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Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a pervasive social problem impacting the psychological well-being of millions of US women annually. The extant literature draws our attention to the devastating mental health effects of IPV, but largely overlooks how ecological factors may further explain survivors' well-being. This study examined how neighborhood disadvantage may contribute to survivors' compromised well-being, in addition to the abuse women experienced. Neighborhood disorder and fear of victimization significantly impacted survivors' well-being, over and above abuse. Although between-women effects of neighborhood disorder and fear were unrelated to change in women's depression or quality of life (QOL), significant within-woman effects were detected. Change in neighborhood disorder was negatively associated with change in QOL, and this relationship was fully mediated by fear. While no direct relationship between change in neighborhood disorder and depression was detected, an indirect effect through survivors' fear was revealed. Implications for future research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   
为了探究反生产行为的产生机制,本研究采用问卷调查法,以“压力-情绪”模型为基础,使用相关分析以及线性回归分析等统计方法,考察了心理契约违背、负性情绪以及反生产行为之间的密切关系.结果发现,心理契约违背与负性情绪之间有显著的正相关,心理契约违背和负性情绪与反生产行为也具有显著的正相关关系,负性情绪在心理契约违背与反生产行为之间具有部分中介作用.  相似文献   
惠能的思想中蕴含丰富的心理化功思想,其心理化功思想以心为核心,强调心在化消极为积极中的本体性或核心作用。这种转化作用主要表现在化烦恼为菩提、化恶为善、化邪为正几个方面,其心理机制包括认知转化、心态转化、信念转化、归因和诠释转化等。这一化功思想对当今人们化解心理困扰,提升心境界,激发心理潜能,满足对美好生活向往的需要,具有十分重要的现实价值。  相似文献   
The study articulates a contextual approach to research on acculturation of immigrants, suggesting that the relationship between acculturation and adjustment is dependent on the cultural demands of the life domains considered. Specifically, the study investigated the mediating effects of adjustment in occupational and social life domains on the relationship between acculturation and psychological adjustment for 391 refugees from the former Soviet Union. The study used bilinear measures of acculturation to the host (American) and heritage (Russian) cultures. Using Structural Equation Modeling, the study confirmed the hypothesized relationships, such that the positive effects of American acculturation on psychological adjustment were mediated by occupational adjustment, and the effects of Russian acculturation on psychological adjustment were mediated by satisfaction with co-ethnic social support. Psychological adjustment was measured in two ways, as psychological well-being, using a measure of life satisfaction, and as symptoms of depression and anxiety, using the Hopkins symptom checklist (HSCL). Life satisfaction served as a mediator between adjustment in occupational and social domains and HSCL, suggesting that it may be an intervening variable through which environmental stress associated with immigration contributes to the development of symptoms of mental disorder.  相似文献   
卿涛  凌玲  闫燕 《心理科学》2012,35(1):208-212
已有的团队领导研究着重于领导行为对团队绩效的影响,而缺乏其作用机制和路径的研究。本文选取信任与团队心理安全两个变量,以142个团队为样本,对团队领导行为是否以及如何通过信任影响团队心理安全进行实证研究。研究结果表明:(1)转换型领导行为与团队心理安全之间存在正相关关系,显著地影响团队心理安全感;(2)信任是形成团队心理安全感的重要因素之一;(3)信任在团队领导行为、团队心理安全感之间的中介效应显著。  相似文献   
Community psychology is central to understanding how immigrants and more established residents of their new settings join together to develop a shared sense of community and membership. In our present study, we explored how newer (i.e., first‐ and second‐generation immigrants) and more established community members form multiple positive psychological sense of community (PSOC) with one another. We conducted a multinational, qualitative study of PSOC through interviews with 201 first‐ and second‐generation immigrants and third generation or more “receiving community members” in three contexts (Baltimore‐Washington corridor of the U.S.; Torino, Italy; Lecce, Italy). Results indicated numerous similarities among the ways in which participants constructed PSOC in shared and nonshared communities, regardless of immigration/citizenship status, length of community residence, city, country, age, or gender. Small, proximal, and salient communities were often particularly important to building positive PSOC, which was formed around diverse membership boundaries. As intersectional beings, members converged and diverged on many characteristics, providing multiple opportunities for members to bring diversity to their communities while sharing other characteristics deemed essential to membership. Nonetheless, findings point to significant, structural challenges rooted in power and privilege that must be confronted to bridge the community‐diversity dialectic and build strong, shared sense of community.  相似文献   
Construal Level Theory (CLT; Trope &; Liberman, 2003) posits that everyday life predictions, evaluations, and choices are influenced by how near or distant in time the event is. However, judgments of Life Satisfaction (LS) are relatively weakly influenced by situational factors and relatively strongly influenced by personality factors. Moreover, the constructive episodic simulation hypothesis ( [Schacter and Addis, 2007] and [Schacter and Addis, 2007] ) implies that memory of past events provides details for simulations of future novel experiences. Undergraduate students (N = 127) were randomly asked for how desirable LS was and for actual judgements of LS in the near- or distant-future. The results show that LS was more desirable in the distant-future. Thus, indicating that LS is abstractly assessed and judgments of LS should therefore be influenced by temporal distance as predicted by CLT. However, no significant differences in actual LS were found between conditions. Implications for theory development are discussed.  相似文献   
个性化契约作为组织中一种非标准化的工作安排,以往研究较多关注其对契约获得者的积极效应,相对忽视了对未获得者的消极影响。鉴于此,本研究基于公平理论,探讨了同事个性化契约对员工工作退缩行为的影响及其内部机理。结果发现:同事个性化契约会引发员工的工作退缩行为,员工的心理契约违背在此过程中起部分中介作用;此外,员工与组织间较高的社会交换关系会削弱同事个性化契约对员工心理契约违背的正向影响。  相似文献   
Purpose  The purpose of the study was to examine the combined interactive effects of a situational variable (procedural justice) and a dispositional (equity sensitivity) variable on the relationship between breach and employee outcomes. Design/methodology/approach   Data were obtained from 403 full-time employees representing a wide variety of business sectors in the Philippines. Supervisors were requested to provide an assessment of their subordinate’s civic virtue behavior. Findings  Results showed that equity sensitivity and breach interacted in predicting affective commitment. The negative relationship between breach and affective commitment was stronger for employees with an input-focused approach to organizational relationships (referred to as benevolents) than for those with an outcome-focused approach (referred to as entitleds). Results also indicated a stronger negative relationship between contract breach and civic virtue behavior under conditions of high procedural justice. Finally, a three-way interaction was found between contract breach, procedural justice and equity sensitivity in predicting affective commitment. Implications  Our findings provide a new insight suggesting that worse outcomes are to be anticipated especially if employees have an expectation that procedural justice can prevent any form of contract breach. In addition, although previous research has portrayed benevolents as more accepting of situations of u under-reward, this study has demonstrated that they too have their limits or threshold for under-reward situations. Originality/value  This research suggests that the type and intensity of one’s reactions to psychological contract breach is influenced by interactive forces of the individual’s disposition and the organizational procedures. A portion of this paper was presented at the 64th annual meeting of the academy of management meeting, New Orleans, USA, August, 2004.  相似文献   
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