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汪启明 《周易研究》2007,23(1):42-52
本文根据有关《周易参同契》传世史料的性质和时代先后的不同,将其分为“唐五代以前的原始材料”和“宋代以后的考释材料”两部分,对这些材料的分析表明,《参同契》成书于汉代,是多人合作而著;其作者的籍贯有会稽说、鲁国说、郐国说,而世传娄敬著《参同契》及“三圣”“异人”等均无可稽考,所谓“鲁国鄙夫”是原文,“郐国鄙夫”不可靠,“会稽鄙夫”一语,不能确证就是吴越会稽。我们发现所言各家,除魏氏外均为齐人,而魏氏所在的会稽这个地名,也是源于齐鲁。所以,《周易参同契》乃是齐人所著。  相似文献   
元曲中零散地分布着许多今存于山东方言区的语词,系统梳理这些语词,对于元曲词汇和今天山东方言词汇的研究都有着重要的意义。本文遴选了30余个元曲中即已出现的山东方言语词,结合元曲和方言用例着力诠释语义,希望借此抛砖引玉。  相似文献   
Book Reviews     
Books reviewed: Ronald Hayman, A Life of Jung Mario Jacoby, Jungian Psychotherapy and Contemporary Infant Research: Basic Patterns of Emotional Exchange P. Pietikainen, C. G. Jung and the Psychology of Symbolic Forms Sigmund Freud, The Interpretation of Dreams A New Translation by Joyce Crick. Ana-Maria Rizzuto, Why Did Freud Reject God? A Psychodynamic Interpretation T. Ogden, Reverie and Interpretation: Sensing Something Human Christopher Bollas, The Mystery of Things Douglas Kirsner, Unfree Associations: Inside Psychoanalytic Institutions   相似文献   
道器之辨在中国哲学发展史上形成了三种理论范式并实现了范式转换,即从汉唐宇宙生成论范式下的"道先器后"说转换为宋明本体论范式下的"道体器用"说,进而在明清之际转换为生存论范式下的"治器显道"说,而生存论范式开启了人文主义视野和趋时更新的开放价值取向。  相似文献   
After some introductory remarks on the work of the modern Chinese philosopher Feng Qi, I begin this article by providing some observations concerning the ambiguous notion of ‘wisdom’ in Orientalist representations of non-Western thought and in comparative philosophy, as well as on the peculiar form of subjectivity ascribed to the ‘wise’ subject. I then proceed by offering an account of Feng’s philosophical universalism and historical materialist outlook, outlining the identification of wisdom with metaphysics in his early work and exploring the status and function of wisdom in his mature writings. In doing so, I analyze the tension in Feng’s work between the theoretical rationality and systematicity of ‘metaphysics’ on the one hand and the existential and transformative orientation of ‘wisdom’ on the other.  相似文献   
多重因素的综合作用促成了齐亡豢兴的迥异结局,制度建设的差异是其中不容忽视的一个方面,毕竟一个国家的运转要靠制度来规范。在诸项制度中.又以政治制度为重要,因为这一制度与一国政权的运作模式、官僚系统的管理等最核心的问磊息息相关。只有符合时代要求并适应国家发展需要的管理制度才能有效地保证各政权机关权力的合理划分,也才能更好地调动行政机关人员的工作效率和工作热情。正是由于在政治制度上的许多差异,才造成齐秦两国在地方与中央权力分配、机构运作、官吏任选等方面存在重大不同.这明显对两国的最终命运产生了不同影响。  相似文献   
《周易正义》是唐朝孔颖达为魏、晋时王弼、韩康伯《周易注》所作的疏,其总结并发展了汉易,促 进了汉易向宋易的转化。《周易正义》并成为王弼“无本论”向张载“气本论”转化的桥梁与中间环节。孔 颖达从“无本论”向张载“气本论”转化的主要标志,是他对“太虚”概念的阐发和对阴阳二气的阐释。  相似文献   
广东大学生对普通话和粤语的印象   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
运用配对变口音技术,研究了广东大学生对普通话和粤话的印象。结果表明,广东大学生对普通话讲话者和粤语讲话者的评价无显著差异,讲话者的方言和性别间也不存在显著的交互作用。只是在少数项目上,广东大学生对普通话讲话者和对粤语讲话者的评价有显著差异,两种讲话者各有占优势的项目。  相似文献   
Theory of Mind (ToM) refers to a person’s ability to understand that another person has his or her own unique way of thinking and feeling. ToM is a well-known and rapidly expanding field of research in the neurosciences, cognitive, social sciences, evolution, and brain imaging. This review article expands ToM into areas where there has not yet been research. We propose that ToM could illuminate the relationship between religion/spirituality and health, and could provide the lingua franca for the hundreds of schools of psychotherapy. We discern two different kinds of spirituality: personal versus impersonal. Empathy is central to ToM research and is also central to mental health training and practice. ToM illuminates familiar topics in a new light. For example ToM reveals a close link between psychology and spirituality in self-efficacy and locus of control research.  相似文献   
李薇 《管子学刊》2008,(3):117-119
贾思勰的《齐民要术》在农业思想中蕴含着挥之不去的忧患意识,具体表现为:劝君以农为本,重视救荒农作物的栽培,发展基于大农业观的多种经营等,以期实现他那“要在安民,富而教之”的宏愿。  相似文献   
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