminate between the prototype and other category members (Experiment 3), “inability to discriminate” was ruled out as an explanation for this form categorization or generalized habituation effect. Four subsequent experiments were conducted to determine whether infants exhibit a prototypicality structure for their remembered categories and whether certain conditions which have been shown to enhance prototypicality effects with adults have similar effects with infants. No evidence of a prototypicality structure was found for the form categories of infants when the number of exemplars during familiarization was limited to 6 and the test for form recognition followed immediately (Experiment 4). However, a prototypicality structure for the remembered form categories was found when a 3-min delay was introduced between familiarization and tests for form recognition (Experiment 5), when 12 exemplars were presented during familiarization (Experiment 7), or when the prototype was included as one of the six exemplars during the familiarization period (Experiment 6).  相似文献   
In this study, we attempted to determine whether phonetic disintegration of speech in Broca's aphasia affects the spectral characteristics of speech sounds as has been shown for the temporal characteristics of speech. To this end, we investigated the production of place of articulation in Broca's aphasics. Acoustic analysis of the spectral characteristics for stop consonants were conducted. Results indicated that the static aspects of speech production were preserved, as Broca's aphasics seemed to be able to reach the articulatory configuration for the appropriate place of articulation. However, the dynamic aspects of speech production seemed to be impaired, as their productions reflected problems with the source characteristics of speech sounds and with the integration of articulatory movements in the vocal tract. Listener perceptions of the aphasics' productions were compared with acoustic analyses for these same productions. The two measures were related; that is, the spectral characteristics of the utterances provided salient cues for place of articulation perception. An analysis of the occurrences of errors along the dimensions of voicing and place showed that aphasics rarely produce utterances containing both voice and place substitutions.  相似文献   
Wernicke's and Broca's-Conduction aphasics and a Global aphasic were presented with a lexical-decision task in which English words and pronounceable nonwords were preceded by semantically related, unrelated, or nonword primes. The patients were also given a simple semantic-judgment task using the word pairs from the lexical-decision task. Wernicke's aphasics performed similar to normals and Broca's-Conduction aphasics showing significantly shorter latencies in making real-word identifications when preceded by a semantically related word. In addition, both superordinate and coordinate associates showed semantic-priming effects. Performance on the semantic-judgment task showed significantly more impairment in the aphasic group than in the normal controls. These results suggest that aphasics with even severe language impairments retain stored semantic information that may be automatically activated, yet is inaccessible to conscious semantic decision during metalinguistic tasks.  相似文献   
Data collected from a delayed auditory feedback (DAF) study conducted by F. Boller, P. B. Vrtunski, Y. Kim, and J. L. Mack (1978, Cortex, 14, 212–226) were reanalyzed to determine if speech quality measures which were significantly affected during DAF could be operationalized and to ascertain which type of errors are responsible for the judgement. A second goal of this study was to determine if Conduction aphasics were relatively spared under conditions of DAF, as has been shown in previous studies. Twenty aphasic patients and ten controls were presented with several speech production tasks under two delay conditions and two simultaneous feedback conditions. Results indicated that only the category of vowel length produced a significant number of errors, suggesting that DAF affects articulatory implementation. Conduction aphasics showed the least effect of all the groups. These results support Wernicke's and Geschwind's model, in which Conduction aphasics have a disconnection between the sensory and motor images of words. In contrast, Broca's aphasics were the most affected group under DAF, suggesting that a major component of their disorder is phonetic in nature.  相似文献   
Acoustic cues for the perception of place of articulation in aphasia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two experiments assessed the abilities of aphasic patients and nonaphasic controls to perceive place of articulation in stop consonants. Experiment I explored labeling and discrimination of [ba, da, ga] continua varying in formant transitions with or without an appropriate burst onset appended to the transitions. Results showed general difficulty in perceiving place of articulation for the aphasic patients. Regardless of diagnostic category or auditory language comprehension score, discrimination ability was independent of labeling ability, and discrimination functions were similar to normals even in the context of failure to reliably label the stimuli. Further there was less variability in performance for stimuli with bursts than without bursts. Experiment II measured the effects of lengthening the formant transitions on perception of place of articulation in stop consonants and on the perception of auditory analogs to the speech stimuli. Lengthening the transitions failed to improve performance for either the speech or nonspeech stimuli, and in some cases, reduced performance level. No correlation was observed between the patient's ability to perceive the speech and nonspeech stimuli.  相似文献   
Twenty-three Spanish-English bilinguals were tachistoscopically presented with four-letter common nouns. They viewed 20 word pairs, first in their native language, then in the other, for 40 msec under simultaneous bilateral exposure. This paradigm has previously shown a strong right visual field and therefore left hemisphere superiority for words in a single language. The results show a word identification advantage in the right visual field. This indicates a left hemisphere advantage for processing of both languages, regardless of which was learned first. There are nevertheless wide individual differences in the number of bilinguals showing the expected asymmetry, as compared with monolinguals. There may be a trend, therefore, for less unilaterality of language function in bilinguals, although both languages are seen as being equally lateralized.  相似文献   
A group of 121 right-handed children between the ages of 7 and 9 with a range of hand positions between normal and inverted were assessed for verbal and visuospatial lateralization and reading comprehension. Results indicate that (a) children with a normal hand position tended to be more verbally lateralized than children with nonnormal positions, although the effect was not strong or always consistent, (b) the closer the child was to the normal position, the higher the child's reading scores, and (c) poor readers were as lateralized for verbal and visuospatial functions as were good readers. Coupled with the results of previous research, these findings suggest that hand position indexes both maturation and lateralization, and that the relationship between hand position and reading is primarily mediated by the former.  相似文献   
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