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儿童图形表征能力测验编制的初步报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
表征能力发展部分地体现为对事物中隐含关系的理解或推理的复杂程度.基于辛自强的"关系-表征复杂性模型",结合Halford的"关系复杂性"理论,通过事前分析任务复杂性确定了难度不同的项目,最终编制成儿童图形表征能力测验,该测验共50个(25类)项目.以265名小学3~6年级儿童为被试,采用计算机呈现方式施测了该测验.结果表明:项目的难度和区分度以及整个测验的重测信度、构想效度、效标关联效度均良好;基于理论的事前任务分析(确定任务的维度数与每个维度内的元素数)对事后任务难度的预测率较高(83.4%).可见,所编制的图形测验能有效测查儿童表征水平.  相似文献   
Robert John Russell 《Zygon》2001,36(2):269-308
This paper explores the relevance of the theology of Paul Tillich for the contemporary dialogue with the natural sciences. The focus is on his Systematic Theology , volume I. First I discuss the general relevance of Tillich's methodology (namely, the method of correlation) for that dialogue, stressing that a genuine dialogue requires cognitive input from both sides and that both sides find "value added" according to their own criteria (or what I call the method of "mutual creative interaction"). Then I move specifically to a Tillichian theological analysis of twentieth-century theoretical science and its empirical discoveries, including Big Bang, inflationary, and quantum cosmologies, quantum physics, thermodynamics, chaos and complexity, and molecular and evolutionary biology, suggesting how they relate to such Tillichian themes as finitude and the categories of being and knowing (time, space, causality, and substance) and to Tillich's understanding of such symbols as God, freedom and destiny, creation, and estrangement. In doing so, my intention is to provide a point of departure for further extended analyses of Tillich's theology in relation to contemporary natural science.  相似文献   
Life span theories suggest that emotional experiences become more complex (i.e., nuanced and differentiated) with age. Theoretically, the cause of this increased complexity has been proposed to be age-related changes in life contexts such as goals and daily stressors. Consequently, age may not affect emotional complexity in settings where the influence of age-specific life contexts is reduced. However, this hypothesis has yet to be explored. In the present study, we investigated one aspect of emotional complexity, namely emotion differentiation. Extending previous research, we assessed age-group differences in negative emotion differentiation between young and older adults in a controlled experimental setting. A sample of 114 young and 132 older adults rated their emotional response to 34 negative pictures according to intensity of four negative emotions. Based on these ratings, two indicators of emotion differentiation were calculated. The results revealed no significant age-group differences in negative emotion differentiation. The findings indicate stability in negative emotion differentiation with increasing age when the influence of life context is reduced. The findings are consistent with life span theories suggesting that developmental changes in emotional complexity occur largely as a result of age-related changes in life contexts rather than more stable age-related changes in individual characteristics.  相似文献   
A small yet emerging body of research on the relationship between anxiety and driving suggests that higher levels of state anxiety may lead to more dangerous driving behaviours. The aim of the current research was to investigate the effects of increased state anxiety on driving behaviours within a simulated environment using instructional sets to manipulate anxiety levels. In Study One, whilst a set of safety-related instructions were able to increase state anxiety, this did not result in changes to driving behaviours. In Study Two, ego-threatening instructions were not able to successfully increase state anxiety. This has implications regarding instructional sets in research, including their task relevance and the necessity for a motivational incentive. However, when changes in anxiety were considered regardless of instruction group, Study Two found changes in SDLP and skin conductance levels related to state anxiety increases. As these effects were context specific, it is argued that some of these changes may be due to poorer processing efficiency, leading to suggestions about the types of behaviours that may need to be trained in potential therapies for those who show high state anxiety levels whilst driving.  相似文献   
近年来,一些研究者根据复杂性科学理论研究的最新成果,对穴位的复杂性进行了实验研究和分析计算。就有关复杂科学对穴位的研究进行了概述和讨论,并认为研究穴位的本质可采用复杂性科学方法。  相似文献   
医学中的不确定性问题,是一个有关医学知识论和价值论的根本问题,也是医学复杂性的特质之一,这是一个基本判断。一方面,因医学研究对象及“患者—疾病—医生”之间的互动关系所呈现出的复杂性,导致不确定性广布于医学中的各个领域;另一方面,从不确定性问题入手,可以更好地揭示医学的复杂性本质。要理解与讨论医学的复杂性问题,势必需要对医学的不确定性问题引起足够的重视。由此,通过对科学、医学试验、临床医学等方面的不确定性问题的分析,探讨医学不确定性产生的根源及表现形式,进而思考相应的应对之道也就尤为必要。  相似文献   
辛自强 《心理科学》2004,27(6):1344-1348
采用口语报告法收集了26名小学三年级儿童解决两道复杂的算术应用题时的口语报告和作业资料,探讨了问题解决中图式与策略的关系。结果发现,对二者关系的解释要以问题表征复杂性为中介:如果被试的关系图式水平较高,表征复杂性(特别是表征深度)也会较大,相应会选择领域专门性更强的快捷策略;如果缺乏必需的关系图式。表征深度就降低,甚至不能正确表征问题,这时只好使用常规策略甚至错误策略。这个结论适用于有多种表征和解题方式的问题中。  相似文献   
李军 《管子学刊》2007,1(2):66-70
近代以来的中国,关于保守与进步的争论一直不断,传统观点认为,社会上有两种人,一种是鼓吹改革与革命的人,另一种是反对社会变革的人士。但长期以来被中国思想史和哲学史的研究者所忽略的一个现象是,在所谓的文化保守主义者之中,存在着一个很重要的区别。就是虽然在表面上他们都对传统文化持保守主义的态度,但是他们其中一些人认为传统文化是存在于世界民族文化之中的一种具有普遍性、世界性的价值,是其他民族文化所永远不能替代的。而另一些人则只是将传统文化看做是一个民族在其现代化的道路上摆脱不掉的包袱。由于这两种对待传统文化态度的不同,我们可以将中国现代思想史上的保守主义思潮和人物,大致分为这两个不同的阵营。  相似文献   
新型冠状病毒肺炎的诊疗与防控是复杂性事件。人们对新发急性传染病的复杂性认识不足。新型冠状病毒和新型冠状病毒肺炎本身具有本体论意义上的复杂性,表现为病原体本质复杂、传播途径复杂、临床症状复杂、防治手段复杂、环境条件复杂等复杂性特征。其中,无症状传播是新型冠状病毒肺炎防治复杂性的突出表现。复杂性思维是与新型冠状病毒肺炎诊疗和防控相适应的思维方式,体现在诊疗和防控的不可分离性、非线性、动态性、不确定性四个方面。“把人民群众生命安全和身体健康放在第一位”是应对新型冠状病毒肺炎诊疗与防控复杂性的指导思想。  相似文献   
Agrammatism is-among others, characterized by a deficit in producing grammatical structures. Of specific difficulty is the utilization of complex, non-canonical sentence structures (e.g. object-questions, passives, object-clefts). Several studies have documented positive effects when applying a specific treatment protocol in terms of increasingly correct production of target complex sentence structures with some variance in generalization patterns noted across individuals. The objective of this intervention study was to evaluate an intervention program focussing on the production of non-canonical sentences. Hypotheses about the occurrence of treatment effects were formulated on the basis of syntactic complexity, referring to the amount of syntactic phrase structures necessary to generate specific German sentence structures. A multiple single case study with seven agrammatic participants was applied, each participant receiving training in the production of object-relative-clauses and who-questions. The investigation was designed to unambiguously evaluate for each individual, structure specific and generalized learning effects with respect to the production of object-relative-clauses, who-questions and passive sentences. Results showed significant improvements for all sentences types. This outcome is considered within methodological issues of treatment studies. Theoretical and clinical implications are discussed.  相似文献   
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