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From a sport and exercise psychology perspective, both the actual and perceived physical fitness become important for motivation towards physical activity and persistent physical activity in children no later than middle childhood (Stodden et al., 2008). To date, the effects of actual and perceived physical fitness have been investigated from a variable-centered approach (Jekauc et al., 2017). However, within this approach, the accuracy of the perceived physical fitness remains unconsidered. As actual and perceived physical fitness levels can be divergent, especially in children due to greater egocentricity and hence less comparison processes (Harter, 2006), also the accuracy of perceived physical fitness should be considered.In total, 462 children from 3rd and, approximately nine months later, from 4th grade participated in this study (Mage = 8.79 years). Third-grade students were assessed on their actual physical fitness, perceived physical fitness, and physical activity. In fourth grade, students were asked to fill out questionnaires that assess motivational regulations and physical activity. Polynomial regressions with response surface analyses were conducted to analyze main effects and accuracy effects of actual and perceived physical fitness on motivation and physical activity. Analyses revealed that children with higher actual and perceived physical fitness levels show greater autonomous motivation, higher current physical activity levels and higher physical activity levels nine months later. In addition, children who perceive their physical fitness more accurately show more current physical activity. Results indicate that the interplay between actual and perceived physical fitness does not only have an effect on physical activity but also on autonomous motivation, which is a predictor for long-term physical activity. Therefore, intervention should focus on the promotion of actual and perceived physical fitness. In addition, the ability to accurately assess fitness should be promoted in this age group.  相似文献   
The present study investigates how perceptions of personality are related to relationship satisfaction in an age-heterogeneous sample of romantic couples. Self- and partner-perceptions as well as perceived similarity and self-other agreement were examined separately for the Big Five personality traits. Results of Actor–Partner-Interdependence Models revealed substantial effects of partner-perceived personality in all Big Five traits on both partners’ relationship satisfaction. In contrast, effects of self-perceived personality on relationship satisfaction were small. Over and above self- and partner-rated personality, perceiving one’s partner as similar to oneself made a small unique contribution to relationship satisfaction in couples. These results emphasize the importance of integrating self- and partner-perceptions of personality for relationships outcomes.  相似文献   
Perceived social support is a multifaceted construct conceptualized as one's cognitive appraisal as to the existence of a connection to others, based on trust, on whom one can rely on when necessary. The aim of this paper is to examine the psychometric properties of perceived social support, using the following scales: Social Support Questionnaire-Short Form (SSQ6) and Social Provisions Scale (SPS), on a sample of 855 first year university students – 575 females and 280 males – enrolled in 16 professional degrees at the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain). The SSQ6 Scale assesses the dimensions of perceived support availability and satisfaction, whilst the SPS Scale assesses its social support functions. The factor analysis conducted confirms the SSQ6 Scale's two-dimensional model and the SPS Scale's six-factor structure. Internal consistency of both scales is satisfactory, as is the evidence of validity obtained from the correlations between the two scales and their subscales. The results reveal that the Spanish version of the SSQ6 and SPS scales are reliable and valid measurements for assessing perceived social support amongst university students.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between perceived growth as a physician (i.e., positive psychological changes experienced as a result of the professional experience) and burnout after controlling for the effects of perceived family support, dispositional resilience, age, and marital status among physicians. Physicians (n = 289) rated perceived support from family and completed the short form of the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory, the Resilience Scale, and Maslach Burnout Inventory. Results of hierarchical regression analyses revealed that the addition of perceived growth significantly improved prediction of resilience and perceived family support for burnout, showing that higher growth, resilience, and family support all were associated with lower levels of burnout. Moreover, the effects of growth on depersonalization, a domain of burnout, were stronger for physicians who perceived a lower level of family support, whereas the effects of growth on personal accomplishment, another domain of burnout, were stronger for physicians who showed a lower level of dispositional resilience. Current results have clinical implications for understanding protective factors for burnout, that is, a sense of personal growth may be a key factor for physicians who may be less resilient or may not perceive strong family support.  相似文献   
The correlation between three conceptions of social presence (seen as 1. a subjective quality of a medium that determines the quality of the communication and perception of others, 2. self-projection onto the group, and 3. identification with the group) and different aspects of perceived learning in online discussion groups were tested. Six hundreds and fifty nine students completed a web-based questionnaire that was distributed via 50 course Websites. Self projection, perception of others and identification with the group correlated positively with each other. They also correlated positively with most aspects of perceived learning. The subjective quality of the medium did not correlate with these conceptions and also did not correlate with any aspects of perceived learning. Thus, social presence may afford learning by setting a convenient climate. Alternatively, it may contribute only to the socioemotional source of perceived learning while leaving cognitive source unaffected.
Avner CaspiEmail:
Few studies have focused on PhD students in France despite the fact that this population appears to be particularly vulnerable to stress and often faces precariousness. This research investigated associations between socio-demographic factors, health behaviours, perceived stress and physical health in a wide sample of PhD students (n = 1923) in order to have a better understanding of this population's specificities. Our results indicated that stress is a critical issue among PhD candidates. Predictors of perceived stress were: gender, age, satisfaction with supervision, sleep quality and sports practice. Findings from this study confirm the relevance of the transactional model to investigate students’ health issues and suggest that physical activity and stress management should be encouraged through health promotion programs.  相似文献   
Bicycles are an environmentally-friendly, energy-saving mode of transportation. Public bike-and-ride is a term used to describe the use of public bicycles combined with transit as a means of transportation. A new stated preference (SP) design scheme based on the factors respondents felt were most important was proposed to augment the traditional SP design under complex multi-factor and multi-level situations. iPads were used to automatically administer the survey under each design scheme and collect the choice behavior data for public bike-and-ride. The concept of perceived psychological distance was further proposed and used to estimate Logit models. Comparative analysis of these models shows for the traditional SP design scheme, some factors, including perceived psychological distance, have reduced statistically significant effects on public bike-and-ride choice relative to the new SP design scheme. This indicates that in scenarios with complex decisions, the decision-makers would reduce their consideration of some factors and simplify their decision process making the new SP survey design scheme more suitable to analyze their choice behavior in those cases. Model analysis showed that perceived psychological distance for each traveler is the most critical factor during the decision process for travel behavior analysis. Finally, sensitivity analysis was conducted to determine which factors in the new survey design were important to increase the share of public bike-and-ride users. Practical findings for promoting public bike-and-ride use are presented in addition to theoretical references for improving the traditional survey methods.  相似文献   
We investigated the factorial structure of the Perceived Stress Questionnaire (PSQ‐recent; Levenstein, Prantera, Varvo et al., 1993) in a large (N = 1516; 35–95 years) population‐based Swedish sample (Nilsson, Adolfsson, Bäckman et al., 2004; Nilsson, Bäckman, Erngrund et al., 1997). Exploratory principal components analysis (PCA) was conducted on a first, randomly drawn subsample (n = 506). Next, the model based on the PCA was tested in a second sample (n = 505). Finally, a third sample (n = 505) was used to cross‐validate the model. Five components were extracted in the PCA (eigenvalue > 1) and labeled “Demands,” “Worries/Tension,” “Lack of joy,” “Conflict,” and “Fatigue,” respectively. Twenty‐one out of the 30 original PSQ items were retained in a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) model that included the five (first‐order) factors and, additionally, a general (second‐order) stress factor, not considered in prior models. The model showed reasonable goodness of fit [χ2(184) = 511.2, p < 0.001; CFI = 0.904; RMSEA = 0.059; and SRMR = 0.063]. Multigroup confirmatory factor analyses supported the validity of the established model. The results are discussed in relation to prior investigations of the factorial structure of the PSQ.  相似文献   
We surveyed 601 Indonesian high school students (57.6% girls, mean age = 16.4 years) and investigated whether perceived career congruence between adolescents and their parents served as moderator between goal orientation (i.e., mastery-approach, performance-approach, and performance-avoid) and career aspirations. Hierarchical regression analyses showed that perceived congruence moderated the effects of mastery-approach and performance-approach, but not performance-avoid, on career aspirations. Mastery-approach orientation was more strongly related to career aspirations when perceived congruence was higher; whereas, performance-prove orientation was more weakly related when perceived congruence was higher. These findings highlight important roles for approach orientations and perceived career congruence between adolescents and their parents in career aspirations of adolescents in collectivist contexts.  相似文献   
This study examines the antecedents and outcomes of perceived similarity in mentoring relationships in a sample of 82 matched mentor-protégé dyads. Polynomial regression analyses were used to examine the association between actual and perceived similarity. Protégés were more likely to see themselves as similar to their mentors when they and their mentors shared either higher or lower levels of attachment security. However, sharing similar levels of relational self-construal was unrelated to protégés perceptions of similarity with their mentors. Path analyses revealed that protégés reported more organizational and professional commitment when they saw themselves as similar to their mentors, and that these associations were mediated by protégés’ reports of their mentors providing role modeling functions. These findings suggest that the effects of actual mentor-protégé similarity on perceptions of similarity may depend on the shared attribute, and provide further evidence of the importance of perceived similarity to not only mentoring relationships, but also to organizations.  相似文献   
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