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张岚  范方  耿富磊 《心理科学》2013,36(2):395-400
以1021名高中生为被试,于震后18个月用儿童焦虑性情绪筛查量表、父母教养方式问卷、青少年自评生活事件量表等进行评估,探索震后继发的负性生活事件、父母教养方式对青少年焦虑的影响。结果发现:震后18个月都江堰地区青少年焦虑问题仍较为严重;青少年的父亲、母亲过度保护和父亲关怀对震后焦虑问题有直接影响;负性生活事件对青少年焦虑影响显著,母亲过度保护和父亲自主性对这种关系调节作用显著。  相似文献   
在中国传统的道德取向中,既有皮亚杰、科尔伯格的“道德公正”,也有吉利根、诺丁斯的“道德关怀”,但是,这两种道德取向在中国社会是以“差序格局”的样态运作的,即以“差序公正”和“差序关怀”的形式存在于中国人的道德判断中。“差序公正”和“差序关怀”的概念准确地表征了中国人道德取向的集体偏见。随着改革的不断深入,各项制度的不断建立和完善,人们的现代化层次不断提高,这种集体偏见正在逐渐得到克服和纠正。  相似文献   
Empathy is often studied at the individual level, but little is known about variation in empathy across geographic regions and how this variation is associated with important regional-level outcomes. The present study examined associations between state-level empathy, prosocial behavior, and antisocial behavior in the United States. Participants were 79,563 U.S. residential adults who completed measures of cognitive and emotional empathy (i.e., perspective taking and empathic concern). Information on prosocial and antisocial behavior was retrieved from publicly available government databases. All indices of empathy were related to lower rates of violent crime, aggravated assault, and robbery. Total empathy was associated with higher well-being and higher volunteer rates. Implications for geographic variation in empathy, prosocial behavior, and antisocial behavior are discussed.  相似文献   
Previous research with parents and children with developmental disabilities indicated that the relationship between mothers’ responsive style of interaction and children's rate of development was mediated by the simultaneous relationship between mothers’ responsiveness and children's social engagement, or pivotal behavior. In this study, we attempted to determine whether children's pivotal behavior might also mediate the relationship between responsiveness and child development in a sample of 165 typically developing toddlers and their Taiwanese parents. Child development was assessed with a parent report measure of children's symbolic behavior. Parental responsiveness and children's pivotal behavior were assessed from observations of parent–child play. Results indicated that parental responsiveness was correlated with children's pivotal behavior, and that both of these variables were correlated with children's symbolic behavior. Structural equation models indicated that the relationship between responsiveness and children's symbolic behavior was fully mediated by children's pivotal behavior.  相似文献   
A large body of research has focused on the negative consequences associated with spiritual struggles, with little consideration to the potential positive aspects of these experiences. To fill this void in literature, we investigated the relationship between spiritual struggles and state compassion using film methodology. The results of this study show that the moral concerns component of spiritual struggles is the only one that predicted feelings of compassion, and this relation was not explained by other individual differences factors. The results demonstrated that one facet of spiritual struggles can predict positive outcomes, such as compassion.  相似文献   
中西文化比较有一种强势话语误导,即认为中国古代文化忽视人的价值。这是片面的。相反,中国文化的特质就是以人为终极关怀的人本文化,而不是像西方一样诉诸宗教信仰的神本文化。中国传统文化以人为终极关怀的价值观主要体现在几个方面:人与万物相比,以人的生命和道德理义为终极关怀;在国家和社会生活中,以民(人)为终极关怀;在对待人本身的道德理想问题上,以人格意志为终极关怀。中国文化对人的终极关怀的思想是最为值得珍贵的文化财富。它所包含一些优秀的思想仍然对我国当代以人为本价值观在人的内涵、人的素质培育、人的全面发展的具体内容和途径等的理解方面有重要的价值和意义。  相似文献   
To read this article's abstract in both Spanish and Mandarin Chinese, please visit the article's full‐text page on Wiley InterScience ( http://interscience.wiley.com/journal/famp ). This article presents an emergent conceptual model of the features and links between cumulative disadvantage, maternal distress, and parenting practices in low‐income families in which parental incarceration has occurred. The model emerged from the integration of extant conceptual and empirical research with grounded theory analysis of longitudinal ethnographic data from Welfare, Children, and Families: A Three‐City Study. Fourteen exemplar family cases were used in the analysis. Results indicated that mothers in these families experienced life in the context of cumulative disadvantage, reporting a cascade of difficulties characterized by neighborhood worries, provider concerns, bureaucratic difficulties, violent intimate relationships, and the inability to meet children's needs. Mothers, however, also had an intense desire to protect their children, and to make up for past mistakes. Although, in response to high levels of maternal distress and disadvantage, most mothers exhibited harsh discipline of their children, some mothers transformed their distress by advocating for their children under difficult circumstances. Women's use of harsh discipline and advocacy was not necessarily an “either/or” phenomenon as half of the mothers included in our analysis exhibited both harsh discipline and care/advocacy behaviors. Maternal distress characterized by substance use, while connected to harsh disciplinary behavior, did not preclude mothers engaging in positive parenting behaviors.  相似文献   
Based on an action-theoretical conceptualization, this research examined the family career development project in Chinese Canadian families. Six families, each composed of a parent and adolescent, participated in a videotaped conversation to determine a family career development project that was subsequently monitored over a 6-month period and followed up with a second videotaped conversation. The further analysis of these data from a larger data set of 20 Chinese Canadian and European Canadian families resulted in the delineation of several properties of the career development project in Chinese Canadian families, including the importance of the parental agenda, the adolescent’s involvement, parental communication of convincing reasoning, and the adolescent’s withholding and withdrawing response. The findings also indicated that a family career development was central to other higher order projects in the family, including the relationship and cultural projects. The data supported the understanding of project as joint goal-directed action over time and as the basis on which career development influence was organized in these families.  相似文献   
Loewald's understanding of ego development offers a way to conceptualise, from a psychoanalytic perspective, those aspects of religious experience that can reflect or contribute to the enrichment of the ego, in contradistinction to the defensive and regressive elements of religious experience that have been well detailed in the psychoanalytic literature in the past. In Loewald's view, a dynamic and metabolic interplay between ego and reality characterises the developmental process. With increasing levels of internalisation, differentiation, individuation and integration, ego and reality are restructured into increasingly resilient and durable forms. An ongoing dialectical tension between separation and reunion provides the driving force for development. Loewald's emphasis on the synthetic rather than defensive aspects of ego functioning forms the basis for his characterisation of sublimation as a 'genuine appropriation' rather than a defence, thus opening up one way to understand non-defensive aspects of religious experience from a psychoanalytic perspective. In the course of this exploration of Loewald's view of ego development and its implications for an understanding of religious experience, the author offers perspectives on Freud's views of religion, on some extreme forms of religious fundamentalism, and on the dynamics of 'mature' faith as illuminated by Loewald's developmental theory.  相似文献   
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