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吾敬东 《现代哲学》2006,(5):103-108
关于儒家伦理问题的讨论一直是中国哲学史界与伦理学界的一个热门话题,许多学者都抱着真挚的热情与善良的意愿努力开掘儒家传统伦理思想中的精微意蕴,并力图为现实生活与社会提供某种可资借鉴的范本。应当说其中的不少工作都有着深刻的理论价值和一定的现实意义,但也不能不看到,在讨论中有不少关涉核心问题的概念显得比较模糊甚或混乱,主要有伦理与德性、实践与思想、当然与可能、大众与精英、他律与自律、早期(先秦)儒家与后期(宋明)儒家等。对这些不同的概念做一辨析和梳理,将有利于关于儒家伦理问题的讨论在更深入和更精确的层面上进行。  相似文献   
微创医学是一个新的医学理论体系。在具体临床医疗决策过程中如何运用微创医学理论是一个必须解决的理论和实践问题。微创医学人文观、科学观、技术观和社会观是医疗微创化决策思想的主要内容,在实践中具有重要的指导意义,尤其是对于微创手术最佳适应证的选择。  相似文献   
从1909年Johannsen提出基因(gene)一词至2004年以来,因研究基因而获得诺贝尔奖的达53人之多.从材料的选择、科研思想、课题设计、理论实践等方面,分析和探讨这些科学家的成功的因素.  相似文献   
以《神农本草经》中的道家养生思想,结合汉画像石中的羽人仙药图,说明秦汉时期道家养生思想对《神农本草经》的渗透与影响,以及《神农本草经》道家养生思想对后世本草方剂学的重要影响。  相似文献   
从《太玄》看扬雄的人性论思想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一般讲扬雄的人性论,都以《法言》为依据,认为他是“善恶混”派的代表.并认为他的人性论缺乏内在超越的根据,比较接近于荀子。本文认为《太玄》中蕴涵丰富的人性论思想,研究扬雄的人性论,应以《太玄》为基础。扬雄的人性论本于其天道观,有很强的超越性,扬氏以五行为架构,提出了非常具体的超越途径,其思想接近于性善说.  相似文献   
氟化物防龋引发的哲学思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
龋病被世界卫生组织(WHO)列为当代危害人类健康的三大非传染性疾病之一.氟化物可用于预防龋病已得到世界一直公认,但氟过量却可引起氟牙症、氟骨症等氟中毒性疾病,如何适度用氟一直是人们关心的问题.  相似文献   
Only in Bion's extended idea of ‘waking dream thought’ is the oneiric paradigm of the cure (already an obvious Freudian principle) completely applicable. The author's basic hypothesis is that, by adopting this paradigm thoroughly, one can combine the radical antirealism which is expressed in the postulate by which all the patient's communications are transference‐connected (here meaning ‘false connection’‐i.e. as projection/displacement of elements of the patient's inner psychic world) with the ‘reality’ of the transference, that is to say with the conviction that the facts of the analysis are co‐determined by the patient‐analyst dyad and actually rooted in how they interact. The Freudian metaphor of the fi re at the theatre is reintroduced here to suggest the crisis of the therapist's internal setting and capacity for reverie, which occurs when the irreducible ambiguity of the transference is resolved defensively, either in the patient's external reality or in his unconscious fantasy constellation. The author gives three clinical examples. The fi rst shows some of the not necessarily negative effects of this temporary crisis. The other two vignettes show a way of listening to the traumatic events of the patient's life from a perspective (that of the ‘analytic fi eld’) which is thought to be potentially the most transformative and vital to the analytical relationship.  相似文献   
Richard Gelwick 《Zygon》2005,40(1):63-76
Abstract. The linking of Michael Polanyi's name with a center (now changed to another name) at Baylor University that espoused intelligent‐design theory calls for examination of Polanyi's teleology. This examination attempts to put Polanyi's epistemology in the perspective of his total philosophical work by looking at the clarification of teleology in philosophy of biology and in the framework of three major features of Polanyi's thought: open and truth‐oriented, purposive but open to truth, and transcendent yet intelligible. The conclusion is that Polanyi would not support intelligent design according to the nature of his own theory.  相似文献   
论希波克拉底的医学哲学思想   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
被尊称为"西方医学之父"的希波克拉底同时也是当之无愧的"医学哲学之父".希波克拉底的医学哲学思想具有源于而不囿于自然哲学的特征;希波克拉底为医学哲学铸造了基本的理论范式:他对医学哲学的研究对象、研究方法、临床认识主体的人文品格等诸多问题有着原创性的论述,他对医学实践中的普遍问题的研究如医学性质、早期诊断、预后分析、病人个体差异、遗传现象、生理与心理的关系、误诊误治等,为医学哲学理论框架的形成奠定了坚实的基础.  相似文献   
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