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This paper presents a new nonlinear cognitive map of social evolution— sharply departing from the conventional 19th century‐based theories of linear stages from barbarism to civilization. It draws from a data base that includes the whole of humanity (both its female and male halves). And it takes into account new data from archaeology indicating that civilization is not only thousands of years older than previously thought, but originally oriented more closely to what the author calls a Partnership rather than a Dominator model of social organization. Covering over 25,000 years of social history, this article charts major technological phase changes—from the agricultural revolution circa 10,000 years ago to the industrial and more recently electronic revolutions or modern times—from the perspective of the tension between the Dominator and Partnership models. Most critically, it shows how the present period of social disequilibrium leads us to either an evolutionary breakdown or breakthrough, with the determining factor not technology per se, but rather how effectively and quickly we shift to a social organization orienting primarily to partnership rather than domination.  相似文献   

The electrical resistivity of bulk semiconducting amorphous TlxSe100?x alloys with 0 ≤ x ≤ 25 has been investigated up to a pressure of 14 GPa and down to liquidnitrogen temperature by use of a Bridgman anvil device. All the glasses undergo a discontinuous pressure-induced semiconducting-to-metal transition. X-ray diffraction studies on the pressure-recovered samples show that the high-pressure phase is the crystalline phase. The pressure-induced crystalline products are identified to be a mixture of Se having a hexagonal structure with a = 4·37 Å and c = 4·95 Å and TlSe having a tetragonal structure with a = 8·0 Å and c = 7·0 Å  相似文献   
Stacking fault tetrahedra (SFTs) are known to form during the rolling process of face-centered cubic metals and to deteriorate their structural properties. However, the atomistic mechanism of formation and destruction of SFTs during such material processing is still unclear. We have performed molecular dynamics simulations of the nanoscale cryo-rolling process for single-crystal nickel and here report the mechanism behind the formation and collapse of SFTs. It is found that SFTs are formed through dissociation of Shockley partial dislocation loops in the specimen. On the other hand, destruction of SFTs occurs under compressive stress and follows an inverse Silcox-Hirsch mechanism.  相似文献   
The kinetic reaction in a Ni-coated Al nanoparticle with equi-atomic fractions and diameter of approximately 4.5 nm is studied by means of molecular dynamics simulation, using a potential of the embedded atom type to model the interatomic interactions. First, the large driving force for the alloying of Ni and Al initiates solid state amorphization of the nanoparticle with the formation of Ni50Al50 amorphous alloy. Amorphization makes intermixing of the components much easier compared to the crystalline state. The average rate of penetration of Ni atoms can be estimated to be about two times higher than Al atoms, whilst the total rate of inter-penetration can be estimated to be of the order of 10?2 m/s. The heat of the intermixing with the formation of Ni50Al50 amorphous alloy can be estimated at approximately ?0.34 eV/at. Next, the crystallization of the Ni50Al50 amorphous alloy into B2-NiAl ordered crystal structure is observed. The heat of the crystallization can be estimated as approximately ?0.08 eV/at. Then, the B2-NiAl ordered nanoparticle melts at a temperature of approximately 1500 K. It is shown that, for the alloying reaction in the initial Ni-coated Al nanoparticle, the ignition temperature can be as low as approximately 200 K, while the adiabatic temperature for the reaction is below the melting temperature of the nanoparticle with the B2-NiAl ordered structure.  相似文献   
Investigators often use mass perturbation of body segments as an experimental paradigm to study movement coordination. To analyze the effect of mass perturbation on small-amplitude oscillations, the authors linearize the equation of motion of a single segment moving in a vertical plane and derive the effect of added mass on the undamped eigenfrequency, the relative damping, and the low-frequency control gain of the segment. Mass addition results in a decrease in both the relative damping and the low-frequency control gain; the undamped eigenfrequency increases for mass addition between the pivot point and R0 (where R0 is the length of a point mass pendulum whose undamped eigenfrequency is identical to that of the unperturbed segment), decreases for mass addition beyond R0, and remains unaffected for mass addition at R0. For a typical lower leg + foot segment, R0 is just proximal to the ankle joint. That location may explain the absence of an effect on oscillation frequency in studies in which mass has been added to the ankle. The authors' analysis provides a basis for a more effective application of mass perturbations in future experiments.  相似文献   
This is the first of two articles in which we describe how infants adapt their spontaneous leg movements to changes in posture or to elicitation of behaviors by a mechanical treadmill. In this article, we compare the kinematics of kicks produced by 3-month-old infants in three postures, supine, angled (45°), and vertical, and examine the changes in muscular and nonmuscular force contributions to limb trajectory. By manipulating posture we were able to assess the sensitivity of the nascent motor system to changes in the gravitational context. The postural manipulation elicited a distinct behavioral and dynamic effect. In the more upright postures, gravitational resistance to motion at the hip was 4 to 10 times greater than resistance met in the supine posture, necessitating larger muscle torques to drive hip flexion. Kicks produced in the vertical posture showed a reduction in hip joint range of motion and an increase in synchronous joint flexion and extension at the hip and knee. At the same time, hip and knee muscle torques were also more highly correlated in kicks performed in the vertical than in the supine or angled posture. This increased correlation between muscle torques at the hip and knee implicates anatomical and energetic constraints—the intrinsic limb dynamics—in creating coordinated limb behavior out of nonspecific muscle activations.  相似文献   
Three experiments were conducted to examine proactive and retroactive interference effects in learning 2 similar sequences of discrete movements. In each experiment, the participants in the experimental group practiced 2 movement sequences on consecutive days (1 on each day, order counterbalanced across participants) followed by retention tests on the third day. In all, 2 out of 8 target locations differed between the 2 sequences. Experiment 1 established the nature of the interference effects in the present setup. Clear evidence was found for button-specific proactive and retroactive interference effects. Experiments 2 and 3 further probed the mechanisms underlying those effects, by varying the numbers of repetitions (50 or 250) of the 1st and 2nd sequence (Experiment 2) and the hand, dominant or nondominant, with which the sequences were practiced (Experiment 3). Experiment 2 showed that after a mere 50 repetitions, the representation of the movement structure was strong enough to evoke the effects observed in Experiment 1. Experiment 3 revealed that learning with the dominant hand did not result in more pronounced interference effects compared with learning with the nondominant hand. In combination, these results suggest that changes in the representation of the movement structure are primarily responsible for the observed interference effects.  相似文献   

Stensson J. Sexual Identity and Choice of Sexual Object: From Bisexuality to Implicate Order. Int Forum Psychoanal 1992; 1:93-97. Stockholm. ISSN 0803-706 X

Freud's concept of bisexuality leads to contradictory consequences. Seeing choice of sexual object in the light of unconscious primal phantasies as coding systems, unfolds new possibilities. Taking the primal scene phantasy as a preconceptual code for mature sexuality, I make a limited and preliminary attempt to outline some possible outcomes of interactions between primal scene and oral phantasies, taking help from the theoretical physicist David Bohm's ideas on implicate order.  相似文献   
This paper is based on my experience of working in an outpatient centre for adolescents at risk in a North London borough. The paper focuses on the pressures encountered when adolescent patients want to stop treatment prematurely, and on the risks of re-enactment in the transference. Clinical material is presented from the treatment of an adolescent girl who resorted to cutting herself when she had to face new developmental stages. Her unresolved Oedipal anxieties as well as possible meanings of the nature of her self-destructive behaviour are explored. Finally I attempt to explore how my struggles with letting her go contributed to her psychic development, which has continued since the end of the therapy.  相似文献   
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