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前扣带回在多种任务中的普遍激活使它成为当前认知控制研究的一个热点。一般认为它是执行控制网络的一个组成部分。针对它的功能尚缺乏一个综合的可以普遍接受的理论,前扣带回功能的冲突监测理论是一个影响十分广泛的理论。它认为前扣带回通过监测冲突提供控制信号,并将控制信号传达给具体负责控制的脑区。该文对冲突监测理论的观点及其实验支持做了简要的介绍,并对该理论存在的一些问题做了一些说明  相似文献   
The aim of the present study was to examine different dimensions of memory functioning in young schizophrenics with normal general intellectual abilities. Thirty-three patients with schizophrenia and 33 healthy controls were included in the study. The results suggest that immediate short-term memory is intact, though there emerged a working memory deficit in the schizophrenia group. Deficient encoding of verbal material was observed in some, but not in other, testing conditions. There also seemed to be a retrieval deficit for verbal material in schizophrenia, though no storage deficit was indicated. Impaired memory for non-verbal material was also revealed. These results occurred in a context of intact executive functioning as measured by the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test. The results indicate that temporal and frontal structures, as well as their interconnections, may be compromised in schizophrenia.  相似文献   
Recent experiments have shown that the amplitudes of cortical gamma band oscillatory activities that occur during anesthesia are often greater than amplitudes of similar activities that occur without anesthesia. This result is apparently at odds with the hypothesis that synchronized oscillatory activities constitute the neural correlate of consciousness. We argue that while synchronization and oscillatory patterning are necessary conditions for consciousness, they are not sufficient. Based on the results of a binocular rivalry study of Fries et al. (1997), we propose that the degrees of oscillatory strength and synchronization of neuronal activities determine the degree of awareness those activities produce. On the other hand, the overal firing rates of neurons in cortical sensory areas are not correlated with the degree of awareness the activities of those neurons produce. The results of the experiment of Fries et al. (1997) appear to conflict with the results of another binocular rivalry experiment, in which monkeys were trained to pull a lever in order to report which stimulus object was being perceived (Leopold & Logothetis, 1996). In the latter experiment, it was demonstrated that the firing rates of neurons in striate cortex did not change during perceptual alterations, while 90% of neurons in inferior and superior temporal cortices changed their firing rate when the perceived image changed. This result led to the conclusion that activities in temporal cortex are correlated with visual awareness, but those in striate cortex are not. We argue that activities in temporal cortex contribute little, if anything, to perceptual awareness, and that their primary function is computational. Thus the correlation between the firing rates of neurons in these areas and the responses of the monkeys is due to the recognition of a particular stimulus object, which in turn is due to the computations made there.  相似文献   
双加工理论认为熟悉性和回想是支持情景记忆的两种基本加工过程。一般认为熟悉性和回想都可以支持项目记忆,但只有回想能够支持联结记忆。然而,一体化假说提出,当刺激材料在学习阶段得到一体化编码,形成一个单一、整合的表征时,熟悉性也能够支持联结记忆。以往研究主要利用实验材料的固有特征,或使用定义法、交互表象法来实现对刺激材料的一体化编码,然后通过配对联结再认范式或来源记忆范式验证一体化假说。神经成像研究发现,位于内侧颞叶的嗅周皮层能够支持编码阶段一体化表征的形成和基于熟悉性对一体化表征的提取。未来研究应克服以往研究中存在的方法学缺陷、从功能神经网络的角度考察一体化加工的脑神经机制、并注重一体化编码策略在特殊人群中的应用价值。  相似文献   
隋南  匡培梓 《心理学报》1992,25(1):82-90
本研究的目的是探讨隔区或皮质顶叶在大鼠空间认知加工中的作用。实验观察到隔区或皮质顶叶损毁大鼠Morris迷宫学习或记忆作业成绩显著低于控制组,并发现隔区损毁大鼠主要采用与皮质顶叶或控制组不同的“非国类”搜索策略。搜索策略的差异提示:隔区和皮质顶叶在大鼠图认知加工系统中处于不同的功能层次,隔区具有更重要的作用。  相似文献   
盲人的跨感觉通道重组   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
失去视觉的盲人往往伴随着行为代偿,如听觉和触觉能力的提高。脑成像等认知神经科学研究发现,盲人行为代偿的神经机制之一是大脑皮层的跨感觉通道重组,即盲人的视皮层并没有因为视觉剥夺而失去作用,而是广泛地参与了其他感知觉任务。原本暂时的神经联结由于受到新的感觉信息传入方式的持续激活而固化,从而形成新的神经回路,可能是此类跨通道重组的神经基础。  相似文献   
社会决策中的公平准则一直受到广泛的关注,经济学家和心理学家们分别从动机和认知的角度对这个课题进行了深入探索.在这些工作中,最为突出的是“均等”,“互惠”和“情绪”三个模型的提出.均等和互惠模型试图从动机角度理解个体的公平行为,而情绪模型则更强调个体在公平决策中的认知和情绪的加工过程.近年来脑成像的研究也为这些模型提供了相应的支持,其中与公平准则最密切的脑区是脑岛和背外侧前额叶:前者一般被认为是反映了个体面对不公平待遇时的负性情绪体验;而后者主要负责决策过程中的抑制控制.但这些脑区具体的功能还存在很多争议,反映了不同理论模型对特定脑区功能的不同理解.未来研究应注意三个模型之间的相互补充,以及加强多模态的脑指标的运用,并注重相关脑区的整体性,此外,公平决策行为中的个体差异,以及社会情境对其的影响也应受到重视.  相似文献   
李林  黄希庭 《心理科学进展》2013,21(8):1400-1407
神经机制分析是价值观研究的一种新视角.内稳态机制和情绪反应的固有模式可能体现出价值观的神经生物原型.社会认知神经科学试图从子价值观、价值取向、价值观结构等方面寻找价值观的神经实体证据,也对价值评价、价值决策等相关过程进行了神经活动分析.初步发现了个体价值观与部分脑区活动的相关关系,涉及前额叶-顶叶-颞叶神经网络带的众多大脑结构.未来研究可沿循静态的价值观结构和动态的价值观加工过程两条线路,整合和完善现有分散的神经生理研究,将有助于更系统地理解价值观的神经机制.  相似文献   
自尊是个体对自己总体的情感性评价。自尊有助于促进个体的心理健康,帮助个体应对威胁,具有重要的适应价值。近年来随着社会认知神经科学的兴起,关于自尊的认知神经机制的研究日益增多,主要涉及三个方面:1)自尊与大脑的结构(如海马体积、前扣带回等区域的灰质体积)和功能(静息态下的默认网络活动以及脑区之间的功能联结性)存在一定的关联;2)自尊调节大脑对威胁的反应,与高自尊个体相比,低自尊个体面对威胁时产生更强的防御性反应,自尊通过影响个体面对威胁时的大脑活动帮助个体更好地应对威胁;3)自我评价过程涉及大脑前额叶、眶额叶、扣带回等多个脑区,自尊调节个体在自我评价过程中的大脑活动。总之,自尊作为个体重要的人格特质,与大脑的结构、功能以及活动状态等都具有一定的关系;这些发现在一定程度上揭示了自尊的神经机制,加深了对自尊及其功能的理解。  相似文献   
Acquired social disinhibition refers to a debilitating behavioural syndrome commonly reported after a severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) and is characterized by inappropriate social behaviour, often described as immaturity and insensitivity towards others. These behaviours can have enduring effects on the social capability of the individual and their relationships with others. However, research into socially disinhibited behaviour after TBI has been thwarted by a lack of consensus in the literature on definition and measurement. This review provides an overview of our current understanding of the definition, measurement, prevalence, associated outcomes, neuropathology, and underlying mechanisms of social disinhibition after TBI. In addition, suggestions are made for future research to further our understanding of this syndrome with the eventual aim of rehabilitating problematic behaviours. It is concluded that an improved understanding of what causes disinhibited behaviour after TBI will be necessary for the development of effective treatment strategies aimed at the rehabilitation of underlying impairments.  相似文献   
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