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心算的策略选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从策略选择的角度来研究心算是当前心算研究的一个重要领域。有关心算活动中问题大小效应、距离效应、奇偶效应等的行为与认知神经科学研究揭示了心算活动中不同的策略选择, 进一步加深了我们对心算加工特点的了解。未来研究在注重具体问题解决的同时, 还应注重实验设计的严密性、研究的深入性与综合性相兼顾等问题。  相似文献   
以四川省农村地区299名留守初中生与326名非留守初中生为调查对象,采用亲社会倾向量表、家庭功能评价量表、青少年小五人格问卷,考察留守初中生亲社会倾向特点及其与人格、家庭功能间的关系,结果发现:(1)留守初中生的亲社会倾向与非留守初中生相比不存在显著差异;(2)家庭功能的问题解决,人格的开放性、谨慎性都对留守初中生的亲社会倾向具有显著的预测作用,主要表现为问题解决能力越差亲社会的行为倾向越少,个体越具有开放性、谨慎性的人格特质就越容易表现出更多的亲社会倾向;(3)人格的开放性、宜人性、谨慎性在家庭功能与亲社会倾向中起完全中介的作用。  相似文献   
生命意义心理学理论取向与测量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
生命意义的心理学理论与实证研究始于20世纪中期,经由存在主义心理学取向、人格与动机取向,到相对主义观点,再到积极心理学取向,生命意义的心理学研究逐渐摆脱"哲学风格",从而完成了其"心理学化"的历程。20世纪60年代开始,研究者们从生命意义感和生命意义源这两个研究维度出发,陆续开发了大量的测量工具。生命意义感和生命意义源测量的综合化成为近年来测量工具发展的趋势。生命意义的心理学研究在理论视角、测量内容与方法、实践应用等方面有着广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   
使用青少年依恋问卷、田纳西自我概念量表和中学生孤独感问卷,对上海市207名工读学校学生和116名普通学校学生进行调查,探讨工读学校学生同伴依恋、自我概念与孤独感的特点及关系,结果发现:(1)和普通学生相比,工读学校学生对同伴更缺乏信任、情感更疏离,具有较低的自我概念,体验到的孤独情绪也较强烈;(2)工读学校二年级学生的自我概念比其他年级学生要消极、女生比男生持有更为消极的自我概念,尤其是二年级的女生更为突出,而且女生比男生更容易体会到孤独感;(3)同伴依恋各维度在对孤独感的预测程度和方式上存在着很大的差异;(4)对于不同类型的学生,自我概念的不同维度在同伴依恋与孤独感关系中的中介作用模型是不同的.  相似文献   
In this paper, the author's objective is to discuss models that express what occurs in the analytical situation. He demonstrates how early models relating to painting and sculpture, to history and archaeology, develop into other models that refer to the relationship between two people. He studies in depth the Barangers analytical eld with its obstructive bastions as a background to understanding what is currently valued as intersubjectivity in psychoanalysis. The container contained model and the phenomenon of recruitment are also discussed. The author uses clinical material to demonstrate how these models are linked to enactment, and a study of this concept provides evidence of the importance of the visual image, the dream and non‐dream, the affective pictogram, as privileged aspects for the understanding and evolution of thought in the analytical process. Its importance leads to a proposal of a model that uses the theatre as a metaphor for the analytical process. In this model, analyst and patient both participate as characters in the scenes, and simultaneously as their co–authors. The analyst should also be responsible for the direction of scenes, as well as acting as critic. His task is to prevent obstructive conspiracies (the non‐dream) and new meanings for the scenes, thus allowing the development of new scenes and plots, and the enlarging of the mental universe.  相似文献   
This study was designed to revisit the response bias hypothesis, which posits that gender differences in depression prevalence rates may reflect a tendency for men to underreport depressive symptoms. In this study, we examined aspects of gender role socialization (gender-related traits, socially desirable responding, beliefs about mental health and depression) that may contribute to a response bias in self-reports of depression. In addition, we investigated the impact of two contextual variables (i.e., cause of depression and level of intrusiveness of experimental follow-up) on self-reports of depressive symptoms. Results indicated that men, but not women, reported fewer depressive symptoms when consent forms indicated that a more involved follow-up might occur. Further, results indicated differential responding by men and women on measures of gender-related traits, mental health beliefs, and beliefs about depression and predictors of depressed mood. Together, our results support the assertion that, in specific contexts, a response bias explanation warrants further consideration in investigations of gender differences in rates of self-reported depression.  相似文献   
从哲学眼界看,医学与健康都是多元的概念,是许多相互交叉、渗透、影响、制约的因素互相作用的结果。医学、健康保健应适应经济水平,即我们应向患者及社会提供一个安全的、科学的、用的起的、可持续的医疗与健康保健服务。较多贪婪的、不安全的医学时代,最好的计划是不断进行几元钱的预防医学投入和适当的姑息医学。  相似文献   
上博简《仲弓》疏证   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
上海博物馆藏战国楚竹书第三册《仲弓》,是一篇久佚的先秦儒家文献,它对于我们认识孔子的政治理论和了解《论语》成书的一些情况,都有比较重要的价值。本文对于《仲弓》篇的28支简的简序进行了重新编排,并且分段进行了疏证研究,探讨了孔子政治思想中的若干重要内容。  相似文献   
上博竹书《从政》篇与《子思子》   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对上博竹书《从政》篇进行分章排比,可以看出其每一段落都应以“闻之曰”起始,“闻之曰”其实与“子曰”相同。无论形式还是内容,《从政》篇都与保存在《礼记》中的《坊记》、《中庸》、《表记》、《缁衣》等子思著作相近相通,也就是说,《从政》篇与史籍著录的《子思子》不仅形似,而且神似。《孔丛子·公仪》所记鲁穆公与子思的对话,更可说明《从政》篇乃《子思子》佚篇。  相似文献   
易哲学发展史之一嬗变--陆王心学的易哲学思想探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陆王心学的易哲学思想的出现,伴随了一定的时代特点,可谓是易哲学史上继王弼义理易之后的一次深刻嬗变.这表现为其以心释易统易、工夫简易直截的鲜明特征,其中蕴涵了心学派易学对象数易及程朱义理易的解构以及为一般易学研究所忽略的易佛沟通问题.从陆王心学的易哲学思想里面,我们可以发现,心学在宋时的诞生以及它最终的衰微,同样不是一个偶然的现象,它在解构"传统"易学的同时也解构了自身.  相似文献   
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