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The dual-criteria and conservative dual-criteria methods effectively supplement visual analysis with both simulated and published datasets. However, extant research evaluating the probability of observing false positive outcomes with published data may be affected by case selection bias and publication bias. Thus, the probability of obtaining false positive outcomes using these methods with data collected in the course of clinical care is unknown. We extracted baseline data from clinical datasets using a consecutive controlled case-series design and calculated the proportion of false positive outcomes for baseline phases of various lengths. Results replicated previous findings from Lanovaz, Huxley, and Dufour (2017), as the proportion of false positive outcomes generally decreased as the number of points in Phase B (but not Phase A) increased using both methods. Extending these findings, results also revealed differences in the rate of false positive outcomes across different types of baselines.  相似文献   
Even though couple therapy is efficacious, there is no improvement in up to 50% of the couples. Also effect sizes found in effectiveness studies in real-world settings are considerably lower than those found in efficacy studies. There is a need to understand more about couple therapy effectiveness in practice settings and the factors responsible for different outcomes. A German nationwide study on the effectiveness of couple counseling including 554 couples applied the same methodology as two earlier studies in the same field. A remarkable consistency was found over the three independent studies in the burden with individual and relationship distress as well as in the rates of improvement. This supports the insight that the improvements reached through couple therapy in practice settings are only about half of the effect sizes reached in efficacy trials. Additionally this study investigated 64 factors, which were found to be influential for relationship quality and stability in earlier studies, for their impact on outcome. Factors present at initiation and termination of therapy were found, which correlate significantly with outcome and with separation of the couple in the follow-up. These factors could be included in prediction models for improvement and separation of the couple. The implications for the practice of couple therapy and for future research are discussed.  相似文献   
This paper reports the results of a normative study of the 60-item version of the Boston Naming Test (BNT) in a group of 371 native Dutch-speaking Flemish children between the ages of 6 and 12 years. Analysis of test results revealed that BNT performance was significantly affected by age and gender. The gathered norms were shown to be significantly lower than published norms for comparable North-American children. Error analysis disclosed remarkable similarities with data from elderly subjects, with verbal semantic paraphasias and 'don't know' responses occurring most frequently. Finally, BNT scores were shown to correlate strongly with general intelligence as measured with the Raven Progressive Matrices. The relation between both measures can be of help in the diagnosis of identification naming deficits and impaired word-retrieval capacities.  相似文献   
抑制控制能力是指个体为实现特定目标对干扰性优势反应进行抑制的能力,是一种高级认知能力。该文综述了对非人灵长类抑制控制能力的研究,从抑制控制能力的行为表现,生理机制及其发生、发展几个方面进行了阐述,提供了一个从演化的角度理解人类的抑制控制能力的视角。  相似文献   
错误加工的神经机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
错误加工在认知控制和行为监控中起着关键的作用。监控自己的认知和行为结果,觉察到应该的反应和实际的反应之间的差别(即错误),纠正这种错误并防止再犯是错误加工的主要内容。错误反应或由代表反应错误等负性反馈刺激诱发的ERP相对于正确反应或由代表反应正确等正性反馈刺激诱发的ERP,表现出一个相对负走向的波形变化,称为错误相关负波(error-related negativity, ERN)和反馈相关负波(feedback-related negativity, FRN),两者都定位于前扣回附近。错误加工神经机制的研究主要集中于前扣回与ERN、错误意识与错误加工、ERN与FRN的关系。对于前扣带回和ERN的功能意义的解释主要有错误检测理论、冲突监控理论、强化学习理论和预期违反假说。目前错误加工神经机制的研究在研究内容、研究方法和理论观点等方面还存在些问题,这些可能是未来进一步的研究方向  相似文献   
The present study investigates shared representations of syntactic knowledge in music and action. We examined whether expectancy violations in musical harmonic sequences are also perceived as violations of the movement sequences necessary to produce them. Pianists imitated silent videos showing one hand playing chord sequences on a muted keyboard. Results indicate that, despite the absence of auditory feedback, imitation of a chord is fastest when it is congruent with the preceding harmonic context. This suggests that the harmonic rules implied by observed actions induce expectations that influence action execution. As evidence that these predictions are derived at a high representational level, imitation was more accurate for harmonically incongruent chords than for congruent chords executed with unconventional fingering. The magnitude of the effects of context and goal prioritization increased with musical training. Thus, musical training may lead to a domain-general representation of musical grammar, i.e., to a grammar of action.  相似文献   
从医师的视角浅析医疗差错的辩证观   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
医疗差错是影响医疗安全的最重要因素。有效预防和正确处理医疗差错,需要以科学辩证的认识为前提。当前,我国医院管理实践在一定程度上缺乏对医疗差错的辩证认识,导致在处理上存在些许不足。本文从医师的视角,对如何辩证地认识医疗差错进行浅述。指出,医疗差错在相当程度上源于人的出错之天性和医学的复杂性,广泛存在于医疗实践中,发生具有必然性;虽然从表象上看,医疗差错的原因是局部的,但其本质的原因是系统性的;医疗差错是医疗安全系统运行状况的"指示灯",有助于及时地了解安全系统的薄弱环节,为完善和提升系统安全、提高医疗服务水平提供契机。  相似文献   
概化理论在作文评分中的应用研究   总被引:27,自引:3,他引:27  
刘远我  张厚粲 《心理学报》1998,31(2):211-218
概化理论是现代心理测量理论之一,该文简要地介绍了该理论的基本思想并用此理论对作文评分的误差控制问题进行了应用性探讨。研究中请6位评分员对20名学生每人三种文体的作文用分项评分法进行评定。然后用GENOVA软件的估计了作文评分中的评分员效应和题目效应,并对各种误差构成进行了分析比较。结果表明:在作文评分中,评分员勺最大,题目效应不明显。同时还发现,不同文体对评分误差有重要影响。论文文的评分误差最大,  相似文献   
This paper uses a simulation approach to investigate how different attribute weighting techniques affect the quality of decisions based on multiattribute value models. The weighting methods considered include equal weighting of all attributes, two methods for using judgments about the rank ordering of weights, and a method for using judgments about the ratios of weights. The question addressed is: How well does each method perform when based on judgments of attribute weights that are unbiased but subject to random error? To address this question, we employ simulation methods. The simulation results indicate that ratio weights were either better than rank order weights (when error in the ratio weights was small or moderate) or tied with them (when error was large). Both ratio weights and rank order weights were substantially superior to the equal weights method in all cases studied. Our findings suggest that it will usually be worth the extra time and effort required to assess ratio weights. In cases where the extra time or effort required is too great, rank order weights will usually give a good approximation to the true weights. Comparisons of the two rank-order weighting methods favored the rank-order-centroid method over the rank-sum method. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
前人在项目回忆条件的合作记忆研究中记录到明显的合作抑制和错误修剪,背景提取条件的相关研究尤显不足;同时,情绪效价和编码水平对两类现象调节的研究尚未涉及。为此,本文在两个实验中采用经典合作记忆研究范式,以不同情绪效价的词汇为实验材料并以词汇在学习阶段的呈现颜色为背景展开研究。实验1和实验2分别在学习阶段采用了深编码和浅编码任务,回忆阶段则均含项目回忆(回忆已学词汇)和背景提取(回忆词汇在学习阶段的呈现颜色)两种任务。采用深编码条件的实验1的结果显示,项目回忆比背景提取条件的合作抑制更强、错误修剪更弱,回忆任务与词汇情绪效价交互影响合作抑制强度;采用浅编码条件的实验2则发现错误修剪在两种任务间的差异不显著。两实验的联合分析显示,回忆任务与编码水平交互影响合作抑制和错误修剪强度。上述结果表明:回忆任务对合作抑制和错误修剪的调节支持双重加工模型;回忆任务与情绪效价对合作抑制强度的交互影响支持权衡说,且与双重加工模型相吻合;回忆任务与编码水平交互影响合作抑制和错误修剪强度。  相似文献   
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