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This paper discusses the second volume of Pullman's trilogy in which the quests of the two children to establish the nature of their link to parental objects intersect across time and space. They enter an imaginary world on their journey, and we observe their relationship develop into one of friendship and psychological interdependence. There is a shift from dominant persecutory anxieties towards depressive concern, alongside an increasing capacity to differentiate between hubris and courage, and to depend on the protection and love of surrogate parental figures. Cet article explore le deuxième tome de la trilogie de P. Pullman, dans lequel il décrit l'entrecroisement dans le temps et dans l'espace de la quête menée par chacun des deux enfants pour comprendre la nature de sa relation à ses objets parentaux. Au cours de leur voyage, ils entrent dans un monde imaginaire; nous voyons comment leur relation se mue en amitié et en dépendance psychologique réciproque. Les angoisses persécutrices, auparavant prédominantes, se transforment en souci dépressif pour l'autre; en méme temps, ayant acquis une capacité de plus en plus affinée à distinguer entre orgueil prétentieux et courage véritable, ils se montrent davantage aptes à s'en remettre à la protection et à l'amour de figures parentales de substitution. Questo articolo discute il secondo volume della trilogia di Pullman, nel quale la ricerca di due bambini per scoprire la natura del loro legame con le figure genitoriali si interseca nel tempo e nello spazio. Essi entrano in un mondo immaginario nel loro viaggio e noi osserviamo lo svilupparsi della loro relazione di amicizia e interdipendenza psicologica. Si vede uno spostamento dalle ansie persecutorie dominanti verso un tipo di preoccupazione depressiva, e allo stesso tempo una crescente capacita' di differenziare l'arroganza dal coraggio ed essere dipendenti dalla protezione e amore di figure parentali sostitutive. Dieser Artikel diskutiert den zweiten Band der Pullman Trilogie, in der die Suche der zwei Kinder, die Art ihrer Verbindung zu elterlichen Objekten zu etablieren, sich über Zeit und Raum erstreckt. Sie betreten auf ihrer Reise eine imaginäre Welt und wir beobachten, wie sich ihre Beziehung zu der einer Freundschaft und psychologischen gegenseitigen Abhängigkeit entwickelt. Es findet eine Veränderung von den dominierenden Verfolgungsängsten zu depressiven Sorgen statt, gleichzeitig mit einer wachsenden Fähigkeit, zwischen Anmassung und Mut zu unterscheiden und vom Schutz und der Liebe von Ersatzelternfiguren abzuhängen.  相似文献   
A sixth-grade class investigated the ecologies of two local retention ponds over the course of one school year. In this context, instruction assisted development as students designed models of the pond in one-gallon jars and attempted to stabilize these jars in sustainable ecosystems that could be used to study questions about the ponds. Unintended outcomes (e.g., algal blooms, bacteria colonies) became opportunities to learn how aquatic systems function. Efforts to model aquatic functioning were complemented by weekly research meetings that served as a forum for conjecture and test of relations between evidence and questions. At the end of the year students responded to individual interviews about their understandings of ecology and research design, along with their beliefs about the epistemology of inquiry. Results suggest that participation in carefully crafted, extended investigations transformed students’ views of the goals and purposes of inquiry and of the nature of science.  相似文献   
From an external perspective, cognitive agent behavior can be described by specifying (temporal) correlations of a certain complexity between stimuli (input states) and (re)actions (output states) of the agent. From an internal perspective the agent's dynamics can be characterized by direct (causal) temporal relations between internal and mental states of the agent. The latter type of specifications can be represented in a relatively simple, executable format, which enables different types of analysis of the agent's behavior. In particular, simulations of the agent's behavior under different (environmental) circumstances can be explored. Furthermore, by applying verification techniques, automated analysis of the consequences of the agent's behavior can be carried out. To enable such types of analysis when only given an external behavioral specification, this has to be transformed first into some type of executable format. An automated procedure for such a transformation is proposed in this paper. The application of the transformation procedure is demonstrated for a number of cases, showing examples of the types of analysis as mentioned for different forms of behavior.  相似文献   
In this article we describe some of the benefits and challenges of using self ratings and ratings of the partner to measure empathy and similar terms in couple research. If both members of the dyad are assessed, there will be four measures of the same variable. How to use these 4 measures in research and clinical work is a central question in this paper. We demonstrate 3 different latent models that can be used to analyze these ratings based on different theoretical premises. Using empathy as the independent variable with a longitudinal sample of 275 couples, structural equation models are used to evaluate the strength of these models in predicting relationship satisfaction. The findings indicate that the model that is consistent with the social constructionist perspective that focuses on the perceptions within the same person is a good fit to the data. Other models that compare ratings between members of the dyad do not fit the data well. The results demonstrate that perceptions of empathy do have a significant influence on relationship satisfaction across time, especially for females. However, it is largely males' perceptions of empathy of the self and the partner that influence relationship satisfaction for females.  相似文献   
Stereotype priming can lead to assimilation or contrast effects on behavior. We argue that self-activation is a moderator of both assimilation and contrast effects. To test this hypothesis, in two studies, we activated independent or interdependent self-knowledge before priming participants with the dumb Blonde stereotype or a control category (Study 1) or no prime (Study 2). Participants then answered a knowledge test. Results support our expectations: Participants presented assimilation under interdependence (i.e., underperformance compared to control group) while they presented no assimilation (i.e., comparable performance with control group in Study 1) and contrast (better performance than control group in Study 2) under independence. We discuss implications of these findings in regards of previous research and recent models such as the Active Self Account [Wheeler, S. C., DeMarree, K. G., & Petty, R. E. (2005). The roles of the self in priming-to-behavior effects. In A. Tesser, J. V. Wood, & D. A. Stapel (Eds.), On building, defending and regulating the self: A psychological perspective (pp. 245-271). New York, NY, USA: Psychology Press].  相似文献   
Response grouping is a ubiquitous phenomenon in psychological refractory period (PRP) tasks, yet it hampers the analysis of dual-task performance. To account for response grouping, we developed several extended versions of the standard bottleneck model, each of which incorporates a possible grouping mechanism into this model. Computer simulations were used to assess how the predictions of the standard model would change with each grouping mechanism. One set of simulations investigated the basic effects of grouping on the means and intercorrelation of the reaction times in the two tasks, as well as the percentage of trials with short interresponse times (IRTs). A second set of simulations examined whether response grouping would invalidate the use of PRP paradigms for localizing experimental effects. Finally, we investigated whether the post-hoc elimination of trials with short IRTs removes the contaminating effects of response grouping.  相似文献   
Using growth curve modeling, trajectories of undercontrolled (oppositional, irritable, inattentive and overactive behaviors) and internalizing (worried, sad and fearful) problems from 18 months to 4.5 years were studied in a population based sample of 921 Norwegian children. At the population level, undercontrolled problems decreased and internalizing problems increased with increasing age. Child temperament and family factors present at 18 months predicted 43% of the stability and 20% of the linear changes in undercontrolled problems and 30% of the stability and 7% of the linear changes in internalizing problems. Persisting effects of child and family factors from 18 month were found on the two problem dimensions over and above the impact of changes in the same risk factors. Lower initial level of partner support and higher initial level of child emotionality predicted higher slope of undercontrolled problems and higher initial level of family stress predicted higher slope for internalizing problems. As expected, time to time change (t1 to t2 and t2 to t3) in risk factors predicted time to time change in problem scores as well. The study shows the significance of early emerging internalizing and undercontrolled problems, the need to consider their pathways separately from very young ages, lasting effects of early experiences, and the importance of a dynamic approach to the analysis of risk.  相似文献   
“非典(SARS)”应激反应模式及其特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
童辉杰 《心理学报》2004,36(1):103-109
对中国17个省市1016人面对“非典”疫情的应激反应作了调查。“高发病率区”和“其它地区”的比较发现,在SARS应激反应结构方程模型中,二者有显著差异。而在情绪障碍结构方程模型中,二者无显著差异。所建立的SARS应激反应结构方程理论模型揭示,急性的应激反应中,恐慌是最重要的内容,其次是防御反应,对疫情的认知则起了一种重要的调节、抑制的作用。抑郁和焦虑作为一个人心理健康的指数,对急性的应激反应产生一定影响,而抑郁与焦虑对急性应激反应有更大影响。社会支持作为一种缓冲器与调节器,对SARS应激反应有值得注意的影响。研究揭示了高应激反应者的特征。高恐慌者有高抑郁、焦虑和低社会支持的显著特征;高防御者则有显著的高抑郁焦虑的特征,社会支持无差异;高认知者明显地有低抑郁、高社会支持的特征。  相似文献   
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