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Despite the importance of political engagement, the topic has been the subject of little empirical research in developmental psychology, particularly with preadolescent samples. As a commonly available and developmentally appropriate source of media messages, picture books may inform young children about politics and influence their political engagement and aspirations. This study presents a content analysis of all books included on The New York Times best sellers list for children’s picture books from 2012 to 2017. Books were reviewed for depictions of political issues, political processes, political leaders, symbols associated with politics or political leadership, and government employees. Nearly half of the books in the sample included at least one instance of politically relevant content. Relatively few books included depictions of political issues or processes. More books contained depictions of political leaders. Democratic leaders represented were predominantly historical figures, and were largely men and White. Relative to democratic leaders, monarchical leaders were more likely to be girls or women and to be children and were less likely to engage in political processes or decisions. The findings suggest that although many picture books contain some politically relevant content, picture books represent a missed opportunity for many aspects of political socialization.  相似文献   
Bringing empirically supported treatments (ESTs) into community settings is a challenge because of threats to therapy adherence. The nationwide implementation of Parent Management Training—the Oregon Model (PMTO) in Iceland was studied by comparing therapists' competent adherence to PMTO across three generations of therapists. To assess therapists' competence and adherence to the PMTO method, the Fidelity of Implementation Rating System (FIMP) was used as the measuring device. Of 16 therapists across three generations who entered training, 12 completed with certification. As expected, each of the three generations obtained adequate FIMP scores. Generations 1 and 3 showed equivalent levels of performance on FIMP scores at certification. A small drop in FIMP scores for Generation 2 was explained in terms of translating and culturally adjusting materials and strengthening training procedures. Results are parallel to earlier findings from the nationwide PMTO implementation in Norway and support the idea that PMTO can be implemented in community settings with high fidelity even when resources are scarce.  相似文献   
This paper has two main theses. Firstly that Oedipal material is a particular feature of clinical work with adopted children; secondly, that the concept of developmental deficit, and not only that of psychic defence, is essential to an understanding of this aspect of the work with adopted children and their families. Three levels are distinguished at which Oedipal difficulties are manifest: the first two within the individual child and the third within the triangle formed by the child, his adoptive parents and the child psychotherapist. Some consideration is given to the limitations of a conventional treatment framework for containing the powerful Oedipal dynamic forces at play when an adopted child is a patient in individual psychotherapy. Dieser Artikel hat zwei Hauptthesen. Erstens, dass ödipales Material ein besonderes Merkmal der klinischen Arbeit mit adoptierten Kindern ist; zweitens dass das Konzept eines Entwicklungsdefizit, und nicht nur das eines psychischen Abwehrmechanismus, für das Verstehen dieses Aspekts der Arbeit mit adoptierten Kindern und ihren Familien unerlässlich ist. Es werden drei Stufen differenziert, in denen sich ödipale Schwierigkeiten manifestieren: die ersten zwei innerhalb des Kindes und die dritte innerhalb des Dreiecks, das vom Kind, seinen Adoptiveltern und dem Kindertherapeuten gebildet wird. Es werden überlegungen bezüglich der Grenzen des konventionellen Behandlungsrahmens angestellt, inwieweit er die mächtigen ödipalen dynamischen Kräfte, die im Spiel sind, 'containen' kann, wenn ein adoptiertes Kind Patient in individueller Psychotherapie ist. Dans son texte, l'auteur développe deux thèses principales: d'abord, que le matériel ?dipien est d'une importance particulière dans le traitement d'enfants adoptés; et, ensuite, que le concept de trouble déficitaire du développement, en plus de celui de défense psychique, est essentiel pour comprendre cet aspect de la prise en charge d'enfants adoptés et de leur famille. L'auteur distingue trois niveaux auxquels se manifestent la problématique ?dipienne?:?les deux premiers concernent l'enfant lui-même en tant qu'individu, le troisième renvoie au triangle composé de l'enfant, de ses parents adoptifs et du psychothérapeute. Certaines limitations imposées par le cadre thérapeutique traditionnel sont ensuite explorées, notamment par rapport à la possibilité de contenir la puissante dynamique ?dipienne évoquée dès qu'un enfant adopté est pris en psychothérapie individuelle. Questo articolo sostiene due tesi principali. La prima e' che il materiale edipico e' una caratteristica particolare del lavoro clinico con bambini adottati; la seconda e' che il concetto di deficit evolutivo, e non solo quello di difesa psichica, e' essenziale per capire questo aspetto del lavoro con bambini adottati e le loro famiglie. Vengono distinti tre livelli in cui si manifestano le difficolta' edipiche: i primi due all'interno del singolo bambino, il terzo all'interno del triangolo formato dal bambino, dai suoi genitori adottivi e dallo psicoterapeuta infantile. Vengono fatte alcune considerazioni sulle limitazioni che il contesto terapeutico convenzionale ha nel contenere le potenti forze dinamiche edipiche in gioco quando un bambino adottato diventa paziente in terapia individuale.  相似文献   
In understanding delinquency in adolescence the key theoretical papers on the role of oedipal resolution and superego development remain essential and are summarized. To this we need to add our knowledge of trauma and of developmental deficit if we are to offer appropriate strategies for young delinquents and to be able to select those for whom therapy, intervention with the network or containment are appropriate. The defence of activity, commonplace in adolescence, becomes too easily enacted in the network around the delinquent and in the public domain, and thoughts are given on this process and on the roles open to the psychotherapist.

Afin de mieux cerner la délinquance chez l'adolescent, l'auteur passe en revue certains textes théoriques fondamentaux et toujours d'actualité sur l'importance de la dissolution du complexe d'?dipe et de la mise en place du Surmoi. À ces thèmes il convient d'ajouter ce que nous connaissons de l'impact des traumatismes et des défaillances développementales si nous voulons offrir au jeune délinquant des stratégies adéquates et identifier ceux pour qui une modalité particulière d'intervention - thérapie, prise en charge en réseau, structure contenante - semble la mieux indiquée. La défense par mise en acte, fréquente À l'adolescence, trouve trop facilement un écho dans le réseau d'intervenants autour de l'adolescent et dans le champ social ; l'auteur développe ses réflexions À ce sujet et explore les rôles que le thérapeute peut être amené À jouer.  相似文献   
The humiliation and traumatization of political opponents during periods of violent and non-violent conflict can create deadlocked situations with great potential for regression, and may serve to aggravate the conflict or escalate the level of violence. In this article, I will examine this type of regressive dynamic. My point of departure is the current terror situation and the “war against terror” as it is being conducted in different parts of the world. The key concepts in this connection are violations of human rights, victim psychology, group processes and the development of regressive group identities. Political-ideological-religious discourses can serve to mediate between collective unconscious fantasies and the actual misery/humiliation experienced at group and individual levels. They can reinforce an identity as victim, and the significance of this identity is often underestimated when the background of terror and violent conflicts is being analysed.  相似文献   
A fascinating hypothesis has been proposed by Woodley (2010, Intelligence, 38: 471–480) to explain why intelligence, in contemporary Western countries, appears to be positively associated with left wing political attitudes. According to the hypothesis, the current Western ‘norm’ is relatively left-wing values, the intelligent are better at norm-mapping and better at perceiving the benefits of conforming to the dominant set of values and this explains why they are more likely, in this context, to be relatively left wing. This article will critically examine this hypothesis. It will argue that the evidence for it is questionable and open to different interpretations, there is evidence that contradicts it, and it leaves key questions unanswered. The article will propose that a simpler explanation for the association is that intelligence is positively associated with openness-intellect, low time preference and agreeableness.  相似文献   
Violence can threaten individual wellbeing and tear at the social fabric of communities. At the same time, suffering can mobilize social coping and mutual support. Thus, the backdrop of political violence increases risk factors and stimulates resilience. The current study examined the moderating role of social coping as reflective of risk and resiliency in Northern Ireland, a setting of protracted conflict. Specifically, structural equation modeling was used to investigate whether social coping protects from or exacerbates the negative impact of sectarian crime and nonsectarian crime on maternal mental health (N = 631). Nonsectarian crime predicted greater psychological distress for mothers in Belfast. Mixed support was found for the buffering and depletion moderation hypotheses; social coping functioned differently for nonsectarian crime and sectarian crime. Greater social coping buffered mothers’ psychological distress from the negative effects of nonsectarian crime, but exacerbated maternal mental health problems when facing sectarian crime. Results suggest that social coping is a complex phenomenon, particularly in settings of protracted political violence. Implications for interventions aimed at alleviating psychological distress by enhancing mothers’ social coping in contexts of intergroup conflict are discussed.  相似文献   
Through the analysis of Gestalt Therapy workshops organised by a local NGO in southern Chiapas, Mexico, I explore the ways in which psychotherapeutic practice sheds light on indigenous and peasant subjectivation processes. Based on the analysis of testimonies from 23 workshop participants and personal observation, I discuss the role of psychotherapeutic practice in facilitating individual and collective reflexivity, and in fostering political fellowship and participation in community matters. Empirical evidence points to how healing interventions like the one here analysed – especially when implemented in contexts of conflict, material and symbolic dispossession – need to explicitly include work on structural issues of power in order to move beyond decontextualised, and thus depoliticised, reflexivity. This case study aids political ecologists interested in the subjective, emotional and embodied aspects of grassroots activism to comprehend how psychotherapy contributes to the construction of a private-public continuum of emotional expression, and its implication for understanding relationships between subjectivities, emotions and generative political processes.  相似文献   
In this article, we explore the debate on corporate citizenship and the role of business in global governance. In the debate on political corporate social responsibility it is assumed that under globalization business is taking up a greater political role. Apart from economic responsibilities firms assume political responsibilities taking up traditional governmental tasks such as regulation of business and provision of public goods. We contrast this with a subsidiarity-based approach to governance, in which firms are seen as intermediate actors who have political co-responsibilities in society endowed upon them by (inter)national governmental institutions. We argue that both approaches face conceptual and empirical problems, and do not make clear the content and scope of political corporate responsibility. Based on Iris Marion Young’s account of political responsibility we argue that corporate actors and governmental actors have a shared responsibility to tackle societal problems. Taking political corporate responsibility not only entails engaging in private action or engaging in public–private partnerships, but it also includes aiding governmental actors to remedy injustice or even create public institutions where they do not yet exist. By adding this perspective we contribute to the debate on responsibility in corporate citizenship and clarify the political role business can play in global governance.  相似文献   
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