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从细节着手围手术期人文关怀   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
人文关怀不是能一蹴而就的工作,而是需要从细节着手贯穿始终的系统工程。作为麻醉医生,与患者的接触通常仅限于围手术期。除了为患者提供高质量的麻醉外,还必须注意围手术期的各种细节问题。只有把术前、术中、术后各个阶段的各种"小事"做好了,才能充分体现对患者的人文关怀。这既有利于患者的健康,也有利于建立良好的医患关系。  相似文献   
明清之际的以儒诠经,内涵之中历史地出现了一个特殊知识群体,自然地包含有四个目的、两大手段和三种具体作为,用话语表述,该文化创造模式可以解释为:明清之际我国伊斯兰教的以儒诠经,是回儒这个文化兼通的特殊知识群体,立足中国,采用汉语,在本土社会语境中,对该宗教经义所做出的再诠释,过程中于公的目的是兴教、明道和补足百家之不足,于私的目的是立个人不朽之言,因而针对本土元素展开了批判(为先),继而有选择地加以借用和融会贯通,同时为伊斯兰教正本清源,再通过以文会友,最终收获了针对外教的释疑并取得某种认同,从而为伊斯兰教适应本土社会赢得了有利机会和条件。  相似文献   
Male mice of the CF-1 strain (Mus musculus) were allowed to take up lone residence in a small territory consisting of a 60-cm enclosure attached by a tubular runway to a standard mouse cage with food, water, and bedding. A group of ten mice, each of which resided in its own separate enclosure for 24 hours, were more aggressive toward intruders than other groups of ten mice following six-hour residence periods, or no such residence. Aggression toward intruders increased in repeated weekly tests of the six-hour residents, but after four weeks of testing did not reach the maximum stable level displayed by the 24-hour residents over four weeks of testing. In another experiment, the 24-hour residence period of groups of 20 CF-1 male mice was disturbed by briefly removing the mouse from the enclosure, before introducing the intruder, at various intervals prior to testing. Removal of the resident five minutes before testing resulted in a marked decrease in aggression toward intruders. Although lesser decreases in aggression followed intervals of 30, 45, and 60 minutes, a 180 minute interval resulted in no appreciable effects compared to undisturbed controls. It is concluded that exposure to the stimuli provided by the enclosure results in an aggressive readiness in the resident mouse which reaches a high level within a 24-hour period.  相似文献   
为了评价多层螺旋CT灌注成像(MSCTPI)指导下急性脑梗死超早期溶栓治疗,对60例发病≤3h临床诊断为脑梗死的患者进行常规颅脑CT扫描,对所有入选病例均进行MSCTPI检查。结果提示,MSCTPI可以超早期诊断急性脑梗死,为早期溶栓及个体化治疗提供影像学证据。  相似文献   
从卦爻辞的内容看其性质   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
根据卦爻辞的形式和内容,我们把它分为三类;直接表述吉凶等断辞的;记述象占的;单纯纪事,无吉凶等断辞的。从性质上来说,《易经》是一部老皇历式的著作。卦爻画表示的是日历。直接表述吉凶的卦爻辞记述的是时日占候。记述象占的卦爻辞表述的是一些行为禁忌,其中的某些卦爻辞也应和时日有关系。单纯纪事的卦爻辞情况则较复杂,有些卦爻辞可能是祈使句,表示此卦爻所当时日内应做某事,有些则是记述的某时日内“名人”“名物”的事迹,供后人参考,有些则可能是些“半拉子工程”。  相似文献   
High levels of androgens are required to organize aggressive behavior in adult male rats. Footshock-induced aggression was tested in Wistar rats allocated to one of three experimental groups: control (oil-injected) males (M), males neonatally injected with the antiandrogen cyproterone acetate (CA), and males treated as in the CA group but gonadectomized just before puberty (CAG). An antiaggressive effect of CA in those adult male rats neonatally treated with this compound was found. Neonatal exposure to cyproterone acetate exerts an antiandrogenic effect over the expression of shock-induced aggressive behavior. The behavioral effects of CA were not countered by adult treatment with testosterone propionate.  相似文献   
先秦情欲论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郭永玉 《心理学报》2001,34(1):82-87
情欲是中国心理学思想史的重要范畴,而先秦情欲论又是这一范畴研究的发端,对后世影响很大。该文从情、欲、情与欲之关系、情欲态度四个方面,探讨了先秦诸子主要是儒、道、墨、法四家的情欲理论,并结合现代心理学和现代人的生活实际进行了初步的评论。  相似文献   
《Psychologie Fran?aise》2023,68(2):209-225
ObjectiveThe perinatal period is a maturation phase characterised by the appearance of a radical psychological and identity crisis, little studied by projective methods, in particular the Rorschach inkblot test. The objective of this article is to offer a list of Rorschach norms and indicators adapted to the perinatal population. This is to comprehend the psychological modifications occurring during pregnancy.Materials and methodThe projective Rorschach inkblot test was presented to a representative sample of 54 pregnant primiparous French women. Based on the scoring and analysis methods of the Parisian School, the quantitative norms from the analysis of the psychogram, the chosen cards, and the mentalization indicators were compared to those of the general population.ResultsWith the exception of F +% and H%, all the normative data for the perinatal population are significantly different from those related to the general population (p .005). On a qualitative level, the interpretation of the data highlights the presence of major inhibition mechanisms, associated with a preconscious functioning stasis.ConclusionThe normative data in Rorschach of the perinatal population should be specifically used for the study and psychological support devoted to this population. It also allows a better understanding of the feminine psychologic modifications during pregnancy.  相似文献   
刘晓东 《管子学刊》2005,(4):107-110
在战国后期的子家著作中,“亡国”一词往往不是用以指陈灭国的事实,而是指称必亡的政治形势,进而也被视作与“王”、“霸”、“危”并立的一种国家类型。作为国家类型的“亡国”,其最明显的特征是君主失制。战国诸子语文中“亡国”含义的多重性表明,上古中国政治思想着眼于如何治理好国家,如何在国际的竞争中生存。这与以城邦为视域的古典希腊政治哲学存在明显不同。  相似文献   
It is argued that self‐regulation skill is necessary both for displaying constructive behaviour and for controlling negative social behaviour, and self‐regulation might affect social behaviours by increasing the ability to understand others' minds. In this research, in order to examine different aspects of self‐regulation and their similarities and differences in terms of their relations with other constructs, we focused on both effortful control and executive function and investigated their concurrent associations with socially competent and aggressive behaviours and theory of mind (ToM). The participants were 212 preschool children in Turkey. We assessed executive functions with behavioural measures and effortful control with mother reports. We used six tasks for comprehensive assessment of mental state understanding. Children's social competency and aggressive behaviour were assessed with teacher reports. Structural equation modelling results showed that when age and receptive language were controlled, ToM was significantly associated with social competence but not aggressive behaviour. Both effortful control and executive functions were significantly related to social competency and ToM; the pathways from each self‐regulation skill were similar in strength. ToM was linked with social competence, but it did not have a mediating role in the relations of self‐regulation with social competence. The findings highlighted the importance of self‐regulation for socio‐cognitive and social development in the preschool years. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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