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道德建设是公安队伍最基本的建设。激活公安民警的道德需求 ,启动公安民警道德建设的动力系统 ,是公安机关道德建设健康、有效开展的前提和保障。为此 ,一要进行经常性的道德教化和引导 ;二要实施道德制度性约束 ;三要建立有奖有罚的激励机制 ;四要营造良好的道德环境。  相似文献   
The aim of the present study is to explore the views of migrant and non migrant students living in Greece on cultural diversity in the classroom. It focuses on students of both the dominant (i.e. Greek) and nondominant (i.e. migrant) groups and investigates their views in comparison to one another. Data were collected in the context of a pilot action research program aiming at the empowerment of in-service teachers so that they actively support the migrant students’ integration into the regular classroom. Two hundred and seventy students participated in the study. Data were selected through three scales especially constructed for the purposes of the present study which explored (a) migrant and non migrant students’ views on cultural diversity in the classroom, (b) their expectations from the implementation of the above mentioned program, and (c) the reasons they consider important their participation in it. The results reveal the contradictions and the conflicting views of older students of the non migrant group and point to the necessity for intervention programs that will take into consideration not only the educational needs of students of diverse cultural backgrounds but also the psychological needs of all students of both the dominant and the nondominant groups.
Despina SakkaEmail:
Even if there is a common morality, many would argue that it provides little guidance in resolving moral disputes, because universally accepted norms are both general in content and few in number. However, if we supplement common morality with commonly accepted factual beliefs and culture-specific norms and utilize coherentist reasoning, we can limit the range of acceptable answers to disputed issues. Moreover, in the arena of public policy, where one must take into account both legal and moral norms, the constraints on acceptable answers will narrow the extent of reasonable disagreement even further. A consideration of the debate over legalization of assisted dying supports this claim.
Ronald A. LindsayEmail:
In previous studies, social class differences in children's sociodramatic play were studied in socially homogeneous, segregated schools. However, social class differences in play behavior were attributed to the abilities or interests of the children rather than to the situation in which they were observed. In the present study, sociodramatic play was observed in middle and lower class children attending the same preschool classrooms. In accord with previous studies, middle class children engaged in a higher level of play than did lower class children. Analyses of individual play components indicated that although middle class children verbalized more frequently, the quality of the language used by the two groups did not differ. Age differences were also significant. With age, play roles became more socially coordinated, the duration of play episodes increased and language became more complex. But social class groups did not differ on these measures. The implications of these results for the developmental lag hypothesis, other explanations of social class differences and classroom strategies are discussed.  相似文献   
本文的着眼点不是全面而系统地梳理哈贝马斯在汉语学界被接受的历史过程,而是试图以哈贝马斯的代表作《公共领域的结构转型》作为范例,通过该书在汉语学界近十年来的接受、研究与应用,来阐述哈贝马斯在汉语世界的历史效果,并试图为建立哈贝马斯与汉语世界之间的良性互动关系寻找途径。  相似文献   
Cross-country comparative studies of religion (e.g. the Religion Monitor) do not cover some important issues regarding the religious situation in Russia. The problem of contemporary Russian religiosity is beyond individual religiosity or religiosity as a spiritual phenomenon. In Russia—one of the countries which experienced Communism as a period of enforced secularization, there are very few people who have had any religious socialization or who have the experience of belonging to the Christian Church or to any religion. The main point of this article is that what is happening with religion in post-Soviet Russia cannot be adequately explained by the concept of ‘public religion’ and the dichotomy of public vs. private religion, due to the practices of private religion manifesting at a very low level among the Russian population, despite the fact that a large number of Russians consider themselves to be Orthodox Christians. However, the representation of the Church in the public sphere has little to do with what concerns Russians who are in some way involved in parishes. As an alternative tool we propose to describe the religiosity of Russians through the methods of network analysis. Results of a content analysis of contemporary Russian and Soviet media, survey data of the Russian population, and data obtained in a network analysis of parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church are used for substantiating this conclusion.  相似文献   
While researchers collect and assemble relevant populations for genome studies, they are also, along with project designers and managers, interested in assembling publics. The public holds significant symbolic and discursive appeal for large-scale genome science. This is particularly the case in projects that collect or study aspects of human genome variation where histories of biological racism continue to cast a shadow over the promises of genomic medicine. In one of Canada's first large-scale biobanks, French Canadians, who are understood as a genetically close or homogenous population, are contrasted with what are referred to as ‘immigrants’ and ‘Québecers from various ethnic and racial backgrounds’ in public engagement and consultation forums. These latter groups, thought to provide a form of diversity, both in their views and their biology, are harnessed in the consultation practices as well as in the branding of the biobank. Within the local area of sample collection, the already constructed and available ways to categorise groups provide a powerful frame to narrate the relationship between the public and genome science. The process of making and consulting niche publics not only naturalises particular narratives of national belonging but also enables forms of exchange and sharing in international genome science. Just as assembling populations forms a central component of genome science, displays of publicness are integral for economies of exchange in genome science.  相似文献   
“经济人”的价值理念刺激了医疗行业的逐利行为,我国公立医院公益性淡化已然是事实,医生的“公共性”日渐缺失.医患之间的信任危机从来没有像今天这样严峻,很重要的原因是医生的价值取向的迷失.医生确实面临多价值选择冲突,但过分强调“经济人”特性,而忽视公共性的重要,已然导致了种种恶果.所以,应当重视医生“公共人”的角色定位.医生和医院要回归对医疗职业本性的认识,让医生成长为“为了人类的幸福和自身的完美而工作”的“公共人”,让医院回归“为社会公众谋取利益,追求社会效益目标”的公益性.  相似文献   
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