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王婷  胡媛艳  何华敏 《心理科学》2012,35(5):1060-1064
通过探讨工作记忆负荷对无意注意的影响,考察工作记忆的认知控制功能对选择性注意的作用机制。为了避免工作记忆和选择注意的目标或者干扰子之间的知觉注意资源的竞争,采用言语工作记忆任务和视觉空间位置辨别任务,同时视觉干扰刺激采用被试无法识别的韩语。结果发现,在高负荷条件下,干扰效应显著;而在低和中负荷条件下,没有观察到干扰效应。说明在高负荷条件下,被试没有额外的资源来抑制干扰加工,从而出现了显著的干扰效应。由此,本研究支持负荷理论的观点:工作记忆在选择性注意中执行认知控制功能。  相似文献   
Older adults have been found to favor positive stimuli over negative stimuli; further, developing a negative preference may be a cognitively demanding process. In the present study, we focused on the joint effects task self-relevance and cognitive load have on older adults' emotional information preferences when performing decision-making. To examine this, we used multi-attribute decision tasks and process-tracing procedure to measure their searching process. The study composed of a 2 (age: young/old) × 2 (cognitive load: load/non-load) × 3 (attribute valence: positive/neutral/negative) × 3 (task self-relevance: high/medium/low) mixed design. Sixty-one young adults and 62 older adults viewed 5 (alternatives) × 5 (attributes) decision matrices that contained positive, negative, and neutral information, with the total views and mean time spent viewing each different valence (positive, negative, and neutral information) set as dependent variables. The results indicated that both young and old adults have no emotional information preference in regard to self-relevance. When under no cognitive load, both positive and negative information were viewed more than neutral information; however, under cognitive load, preference for negative information decreased; this effect size was more robust in older adults. There was also a main effect of self-relevance on total views and mean checking time, with attributes concerning higher self-relevance tasks being more likely to attract attention. Older adults exhibited a consistent hedonic focus, even in highly self-relevant contexts; however, this effect disappeared under cognitive load. Overall, the findings suggest that cognitive resources play an important role in emotional information processing during decision processes.  相似文献   
采用错误陈述范式探究中-英双语者用母语和外语说真话和说谎时的认知神经差异,涉及外语焦虑、认知负荷和说谎诱发的紧张情绪。对P200和CNV观察发现:(1)中-英双语者用英语说真话的P200波幅比用母语大,说明被试用英语说话时受外语焦虑情绪影响;(2)中-英双语者用英语说谎与说真话的P200波幅无显著差异,但用母语说谎和讲真话的P200波幅差异显著,说明被试用外语说谎没有用母语说谎诱发的紧张情绪大;(3)中-英双语者说谎时的CNV波幅比说真话时大,说明被试说谎比说真话的认知负荷更大;(4)中-英双语者用英语说谎时的CNV波幅比用汉语说谎时大,说明被试用外语说谎比用母语说谎产生了更大的认知负荷。相关分析表明,英语熟练程度是影响中-英双语者用母语和外语说谎时的认知神经差异的重要变量。  相似文献   
在中文阅读中,预视量是否存在个体差异及其是否受中央凹加工调节,尚不清楚。本研究采用眼动技术和边界范式,通过操纵前目标词的加工负荷(高、低)与目标词的预视(相同、假字)来考察快速与慢速读者的中央凹加工对副中央凹预视的影响。结果显示,中央凹负荷主效应显著;快速读者对低负荷词的首次和单次注视短于高负荷词,而慢速读者对两种负荷词的首次和单次注视无差异,表明快速读者能更快利用词汇特性加工中央凹词汇。预视主效应显著,即与假字预视相比,相同预视使两组读者都对目标词的注视更短、向前眼跳更长、跳读率更高;而且该效应与中央凹负荷没有交互作用。这表明快速读者与慢速读者提取了等量预视,且不受其中央凹加工的调节。E-Z读者模型和SWIFT模型不能完全解释当前结果。  相似文献   
在同一实验条件下采用干扰效应和负启动效应双指标考察了三种不同类型工作记忆(WM)负载对特性干扰子加工的影响,旨在求证胡耿丹等人从位置干扰子加工所提出的"双重作用机制"是否适用于特性干扰子加工,以及对Park等人的负载特异机制观点所做的拓展和完善在特性干扰子范畴内是否正确。结果显示:(1)WM负载对特性干扰子的加工亦存在双重作用机制,提示双重作用机制在单一WM负载范围内具有普适性;(2)当目标刺激与干扰子刺激的属性一致时,无论是在位置干扰子还是在特性干扰子视角下Park等人的负载特异机制观点均可一致地被拓展和完善。  相似文献   
郭昆  李朝义 《心理学报》1995,28(2):167-173
研究了在亮度对比与等亮度颜色对比的条件下,受试者分辨随机点阵立体图对的立体视敏度(最小视差).结果表明:(1)在亮度对比条件下,立体视敏度随对比度的增加而增加,10%的对比度即可引起立体视知觉,对比度大于30%时达到饱和;(2)在亮度对比与等亮度颜色对比两种不同的条件下,受试者的立体视敏度不存在有统计学意义的差异;(3)当双眼分别接受不同颜色的等亮度立体图刺激时,与亮度对比条件相比,受试者的立体视敏度无明显差异;(4)当受试者双眼分别接受由亮度对比和颜色对比形成的立体图刺激时,只有当颜色对比图中图形与背景间的对比度超过等亮度值38%以上时,才能形成立体视知觉.以上结果提示,大、小细胞系统(包括斑点系统与斑点间系统)均参与立体视知觉信息的传递.  相似文献   
数字工作记忆广度的毕生发展及其作用因素   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
以10~90岁的1993名自愿者为被试完成该实验研究。结果表明:(1)在最简单的心算加工负荷下,数字工作记忆广度约为6±2;(2)在10至90岁范围内,测验的最高成绩在16~19岁组(即高中生组),回归分析表明数字工作记忆广度随年龄的对数呈抛物线变化;(3)教育因素对成年人数字工作记忆广度的随龄化过程有重要作用;(4)与我们过去的研究结果相比较,发现数字工作记忆广度受心算加工负荷的影响显著  相似文献   
A modified event-based paradigm of prospective memory was applied to investigate intention initiation in older and younger participants under high versus low memory load (subsequent episodic word recall vs. recognition). State versus action orientation, a personality dimension related to intention enactment, was also measured. State-oriented persons show a superiority effect for the storage of intentions in an explicit format but have a paradoxical deficit in their actual enactment. We predicted an interaction between aging, personality, and memory load, with longer intention-initiation latencies and higher omission rates for older state-oriented participants under high memory load. Results were consistent with predictions and are interpreted according to current personality and prospective memory models of aging.  相似文献   
This commentary suggests ways to extend research by Demetriou et al. (2013), who may have underestimated the effects of processing speed on the development of intelligence. It argues that future research should consider variability in processing speed, complexity in speed tasks, and reaction times excluded from speed estimates.  相似文献   
Much is written regarding the associations between human intelligence and cognition. However, it is unusual to find comprehensive studies. Here twenty four measures tapping eight cognitive abilities and skills are considered for assessing a sample of one hundred and eighty five young adults. The simultaneous relationships among fluid, crystallized, and spatial intelligence, along with short-term memory, working memory capacity, executive updating, attention, and processing speed are analyzed using a latent-variable approach. The key findings show that (a) short-term storage, working memory, and updating are hardly distinguishable, and (b) fluid intelligence is near-perfectly correlated with these three cognitive functions. It is concluded that this nuclear intelligence component can be largely identified with basic and general short-term storage processes, namely, encoding, maintenance, and retrieval.  相似文献   
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