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Innovation is important to organizations’ long‐lasting success, yet many organizations fail to successfully promote innovation. One factor likely to bear an important influence on whether an organization successfully innovates, but that has received relatively little research attention, is the personality of the CEO. The present research examines the link between the personality of the CEO and product and service innovation in the firm using a unique sample of Fortune 1000 CEO's. Results show that conscientiousness in the CEO negatively predicts the level of innovation in the firm. Moreover, this relationship is evident among CEO's who have filled the CEO role for at least 3 years, but not among CEO's who have filled the CEO role for less than 3 years.  相似文献   
Organizations and the larger socio-economic environment have always presented the context in which careers unfold and evolve over time. One notable change is that promotion opportunities have been drastically reduced as organizations flatten their hierarchies and restructure. Reduced commitment by both organizations and their members are increasingly characteristic of the emerging employment relationship. This study investigated an alternative to mobility opportunity in a blue-collar unionized sample and finds that perceived role enhancement opportunity (i.e., expanding task complexity and more autonomy in the near future) related positively to attitudinal outcomes historically associated with promotion opportunity (i.e., organizational commitment, work involvement, and career opportunity satisfaction) and, in fact, explained more criterion variance. This was especially true of incumbents with two or less years of position tenure.  相似文献   
This study examined the moderating effect of exchange ideology on the relation between perceptions of organizational politics and manager-rated retention. Data collected from 178 employees of a distribution services organization indicated that employees’ perceptions of organizational politics related negatively related to manager assessments of retention. However, the variables were only related among employees with a moderate to strong exchange ideology. These individuals were more sensitive to a political environment than individuals with a weak exchange ideology. Implications for employees seeking to actively manage their careers are discussed.  相似文献   
The use of company web pages to attract prospective job applicants has experienced tremendous growth in recent years. To date, very little is known about the process by which recruitment web sites influence individuals’ desire to pursue employment with an organization. This study attempts to address this issue by using an experimental design to investigate the relationships among recruitment web site orientation, individuals’ expectations concerning the use of Internet technology, web site usability, and organizational attractiveness. Survey results from 252 business students indicated that web site orientation and outcome expectancy influenced organizational attractiveness perceptions through influencing the perceived usability of the website. The implications of such results for firms interested in using recruitment web sites to attract applicants are discussed.  相似文献   
The goal of this study is to show the relevance of organizational justice principles in interventions to prevent psychosocial risks. Following an introduction identifying organizational justice as a predictor of health and quality of work life, we illustrate its application to a diagnosis and an intervention for hospital staff. The responses of 685 employees to a questionnaire identified a lack of support and justice by managers; thus, sensitivity to organizational justice was incorporated into a training program on management and psychosocial risks. A quasi-experiment in which hospital staff participated revealed a beneficial effect of the manager training on justice perceptions of the staff, confirming in part our hypotheses. The illustration in our study of the benefits of using justice principles in manager training offers new perspectives for promoting quality of life at work and reducing psychosocial risks.  相似文献   
Innovative practice occurs when a clinician provides something new, untested, or nonstandard to a patient in the course of clinical care, rather than as part of a research study. Commentators have noted that patients engaged in innovative practice are at significant risk of suffering harm, exploitation, or autonomy violations. By creating a pathway for harmful or nonbeneficial interventions to spread within medical practice without being subjected to rigorous scientific evaluation, innovative practice poses similar risks to the wider community of patients and society as a whole. Given these concerns, how should we control and oversee innovative practice, and in particular, how should we coordinate innovative practice and clinical research? In this article, I argue that an ethical approach overseeing innovative practice must encourage the early transition to rigorous clinical research without delaying or deferring the development of beneficial innovations or violating the autonomy rights of clinicians and their patients.  相似文献   
越轨创新行为是破除创新瓶颈, 摆脱“创新者的窘境”的有效手段, 是新时代创新的重要途径。目的的合理性和行为的偏离性, 使越轨创新行为同时具有了“忠诚”和“叛逆”的色彩。以越轨创新究竟是“忠诚”还是“叛逆”这一问题作为切入点, 分别从越轨创新行为的测量、形成机制和影响效能角度构建了一个围绕越轨创新行为的系统性研究。子研究1:基于创新过程视角, 探讨中国组织情境下越轨创新行为的结构维度, 开发本土化量表。子研究2:分别从个体、领导和组织三个层次、动态探讨越轨创新行为的形成机制。子研究3:基于事件系统理论, 从越轨创新成功/失败两方面, 构建和验证越轨创新行为对组织效能的影响机制。三个子研究相互联系并逐步递进。理论贡献在于深化学术界对越轨创新行为的理解, 推动越轨创新理论的构建, 并且拓展越轨理论、创新理论、积极组织行为学理论及事件系统理论的应用。  相似文献   
Since reform and opening-up began in 1978, Chinese Marxist philosophy has undertaken the double mission of enhancing the emancipation of the mind in society and of realizing its own ideological emancipation. It has gone through an evolutionary process from “extensive discussion about the criterion of truth” to “reform of philosophical textbooks”; from the proposal of the philosophical conception of “practical materialism” to reflection on “modernity”; and from the carrying-out of dialogues among Chinese, Western, and Marxist philosophies to the exploration of “new forms of civilization.” Chinese Marxist philosophy has shifted its way of doing research with practical materialism as a core conception, and it changed such modes of thinking as the intuitive theory of reflection based on na?ve realism, the theory of linear causality based on mechanical determinism, and the reductionism of essence based on abstract substantialism. As a result, it has boosted changes that were already underway in Chinese philosophy, worldviews, theories of truth, conceptions of history, and views of development, and it has further endowed the discourse system of Marxist philosophy with laudable subjectivity and originality.  相似文献   
相对剥夺感与社会适应方式:中介效应和调节效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
马皑 《心理学报》2012,44(3):377-387
以6175名17岁以上的个体为被试, 采用四种自编问卷考察了相对剥夺感对创新和反叛这两种社会适应方式的影响, 归因方式在其中的中介作用和调节作用, 同时还考察了反叛在相对剥夺感和创新关系中的调节作用。结果发现:①相对剥夺感对创新和反叛具有正向预测作用, 相对剥夺感越高, 创新和反叛的程度越强烈; ②归因方式对相对剥夺感和创新的关系起部分中介作用, 对相对剥夺感和反叛的关系起部分中介作用; ③归因方式在相对剥夺感和反叛的关系中起调节作用, 能增强相对剥夺感和反叛之间的关系; ④在下层阶层中, 反叛在相对剥夺感和创新的关系中起调节作用, 能减弱相对剥夺感和创新之间的关系。综上所述可以认为, 相对剥夺感对社会适应方式具有正向预测作用; 归因方式对相对剥夺感与社会适应方式的关系起部分中介作用; 在弱势群体阶层中, 反叛能减弱相对剥夺感对创新的直接影响。  相似文献   
Although organizations increasingly rely on teams to innovate, little systematic knowledge exists about how to design teams to do so. Building on the model of collaborative creativity and innovation and synthesizing findings from published and unpublished studies, this meta-analysis examines the role of team design on team creativity and innovation. We used random-effects meta-analysis to cumulate the correlations between different features of team design and team creativity or team innovation from 134 field studies representing 11,353 teams and 35 studies representing 2,485 student teams. We found that team tenure is curvilinearly related, autonomy-supportive leadership, task interdependence, and goal interdependence are positively related, and demographic diversity and team size are unrelated to team creativity and innovation. Examining meta-analytic path models, we found that task interdependence and supportive leadership positively relate to team creativity and innovation via team collaboration and team potency. In accounting for the literature, we found a dearth of studies examining team processes, some types of diversity such as racial diversity, and the role of team member turnover. We conclude by providing directions for future research and practical guidance about increasing team creativity and innovation through team design.  相似文献   
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