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In response to the critique of Gaes, Quigley-Fernandez, and Tedeschi (Journal of Research in Personality, 1978, 12, 189–192) it was acknowledged that the cell Ns were incorrect as originally reported, and the weakness of a postexperimental division of subjects was reaffirmed. Emphasis was placed on the comparability of a simple rating scale and an elaborate bogus pipeline in measuring attraction. The need for determining the way in which the bogus pipeline functions prior to its uncritical adoption in any given experimental situation was stressed as a point of agreement.  相似文献   
陈永明 《心理学报》2002,34(2):4-10
该文系作者在中国心理学会第八届代表大会上的报告 ,总结了中国心理学会第七届理事会 1997— 2 0 0 1年的工作。全文包括四个部分 :(1)开展学术交流 ,促进学科发展 ;(2 )传播心理科学知识 ,办好二个刊物 ;(3)加强国际交流 ,积极为 2 0 0 4年北京国际心理学大会作准备 ;(4)加强学会自身的建设 ,提高学会的影响力  相似文献   
测量大学生的心理问题:GHQ-20的结构及其信度和效度   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43       下载免费PDF全文
本研究对GHQ-20进行了结构分析并检验其对中国大学生被试的可信性和有效性。被试取自北京市两所高校的一至三年级大学生,共1142人。包括两个分研究,研究一(354名被试 )和研究二(788名被试)。研究一的因素分析提取出三个因子,它们被分别命名为三个不同的分量表:GHQ-自我肯定,GHQ-忧郁和GHQ-焦虑。两个研究结果均发现,GHQ-20的内部一致性满意,其三个分量表的内部一致性或者满意或者可接受。效度检验结果表明,GHQ-20及三个分量表均具有良好效度。基于上述结果,GHQ-20可以作为测量中国大学生心理问题的一个较为满意的工具,其分量表亦可作为测量中国大学生不同心理问题的较满意或至少是可用工具。  相似文献   
This research examined polychronicity, which refers to an individual’s preference for working on many things simultaneously as opposed to one at a time. It was hypothesized that supplies–values fit on this temporal variable is related to well-being. Specifically, it was predicted that deficient and excess polychronicity supplies are associated with poorer well-being, and that well-being is uniformly high along the continuum of polychronicity fit. It was also hypothesized that fit effects are stronger for individuals who place high importance on how their time is allocated than for individuals who place low importance on that dimension. Participants in Study 1, a laboratory experiment, were students (N = 266); participants in Study 2, conducted in a field setting, were employees of Canadian organizations (N = 746). No fit effects were observed in Study 1. Consistent with the hypotheses, however, fit on the dimension of polychronicity was related to job satisfaction, self-efficacy, and psychological strain in Study 2. The role of value importance as a moderator of the relation between supplies–values fit and well-being was not supported.  相似文献   
张厚粲  余嘉元 《心理科学》2012,35(3):514-521
有关心理测量的思想起源于中国古代。但西方科学的心理测验理论与方法是20世纪初自西方传人中国的。30年的发展取得很大成绩,但道路艰辛曲折,文章分三个阶段对之作了回顾。一、最早是1915年外国学者为比较中美儿童的智力差异对广州500名小学生进行测试。同一时期,我国学者也开始自己编制测验,"小学生毛笔书法量表"是最早的标准化教育测验。廖世承和陈鹤琴1920年在南京高等师范开设测验课程,出版《心理测验法》一书,正式介绍科学的心理测验。与美国专家合作编制多种测验,1923年与美国专家合作对全国小学生进行测试,得出了三至八年级学童的年龄与班级常模,引起了教育界的注意。艾伟从1925年起致力编制中小学不同年级和学科的测验以及能力测验,还与张耀翔编制了识字测验与阅读测验等,对我国教育测验的发展做出了很大贡献。"中国测验学会"1931成立。并创办会刊《测验》有效地推动了当时测验研究的开展.1937年"七七"事变后,工作继续进行和扩展,但受战争的影响,发展上减慢了速度。二、1949年新中国成立后,由于政治上的变迁,心理测验被视为禁区,认为它违心,反动,没有人敢于问津。文化大革命中,心理学被打成伪科学,心理测验更是全盘否定了。三.文革以后,心理学恢复。而心理测验面对着既缺人力又少资料的困难。林传鼎等三位教授于1980年春举办了第一个全国性心理测验培训班,是心理测验再生的标志。此后各高等院校逐步开设心理测量学课程。通过引进各种心理测量理论,修订外国测验和逐步向自编我国测验发展,几年中取得了良好效果。1984年中国心理学会下属的‘心理测量分会’成立,1990年加入国际测验委员会(ITC)成为它的一个国家会员。1991年在南京举办了国内第一个心理测验国际性学术会议,又与台湾学者交流,建立起隔年一次海峡两岸心理与教育测量学术研讨会的协议。这些都对中国心理测验的发展都起了积极作用。80年代后期国家实行改革开放,经济转型,心理测验逐渐渗入医学、教育、企业、和组织人事部门等多种应用领域,扩大了对社会的影响。教育是其最早也是最重要的应用领域。从高考开始向各种考试、应用领域广泛扩展,取得良好效果。尤其是在人力资源、心理咨询领域,心理测验发展迅速日益兴旺。社会各界从多方面加深了对心理测量的认同,使它变成为一个相当热门的应用科学了。最后,文章从测验的数量、质量,数据处理的方法技术,测验者素质提高和法律完备等几个方面分析了存在问题并提出对今后的展望。  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to examine the influence of age in the relation between psychological contract breach and the development of job attitudes. Based on affective events, social exchange, and lifespan theory, we hypothesized that (1) psychological contract breach would be related negatively to job attitudes, and (2) that age would moderate these relations. The hypotheses were tested by means of a meta-analysis of k = 60 studies, using Weighted Least Squares estimation. Our results supported both hypotheses for the outcomes trust and organizational commitment. However, for job satisfaction the moderating influence of age was in the unexpected direction. The relations between contract breach and trust and organizational commitment were indeed stronger for younger workers, whereas the relation between contract breach and job satisfaction was stronger for older workers. The implications are discussed, and a research agenda is presented.  相似文献   
There has been a remarkable amount of interest in the relationship among spirituality, religion, psychology, and health of late. Contemporary interest in spirituality and religion is hot among not only the general population but among professionals in the mental and physical health disciplines. While most people believe in God and consider themselves to be spiritual, religious, or both, most mental health professionals have little if any training in this area. Psychologists can use spiritual and religious principles and tools to better serve their clients even if they do not share the same religious interests. The purpose of this article is to offer thirteen spiritual and religious tools common among all of the major religious traditions that can be used by contemporary professional psychologists in clinical practice to enhance the already high quality professional services that they provide. Examples of spiritually and religiously integrated treatment along with several ethical precautions are noted as well. This article is based on book project by Plante currently in press.  相似文献   
Sydney Shoemaker 《Synthese》2008,162(3):313-324
The paper is concerned with how neo-Lockean accounts of personal identity should respond to the challenge of animalist accounts. Neo-Lockean accounts that hold that persons can change bodies via brain transplants or cerebrum transplants are committed to the prima facie counterintuitive denial that a person is an (biologically individuated) animal. This counterintuitiveness can be defused by holding that a person is biological animal (on neo-Lockean views) if the “is” is the “is” of constitution rather than the “is” of identity, and that a person is identical with an animal in a sense of “animal” different from that which requires the persistence conditions of animals to be biological. Another challenge is the “too many minds problem”: if persons and their coincident biological animals share the same physical properties, and mental properties supervene on physical properties, the biological animal will share the mental properties of the person, and so should itself be a person. The response to this invokes a distinction between “thin” properties, which are shared by coincident entities, and “thick” properties which are not so shared. Mental properties, and their physical realizers, are thick, not thin, so are not properties persons share with their bodies or biological animals. The paper rebuts the objection that neo-Lockean accounts cannot explain how persons can have physical properties. To meet a further problem it is argued that the biological properties of persons and those of biological animals are different because of differences in their causal profiles.  相似文献   
A shift in focus from the logical to the psychological social contract allows us to better explore the socialization of the psychological citizen, and the relationship between identity of individuals and the socio‐political order, with its particular group‐based inequalities. Traditional psychological studies have provided valuable insights into certain aspects of identity, but the new narrative research is leading to novel insights into longer term processes associated with the positioning of identity. The new approach recognizes the dual nature of mental processes and the integral role of context in individual development. Illustrative examples are discussed of the role of cultural carriers in the formation of identity, highlighting the infusion of the macrolevel normative system to thought and action at the microlevel of individuals.  相似文献   
Historians of science have pointed to essentialist beliefs about species as major impediments to the discovery of natural selection. The present study investigated whether such beliefs are impediments to learning this concept as well. Participants (43 children aged 4–9 and 34 adults) were asked to judge the variability of various behavioral and anatomical properties across different members of the same species. Adults who accepted within-species variation—both actual and potential—were significantly more likely to demonstrate a selection-based understanding of evolution than adults who denied within-species variation. The latter demonstrated an alternative, incorrect understanding of evolution and produced response patterns that were both quantitatively and qualitatively similar to those produced by preschool-aged children. Overall, it is argued that psychological essentialism, although a useful bias for drawing species-wide inductions, leads individuals to devalue within-species variation and, consequently, to fail to understand natural selection.  相似文献   
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