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汪佳瑛  陈斌斌 《心理学报》2016,48(7):857-866
本实验从生命史理论出发, 研究童年期环境压力如何与当前环境中的压力线索相互作用并影响个体对异性的择偶要求。被试为70名大学本科生, 其中一部分被试被分配到死亡威胁启动组, 他们阅读一篇描述近期国内暴力犯罪及死亡率上升的新闻报道, 另一部分被试被分配到控制组, 他们阅读一篇描述一个人花了很长时间寻找遗失钱包的文章。被试自我报告对异性的理想择偶要求及其童年压力。控制了性别及恋爱状态后, 多元回归分析表明:童年压力与启动条件仅在身体吸引力的理想标准上有显著交互作用。其中, 低童年压力组在死亡威胁启动下对异性身体吸引力的理想标准显著高于控制条件, 而高童年压力组在死亡威胁启动下对异性身体吸引力的理想要求则显著低于控制条件。此外, 启动条件在异性做“好父母”的择偶标准上有显著主效应, 死亡威胁启动下的被试对异性做好父母的择偶标准高于控制组被试。而在对资源的择偶标准上既不存在童年压力和死亡威胁启动的主效应, 也不存在交互作用。研究说明童年压力与当前环境压力会影响个体对异性的择偶要求, 但对不同择偶要求的影响作用不同。  相似文献   
Premature termination of therapy by patients is a common phenomenon that can be deleterious to treatment outcome for patients and also negatively affect therapists, treatment centers, and research programs. Therefore, a method of identifying patients at risk for premature termination could have widespread benefits. This study investigated whether patients’ MMPI-2 profiles, including clinical scale elevations and Negative Treatment Indicator (TRT) scores, could predict premature termination in an outpatient sample, controlling for personality disorder diagnosis and symptom severity at intake. Results indicated that while TRT scores were not incrementally predictive of premature termination, the total number of clinical scale elevations was significantly incrementally predictive of dropout. Clinical implications are discussed.  相似文献   
Campaigns against reckless driving often mention the risk of dying. Research on terror management theory indicates that death claims may backfire and foster reckless driving. Here, we studied such mortality salience effects in a motorcyclist sample. Two moderating variables, particularly interesting regarding the sample of motorcyclists, were considered: group riding (vs. riding alone) and driving‐related self‐esteem. Motorcyclists were exposed to a campaign, either highlighting mortality or not. Orthogonally, cyclists were primed with riding in a group (vs. riding alone). Driving‐related self‐esteem was assessed via a questionnaire. We predicted that reminders of riding in a group would buffer against ironic mortality effects. Supporting this hypothesis, mortality salience effects interacted with the group prime. The results indicate that death appeals are likely to backfire with cyclists riding alone rather than cyclists riding in a group, especially if motorcycling is relevant to the self.  相似文献   
死亡提醒效应的心理机制及影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
傅晋斌  郭永玉 《心理科学》2011,34(2):461-464
死亡提醒效应是指个体在死亡提醒后会产生世界观防御或自尊寻求的一种普遍现象。其心理机制是以死亡想法通达性为指标的潜在死亡焦虑,影响因素则包括年龄、宗教信仰、结构需求、自我控制、依恋类型等个体差异和不同的情境启动。未来研究应解释与死亡无直接关联的刺激可引发类似效应的原因,进一步阐释与证实潜在的死亡焦虑,并明确自尊对死亡提醒效应的影响。  相似文献   
The present study examined babies as death anxiety buffers with Chinese participants in three experiments. In Experiment 1, death-related thoughts increased college-aged participants' interest in human babies. In Experiment 2, images of newborn animals reduced the number of death-related thoughts recorded by college-aged participants. In Experiment 3, female factory workers who read news articles describing deaths of babies had pessimistic estimations of their own life expectancies. An explanation of these results is provided within a terror management theory framework, with a primary focus on how babies reinforce cultural worldviews and enhance self-esteem via the notion of symbolic immortality. Thus, the anxiety-buffering function of baby is subsumed under cultural worldviews validation and self-esteem enhancement.  相似文献   
Health disparities among African-American families represent a significant social problem. Nationally, African-American infants have dramatically worse birth outcomes than other racial and ethnic groups. A Community-Based Participatory Research approach was utilized to engage community residents. This study examined participants’ definitions of infant mortality, views on the community impact of infant mortality, and strengths and vulnerabilities in the health care service delivery system. Qualitative data were gathered in a rural North Florida community where health education groups are conducted. Eight focus groups were arranged with African-American women (n = 46), ranging in age from 14 to 35, who were pregnant, parenting children under the age of two. Respondents poignantly described personal experiences of loss associated with infant mortality. They indicated awareness of problems related to lack of accessibility and availability of medical and social services. The use of social-ecological theory and implications for policy and social justice are discussed.  相似文献   
ObjectiveTo examine whether a brief reaching training with sticky mittens was effective to improve reaching behavior in newly reaching preterm infants.MethodsIn this randomized controlled trial, twenty four 5-month-old (±16-week-old corrected age) preterm infants were randomly allocated into experimental or control groups. Infants were assessed three times in a single session: pretraining (immediately before training), posttraining (immediately after training), and retention (4 min after the posttraining). During training, infants in the experimental group wore open fingers Velcro covered mittens. Training consisted of one 4-minute session of stimulated reaching using Velcro covered toys. Controls did not receive the training. During assessments, infants were placed in a baby chair and toys without Velcro were offered at their midline for 2 min. Number of total reaches, proximal adjustments and distal adjustments of reaching were primary outcomes. Grasping was a secondary outcome.ResultsGroups were similar in the pretraining. In the posttraining, trained infants performed greater amount of total reaches and bimanual reaches than untrained infants. Greater amount of bimanual reaches in trained infants was maintained in the retention test. Distal adjustments and grasping outcome were not influenced by the training.ConclusionsA brief-term training with open fingers sticky mittens benefited reaching behavior and favored retention of increased bimanual reaches in newly reaching late preterm infants. However, it was not sufficient to influence hand openness and early grasping.  相似文献   
简要描述了中国人群的死亡变化趋势,主要死因构成,在不同地区和人群中的分布。结果表明结核等传染病、母婴疾病死亡率下降,冠心病、脑卒中、糖尿病、肺癌、肝癌等疾病死亡率上升明显。吸烟与被动吸烟、不良膳食习惯、静坐生活方式,是慢性病上升的重要因素;酒后驾驶等交通违章行为与每年上升10%的交通伤害死亡率密切相关。  相似文献   
回顾了该研究的思路,指出进行这样的研究,关键是建立一个有代表性的监测系统,针对同一监测人群,开展综合监测,发展规范的现场工作程序,确保获得高质量数据。建立标准的、动态的人口库、出生、死亡和危险因素个案库,是完成这项研究的前提,世界卫生组织专家称这是中国人在流行病学监测中的天才创新。  相似文献   
Management of terror of death and its subsequent reactions has been held to be universal. However, with only a few exceptions empirical efforts have so far been focused on people from North American and European countries. Would Eastern philosophical traditions render differential management of the terror of death? The present research aimed at testing the generality of terror management in Hong Kong Chinese samples. Across four studies, we found robust and consistent mortality salience effects, which attest to the generality of terror management. As in previous studies, compared to control participants, mortality salient participants displayed a stronger ingroup bias in person evaluation (Studies 1, 3). Additionally, we found a robust mortality salience effect on intergroup bias in resource allocation (Studies 2A, 2B, 3), which has not been examined in previous terror management research.  相似文献   
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