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The declining job satisfaction of women white-collar workers reported by J. Veroff, E. Douvan, and R. A. Kulka (1981, The Inner American: A self-portrait from 1957 to 1976, New York, Basic Books) is explored through secondary analyses of their data from two national cross-sectional surveys conducted in 1957 and 1976. Analyses were done using data from 258 women in 1957 and 372 women in 1976 in white-collar jobs. Multivariate contingency table analyses were used first to explore the separate effects of type of white-collar employment, whether or not the job was sex segregated, age, birth cohort, and education on job satisfaction declines. The decline in job satisfaction was found to be greater for women in sex-segregated occupations that in mixed-sex ones. In addition, while all white-collar women express increased dissatisfaction with ego-involving aspects of work, those in sex-segregated fields showed the greatest increases in job dissatisfactions in affiliative and achievement spheres. Neither type of white-collar employment nor birth cohort related to differential job satisfaction declines though age and education changes did. The final multivariate analysis demonstrated that the changing age and educational characteristics of job holders in sex-segregated fields accounted for the greater job satisfaction declines for these women, and that sex segregation did not appear to affect job satisfaction beyond changes related to these demographic factors.  相似文献   
Using the classical clinico-anatomical correlation method of the French clinical school, Paul Broca confirmed the localization of "language" in the frontal lobe. He actually discovered the lateralization of language in the left hemisphere. These contributions eventually led to the demise of the older concept of the "sensorium commune," because Broca's ideas implied the presence of motor functions in the hemispheres. Although Broca worked within the theoretical motif of the "faculty" psychology, the reflex-oriented "associationist" psychology soon became the predominant theoretical framework of localization, because it accommodated the motor aspect of hemispheric function. Since Broca's time, the study of the biology of language has proceeded along two parallel but sometimes separate lines in the experimental and clinical traditions.  相似文献   
To find clues to cultural meanings of highly popular and highly unpopular occupations from SVIB-W, 227 women-in-general subjects judged nine popular and nine unpopular titles on 26 semantic-differential scales. The ranges of prestige and femininity judgments were deliberately restricted, in the hope that less understood stereotypes would stand out independently of these familiar variables. Eleven scales effectively differentiated popular from unpopular occupations. These 11 polarities (a) both confirmed and disconfirmed common-sense predictions; (b) suggested themes that were not “WIG-bound,” themes probably relevant to parallel judgments in a male subculture; and (c) often echoed variables that have been treated elsewhere as “work-adjustment” needs, such as “variety,” “independence,” and “security.” Scale intercorrelations were low, with only a sprinkling of moderate relationships present; many scales helpfully tapped stereotypes that emerged independently of status perceptions. The role of a “femininity” variable remained ambiguous. Inspection of scale interrelationships suggested that factor structures of meaning in an occupational context will differ importantly from well-known structures displayed by general semantic judgments.  相似文献   
Twenty-four kindergarten and fourth grade children were asked to locate a display card which had been visually or verbally presented. A probe, which identified the card to be located, was presented verbally and visually equally often. The children's ability to recall the location of an item did not differ as a function of the modality to which the material was presented. Nor was recall significantly affected when the presentation modality differed from the probe modality, suggesting that children as young as 5 can cross these sensory modalities to retrieve material with no loss in accuracy. Serial position curves suggest that the verbal and visual material is not stored in a common intersensory store. The primacy effect is found to be stronger with visually presented material and the recency effect strongest with auditorily presented material. Probe modality did not influence the serial position curves.  相似文献   
Temporal sequencing of verbal materials (digits, words, and geometric forms) presented in two sensory modalities (auditory and visual) to three groups of subjects (Broca's with left anterior lesions, patients with right hemisphere lesions, and normals) was examined. Each subject was asked to point to a set of stimuli in the same sequence as presented by the examiner. Results indicated that patients with left hemisphere lesions were more impaired on all tasks than the right hemisphere lesioned patients who, in turn, were impaired compared to normal controls. Response to auditory presentation was superior to response to visual presentation. Also, digits were the easiest for all groups, and words were easier than geometric forms. Of special interest was the finding which suggested that right hemisphere lesions are associated with impairment of verbal temporal sequencing under either auditory or visual presentation.  相似文献   
A scale designed to measure and identify antecedents of educational-vocational indecision was administered to a variety of college student groups expected to differ in career-decidedness. Results indicate that the scale is reliable, appears to discriminate career-decided from career-undecided students, and is responsive to interventions designed to alleviate educational-vocational indecision. A factor analysis of the scale yielded four factors: need for structure, perceived external barriers, positive choice conflict, and personal conflict. The instrument has potential for diagnostic, criterion, and conceptual purposes related to career indecision.  相似文献   
This study investigated the relationships among fear of success, locus of control, and vocational indecision in college students and the extent to which these relationships are moderated by sex and ability. Subjects, 103 female and 98 male undergraduate students, were administered measures of fear of success, locus of control, and career indecision. In addition, American College Test (ACT) composite scores were available for 154, or 77%, of the subjects. Results indicate that vocationally undecided college students are more external in their locus of control, are more fearful of success, and have lower ACT scores than decided students. Multiple regression analyses for the prediction of vocational indecision yield mixed results, as the power of prediction of the independent variables of locus of control and fear of success were influenced by the sex and ability level of the student. Results, implications for future vocational indecision research, and implications for counseling assistance of vocationally undecided students are discussed.  相似文献   
Sixty-four subjects, divided into four groups of 16 according to sex and familial sinistrality (FS), were given a lateralized Object-Naming Latency Task (ONLT) and a Lexical Decision Latency Task (LDLT). Both tasks showed RVF superiorities. On the ONLT a sex × FS × visual field interaction was obtained, with FS− females and FS+ males showing comparably smaller RVF superiorities than FS+ females and FS− males. On the LDLT an FS by Stimulus Type (word-nonword) interaction was found, FS− subjects being more RVF superior for nonword trials and FS+ subjects more RVF superior for word trials. If one compared only FS− males and females, as some studies have done, greater RVF superiorities obtained for males than females on both the ONLT and word trials of the LDLT. However, FS+ subjects showed the opposite pattern. The data support neither the simple model of FS nor sex influence on language laterality. Data aslso suggest that a history of maternal versus paternal left-handedness may affect lateralization differently in the sexes.  相似文献   
An approach to the conceptualization and facilitation of women's career development based on Bandura, 1977, Bandura, 1977, 84, 191–215) self-efficacy theory is presented. The model presented postulates that largely as a result of socialization experiences, women lack strong expectations of personal efficacy in relationship to many career-related behaviors and, thus, fail to fully realize their capabilities and talents in career pursuits. Sex differences in the access to and availability of four sources of information important to the development of strong expectations of personal efficacy are reviewed and discussed in relationship to women's career decisions and achievements. The utility of the proposed model for integrating existing knowledge of women's career development, for generating productive avenues of inquiry, and for guiding intervention efforts is discussed. The conceptual framework provided is seen as having implications for the career development of men as well as women, but the focus herein is on its potential for contributing to knowledge of the career development of women.  相似文献   
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